East Rockhill Township
Bucks County, Pennsylvania
Fee Schedule
Resolution 2009-02
A Resolution establishing fees for the filing of applications permits and licenses for the Township of East Rockhill.
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the Township of East Rockhill has adopted a codification, consolidation and revision of the ordinances of the Township of East Rockhill; and,
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Supervisors of the Township of East Rockhill to eliminate all filing fees, permit fees and license fees from the Code of Ordinances and enact them instead by resolution; and,
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT and it is hereby resolved by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of East Rockhill that all previous fee schedules are hereby repealed and that fees are hereby fixed as follows:
A.New Construction: Single-family detached and single-family attached
dwellings, apartments and condominiums:
1. Basic Fee……………………………………………….. $450.00
Plus, $0.30 per square foot. Square foot to include garages,
Corridors, stairs, closets, covered patios, porches, attics,
Basements, etc.
B. Mobile Homes and Modular Homes……………………… $150.00
C. Grading Plan Review
1. 50,000 square feet or less…………………………….. $200.00
2. Each revised submission……………………………... $ 50.00
D. Additions and Alterations: All construction requires a Building Permit
1. Additions: Includes attached garages, covered porches
and patios……………………………………………… $ 60.00
Plus $.35 Per Square Foot.
2. Alterations:
a) First $1,000 of Construction Cost………………….. $ 85.00
b) Plus, $10.00 per each additional $1,000 of construction cost.
E. Swimming Pools
1. Above-ground………………………………………… $ 75.00
2. In-ground……………………………………………… $ 200.00
F. Demolition Permits
1. Primary Structure…………………………………….. $ 500.00
2. Accessory Structures…………………………………. $ 50.00
G. Electrical: Applicant shall have work inspected by a Certified Electrical
1. Twp. Permit fee……………………………………… $ 50.00
H. Plumbing
1) Single Family Dwelling……………………………… $ 50.00
up to 3 fixtures plus, $10.00 per fixture thereafter.
2) Multi-family dwelling (per unit)…………………….. $ 40.00
up to 3 fixtures plus, $10.00 per each additional fixture
I. Accessory Structures: Including but not limited to sheds, pole barns,
detached garages, uncovered decks and patios.
1) 500 square feet or less…………………………….. Zoning Permit
2) 501 square feet or greater pre-built off-site………. Zoning Permit
3) 501 square feet or greater built on-site…………… $ 110.00
plus $0.10 per square foot plus Zoning Permit.
J. Well Permit………………………………………….. $ 100.00
A. New Construction: All new construction intended for non-residential use
and non-residential accessory structures. Including, but not limited to
commercial and institutional construction.
1) 100 square feet or less…………………………… $ 500.00
2) Plus, $.35 per square foot above 100 sf to the nearest dollar.
B. Grading Plan Review
1) Fee………………………………………………. $ 200.00
2) Each revised submission………………………… $ 75.00
C. Additions and Structural Alterations:
1) Additions: Including but not limited to porches, foyers, and entryways
a) Minimum fee up to 100 square feet………. $ 250.00
b) Plus, $0.35 per square foot above 100 square feet to the nearest
2) Structural Alterations and Renovations:
a) Minimum fee up to the first $1,000
construction cost…………………………….. $ 250.00
b) Plus, $10.00 per $1,000.00 construction cost
above $1,000.00.
D. Accessory Structures
a) 500 square feet or less…………………………… $150.00
b) 501 square feet and above………………………. $125.00
Plus $0.20 per square foot.
E. Swimming Pools……………………………………... $ 500.00
F. Demolition:
a) Primary Structure…………………………………. $ 300.00
b) Accessory Structures……………………………… $ 100.00 G. Electrical: Applicant shall have work inspected by a Certified Electrical
a) Fee………………………………………………… $ 75.00
H. Plumbing:
a) Up to 6 fixtures…………………………………… $ 100.00
b) Plus $10.00 per each additional fixture.
I. Well Permit…………………………………………. $5,000.00 III. AGRICULTURAL
A. Construction of structures solely for agricultural production purposes;
including, but not limited to; silos, barns and accessory structures and
schedule英语怎么发音excluding residences, commercial, industrial and institutional uses.
1) New Construction
a) Up to 500 Square feet ……………………… $100.00
b) Plus, $0.10 per square foot above 100 square feet to the nearest
2) Additions and Alterations: All additions and alterations or renovations
to agricultural buildings used for the sole purpose of agricultural
1) up to 100 square feet………………. $ 65.00
2) Plus $0.15 per SF above 100 SF to the nearest dollar.
b) Alterations and Renovations
1) for first $1,000.00 of Construction Cost. $ 50.00
2) Plus, $5.00 per $1,000.00 above 1st $1,000.00 of
construction cost.
