《PEP5 Unit2 A Lets talk》教学设计
本课教学内容选自新版PEP教材五年级上册第二单元Part A 的对话。单元话题是“My week”。包括Let’s try和Let’s talk两个板块。Let’s try是听力训练,是为Let’s talk部分做铺垫的,其内容是关于询问对方星期三上什么课的问答对话,通过听力训练,可以短时间内复习到上节课学习的内容。 Let’s talk是围绕本单元的总话题“My week”展开的第一个对话场景,是John和他的爷爷有关John在学校里的课程安排情况以及爷爷奶奶在家里学习烹饪课程的对话内容,通过爷孙俩的对话内容,我们可以知道,John在星期四有数学、英语和音乐课,爷爷很喜欢音乐,John的音乐老师是风趣幽默的杨老师。对话的下面有一个问答训练板块,是运用核心句型What do we / you have on Wednesdays /…? We / I have…对某一天的课程安排进行问答训练活动。
本课时是整个单元的首课时,在本单元中起引领与铺垫作用,重点掌握What do we / you have on Wednesdays /…? We / I have…的问答句型。对话中呈现了二个特殊疑问句的问答形式,以及一个is开头的一般疑问句及其否定回答方式,引导学生在特定语言环境中认知并理解这些
(一) 教学目标
4.能够在情景中运用句型What do you have / do on…?询问并回答某人某天的课程或者活动安排;
能够在情景中运用句型What do you have / do on…?询问并回答某人某天的课程或者活动安排
(2)区分和运用句型What do you have on Thursdays?和What do you do on Thursdays?
▲Step1: Warming up
T: Good morning boys and girls.
Ss: Good morning, teacher.
T: To start our class, let’s enjoy a song, <Days of the Week>, and maybe you can sing along with it.
Ss: ...
T: Wow, thank you for your beautiful voice. Do you know what is the song about?
Ss: The days of the week.
T: Yes, it tells the Days of the week.
2.Free talk
T: And here is an empty schedule from Monday to Friday and I wonder what classes do you have? Maybe English, (空的日程表上课程的部分打问号,通过和学生的提问互动复习课程类的词汇,同时准备词卡,届时贴在黑板上作为板书,为后面的对话拓展做Word bank参考)。
T: Well, what do you have on Mondays?(板书句型)
Ss: (这里只限于老师问,学生来用 I have ....来回答)
T: What do you have on Mondays?
T: Wonderful, how about these two days Wednesday and Thursday?
(T: Wednesday & Thursday--发音教学)
Here, e says /e/, es says/z/, Wednesday.
Please pay attention to the letter d, it is silent.
Lets read it once more.
Here, th says /θ/, ur says/ɜ:/, Thursday.
Lets read it once more.
T: Your pronunciation is so good!
I dont know what do you have on Wednesdays and Thursdays? Who can be me and ask your partners?(学生根据实际情况,结合板书句型和word bank来回答,适当引导纠正发音)
T: Now, take out your own schedule and Ill see you 1 min later.
T: Hello? Who can have a try?
  S1: What do you have on Wednesdays?
  S2: I have ....
  S1: Do you like maths?
  S2: /No....
  S1: What do you have on Thursdays?
S2: I have ....
T: Well done!
设计意图:通过此部分的练习,使学生能够初步掌握本课的核心句型“What do you ?含义和Wednesday与Thursday的发音,同时,将学生的学习生活与课堂内容相结合,
提升了学生的学习兴趣和敢于张口说英语的自信心,也为Lets try的内容做了铺垫。
▲Step2: Presentation & Practice
1.Lets try
T: Well, what about our friend John? How about his schedule?
Firstly, let’s look at the picture.
T: Who’s this old man? Can you guess?
Ss: He’s John’s grandpa.
T: What day is it?
Ss: Its Wednesday.
T:schedule读音 Yes, you are right.  
T: So, What does John have on Wednesdays? 
  Can you guess? Maybe (观察图片)
S1: Maybe he has
T: Lets listen and fill in the blanks.
...Have you got the answer?
...Yes, John has art on Wednesdays.(这里呈现听力材料进行校对)
T: Does John like art?
Ss: Yes, he really likes it.(学生根据听力文本可回答,注意单三的表达)
设计意图:通过听力训练,引导学生感知语言环境,领悟对话核心内容,从而独立完成填写训练,学生们喜欢做这样的听力训练活动,意犹未尽,为Lets talk内容的引出做铺垫。
2.Lets talk
T: Do you know what does John do in the art class?
Ss: He draws pictures(图片提示)
T: Well,whats in Johns hand?
...Yes, its Johns schedule. Grandpa wants to know more about Johns schedule on the other day.
Do you?
Ss: Yes!
T: Good.
Lets listen to the tape and find the three answers of the questions.
1)What does John have on Thursdays?
2)Whos Johns music teacher?
3)And whats he like?
T: Have you got the answers?
S1: Emm...John has music on Thursdays.
S2: Mr Young is his music teacher.
S3: He is kind...
T: Yes, maybe he is kind. Lets listen to it again.
...Ok, now, lets check with the text.
