升调:  疑问 质疑 不相信 不同意   
降调:  结束 肯定 相信 同意       
A. He can’t afford to spend that much.
B. He makes a lot of money.
C. He has just been left some money.     
D. He doesn’t believe three hundred dollars is enough.
A. The woman needs blouses in the colors of a rainbow.
B. The information in the catalog is not always reliable.
C. He thinks the blue blouse is better than the red one.
D. He would rather the woman didn’t buy the blouse.
A. Go on with the game.
B. Review his lessons.
C. Draw pictures on the computer.
D. Have a good rest.
W: Do you want to go with us on a trip to Florida this spring? It’ll cost about $300 a person.
M: $300? Do you think I just ______________________?
Q: What can be inferred about the man?
W: Look at this catalogue, John. I think I want to get this red blouse.
M: Err, I think you’ve already one like this in blue. __________________________________?
Q: What does the man mean?
W: Mark is playing computer games.   
M: ___________________________________﹖ 
Q: What does the man think Mark should do﹖ 
Key: 1. inherited a fortune 
2. Do you need every color in the rainbow?
3. Should he do that when the final exam is drawing near?
Exercise 1 
1 peach - pitch    2 better - batter    3 lack - like        4 steel - still    5 mass - mess 
6 thought - sought  7 sight - sat      8 fox - forks        9 pot - port      10 hut - heart 
11 thumb - some  12 cut - cart      13 pool - pull      14 loud - Lord  15 blead - blade
16 Vet - wet      17 wake - week    18 road - load      19 peer - pair    20 breeze - breathe

all together – altogether
aunt – aren’t
be – bee
brake – break
bread – bred
cent – sent
check – cheque
compliment – complement
dying – dyeing
fare – fair
find – fined
flew – flu
floor – flaw
flower – flour
fourth – forth
hair – hare
heal – heel
hour – our
lead – led
knows – nose
meet – meat
made – maid
mail – male
no – know
night- knight
pear – pair
past – passed
peace – piece
sail – sale
sauce – source
sew – so
site – sight
son – sun
steal – steel
story – storey
sweet – suite
threw – through
tire – tyre
way – weigh
wait – weight
wood – would
won – one

Part One 前元音听辨及跟读 [  i:  i      ]
A. Practice these four sounds in phrases.

eat the meat
make a wish
very well 
a mad man
keep the seat
sit down
get ready
a jazz band
three trees
best friend
a black bag
schedule读音Peter’s secret
a small fish
ten men
a plastic bag
the Chinese people
a bit chilly
Teddy Bear
hand in hand
a piece of cheese
bit by bit
wet with sweat
a happy marriage
a friend in need
fit as a fiddle
best seller
on behalf of our class

B. Now practice the sound in sentences.

⑴ Please speak English.
Dick gives Lily a big kiss.
The book sells well, I guess.
Don’t let the cat out of the bag.
⑵ Seeing is believing.
They stayed together through thick and thin.
Let’s get everything ready.
They ran hand in hand.
⑶ Steve lives on 333 Peterson Street.
Can you give me a lift?
Remember to get me ten eggs.
He who laughs last laughs best.
⑷ Don’t speak Chinese in an English class.
Is it spring or still winter?
All is well that ends well.
Pat sat on the grass with a glass in his hand.
⑸ Please keep this seat for me.
Mary is fifty now, but she’s still fit as a fiddle.
Better late than never.
Sally married a handsome young man named Jerry. 

Part Two 中元音听辨练习 [                ]
A. Practice these three sounds in phrases.

the first term
a long term
some money
learn the words
among the workers
some honey
a firm girl 
never forget 
once in a month
a nervous nurse 
a sheet of paper
a tough son
an early bird 
a drop of water 
a funny couple
a dirty shirt 
the teachers of China 
a sudden jump
the third world
the doctor’s daughter 
just for fun
an active learner
at the counter 
blood for blood 

B. Now practice the sound in sentences.
⑴ The early bird catches the worm.
My younger brother’s a doctor.
Enough is enough.
⑵ First come, first served.
Peter can use the computer pretty well.
I wonder who’s coming to lunch.
⑶ The girls have to learn World History first.
Peter’s father is a professor.
My brother lives in the countryside.
⑷ Earl has worked in that firm for thirty years.
You’d better do it faster.
He was running to catch the bus.
⑸ A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
My younger sister is also a computer expert.
Never trouble troubles until troubles trouble you.
⑹ He seems to get worse and worse.
Let’s have a get-together after supper.
How much is too much?
⑺ Birds of a feather flock together.
Give me some butter and sugar.
Love me , love my dog.

Part Three 后元音听辨练习 [                           ]
A. Practice these four sounds in phrases.