3) Grading Plan Review
Fee………………………………………….. $
b) Plus, each revision submission…………….. $ 50.00
4) Demolition:
a) Primary Structure……………………………. $ 115.00
b) Accessory Structure…………………………. $ 25.00
A. PA Act 45 UCC and UCC Administration Fee……. $. 6.00
B. Workers Compensation Registration……………….. $ 25.00
C. Plumbers License…………………………………… $ 50.00
D. Blasting Permit…………………………………………... $ 500.00
E. Mechanical HVAC: Must be reviewed for energy conservation regulations
1) Heater Replacement………………………………… $ 75.00
2) New heating and cooling equipment……………… $ 100.00
3) Gas and oil fueled burners, wood stoves, fire place inserts
a) New installation…………………………… $ 100.00
b) Replacement………………………………. $ 50.00
F. Miscellaneous Permits- Minimum Fee……………… $ 50.00
G. Re-Inspection Fee……………………………………. $ 25.00
H. Working without a permit Increases permit fee by…… 50%
I. Issued Permit Voided, Township……………… retains 1/3 of the fee.
J. Replacement Due to Fire Damage, uninsured………… Fee waived K. UCC BOARD OF APPEALS Application…………… $500.00 Plus $1,000 escrow for costs in excess of $500.00
I. Residential
A. New construction…………………………………….. $ 75.00
B. Re-occupancy (re-sale, rental units)………………… $ 75.00
C. Addition and Alteration…………………………….. $ 50.00
D. Re-Inspection (re-occupancy)……………………… $ 50.00
II. Non-residential
A. New Construction less than 500 SF………………. $ 100 .00
B. Plus, $2.00 per each additional 100 SF.
C. Re-occupancy (re-sale, or rental)………………… $ 100.00
D. Addition and alteration…………………………….. $ 65.00
E. Re-inspection………………………………………. $ 50.00 ARTICLE III ZONING PERMITS
I. Residential & Agricultural Uses
A. Single Family Dwelling………………………… $ 75.00
B. Multi-family (per unit)………………………….. $ 75.00
C. Accessory Structure (sheds, barns, decks, patios,
antennas, etc.
1) 500 feet or less……………………………. $ 35.00
2) 501 feet or greater……………………........ $ 75.00
D. Decks…………………………………………… $ 40.00
E. Addition and alteration per dwelling unit……… $ 60.00
F. Pools…………………………………………… $ 30.00
G. Fences………………………………………….. $ 30.00
H. Construction Trailer…………………………… $ 800.00
Plus Escrow……………………………………. $1,000.00 II. Non-residential Construction
A. Primary Structure new construction……………. $ 110.00
Plus, $0.20 per SF above 500 SF to the nearest Dollar.
B. Change in Use………………………………….. $ 100.00
C. Accessory Structure……………………………. $ 200.00
D. Addition and Alteration………………………… $ 60.00
E. Fences………………………………………….. $ 40.00
F. Pools…………………………………………… $ 40.00
III. Home Occupations………………………………... $ 150.00 IV. Non-residential Zoning Permit…………………… $ 500.00 V. Registration of Non-Conformity …………………. $ 150.00 VI. Sign Permits
A. Up to six square feet………………………………… $ 100.00
B. Over six square feet…………………………………. $ 100.00
Plus, $1.00 per square foot.
C. Temporary Signs…………………….……………… $ 45.00
VII. Zoning Determination Request……..……………….. $ 75.00 VIII. Preliminary Opinion of the Zoning Officer………… $1,500.00 Plus, Professional Services Contract Required.
I. Residential
A. ZHB Single Application Fee………………………… $ 850.00
B. Two applicants or more: (per application)………….. $ 825.00
C. Continuance fee, 50% of original filing fee paid prior each additional
D. Substantive Challenge……………………….………. $7,500 plus
$200.00 for each additional hearing.
II Non-residential
A. Non-residential application fee (single applicant)….. $1,500.00
B. Non-residential hearing two applicants or more …… $1,475.00
Per application.
C. Continuance fee, 50% of original filing fee paid prior to each additional
D. Non-residential Substantive Challenge………..……. $7,500.00 plus
$400.00 for each additional hearing
I. Conditional Uses
A. Residential………………………………..…………. $ 850.00
B. Non-residential…………………………..………….. $2,000.00
C. Residential/non-residential Continuance fee……..…50% of original filing
fee paid prior to each additional hearing.
II Zoning Amendment Request ** Contract for Professional Services may be required.
A. Residential Zoning Amendments……………….. $ 750.00 plus
$300 for each additional hearing.
B. Non-residential Zoning Amendments…………… $ 750.00 plus
$500.00 for each additional hearing
C. Curative Amendments…………………………… $7,500.00 plus
$300.00 for each additional hearing.
I. Contract For Professional Services: All reviews for Land Development and
Subdivision shall be subject to execution of the Contract for Professional
Services agreement. Fees for such services shall be in accordance with the
legal, engineering and planning services consulting fee schedules in effect at
the time of application and on file with the Township.
A. Formal Sketch Plan Review (not required)
1) Lot line change or minor subdivision (2 lots)
a) Application fee…………….………. $ 300.00
b) Escrow…………………………….. $ 600.00