
 a /ei/ name cake table date face game  
/æ/ apple cat map am and back catch 
/e/ any anything anybody many 
/ɔ:/ water
/ɔ/ what watch want wash was 
/α:/ ask dance class fast past
b /b/ book big bag box 
c /k/ cat cake cup clock car
 /s/ face nice pencil city 
d /d/ desk doll dog dad 
e /i:/ he she these be we me 
/e/ elephant egg bed pen desk bell best
/i/ English England
f /f/ fine friend fly foot fan 
g /ɡ/ gun glass glad glove 
/dз / age orange encourage
h /h/ hat he house hand 
i /ai / fine bike five ice driver night
/i/ is sit miss pig picture begin river
j /dз/ jeep jam jacket jar 
k /k/ kite cake black thank 
l /l/ leg left ruler flag lamp 
/l/ apple bowl tell old 
m/m/ am map my mouth milk 
n /n/ no know new hand 
/əu/ old home nose coke over close go
/ɔ/ dog not clock box from box cost
/Λ/ son mother love brother come front
/u:/ move do who whose lose
/u/ woman
p /p/ map jeep pig pen apple 
q /kw / quite quilt quick 
r /r/ red radio brother racket 
s /s/ sit miss this smile books 
/z/ nose those rose rulers 
t /t/ it sit not that table little 
u /ju:/ use usually excuse music student
/∧/ bus cup cut much sun duck brush  
/u/ put pull push full
/u:/ blue true June ruler
v /v / five vase very seven 
w /w/ we window watch want 
x /ks / box six fox exercise
  /gz/ example exam 
y /ai / my fly why bye 
/j/ yes yellow 
/i/ happy baby very 
z / z / zoo zero
ai /ei/ wait paint afraid rain paid pain
  /e/ said
ay /ei/ may play day say 
air /eə/ air hair chair 
al /ɔ:/ tall small ball fall call all
  /ɔ:l/ already always also almost
  /α:/ half
ar /α:/ farther farm car arm dark
  /ɔ:/ quarter warm
au /ɔ:/ autumn August daughter astronaut
/α:/ aunt laugh
ea /i:/ meat please sea read cheap clean  
/e/ head bread already dead 
/ei/ break great
/iə/ theater ear idea real really 
ear /iə/ ear hear near clear dear  
/ə:early earth learn heard 
/eəbear wear pear
/α:/ heart
ee /i:/ meet see bee feet jeep 
eir / eə/ their 
er /ə/ worker teacher her
/iə/ here 
ə/ where there 
ew /ju:/ new few 
/u:/ flew grew 
ight /ait / right  light bright 
ir / ə:/ bird girl shirt thirty 
oa / əu / boat coat 
ong/ ɔ:/ long song 
oo /u/ book foot good cook
/u:/ moon balloon cool food noon
or/ɔ:/ born horse north short fork port 
/ə:/ word world work worse worst 
oor /schedule读音ɔ:/ door floor 
ore/ ɔ:/ more store sore 
ou /au/ out house mouth about shout cloudy
  /u/ could would should
  /u:/ group through
/Λ/ country enough trouble young
/ɔ:/ thought brought
our /ɔ:/ four 
/auə/ our 
ow/əu/ bowl window below blow grow know 
/au/ now cow flower brown how
oy /oi/ boy toy 
ur /ə:/ turn
th /θ/ thank mouth 
/δ/ this that with 
tr /tr/ tree train truck try 
dr /dr/ dress driver draw drive 
sh /∫/ shirt wash short 
ch /t∫/ child chair catch 
/k/ school Christmas
ph /f/ photo physics phone elephant
ck/k/ chicken quickly clock back knock attack
dge /dз/ bridge knowledge
qu /kw/ question quite
wh/w/ what where when who
wr/r/ write wrestling
ts/ts/ cats hats coats
ds/ds/birds hands beds friends
1 元音:
1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie
three tree green sheep meet beef see seek
eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please
he she me
piece receive ceiling
2) [i] 发音字母 i y e
sit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build miss
myth many twenty happy dictionary
defect decide delicious
