Unit 9 Busy Agenda and Schedule
Section I Listening and Conversation (2 periods)
Section II Reading Comprehension (2 periods)
Section III Writing and Translating (2 periods)
The students should be able to:
1. understand a meeting agenda
2. understand the two passages and the related information
3. read and write meeting agenda
Important and difficult points
1. expressions and patterns for a meeting agenda
2. passage 2 and the information related
3. words, phrases and sentences from passage 2
4. grammar: Verb forms
Procedure and methods
Section I Listening and Conversation
Part I.  Leading in
1. Pre-class Work:
2. Warming up for the new class:
Part II. Putting in use
1. Dividing the students into groups of four or five
2. Offering the situations
3. Acting out and comments
Part III. Further Practice
1. Practicing and Furthering 
2. Commenting
3. Listening and Completing
4. Responding
Part IV. Aptitude Test and Guidance
1. Judge after you listen
2. Respond after you listen
3. Read after you listen
4. Self-assessment and Teacher’s Guidance
5. Assignment
Section II Reading Comprehension
Part I. Leading in
1. Revision
2. Warming up for the new class
Part II. Comprehension and Practicing
1. Checking and Explaining
2. Retelling the story
Part III. Further Practice
1. Simulating and translating
2. Read and Complete
Part Iv. Aptitude Test and Guidance
1. Translating
2. Assignment
Section III Writing and Translating
Part I. Leading in
1. Checking the assignment
2. Warming up for new class
Part II. Putting in use
1. Dividing the students into groups of four or five
2. understanding agendas
3. Giving the rules for an agenda
4. Simulating and writing
Part III. Further Practice
1. making an agenda
2. Simulating
3. Checking and Commenting
4. Writing
Part IV Aptitude Test and Guidance
1. Checking
2. Grammatical rules concerning verb forms
3. Applying
4. Self-assessment and Guidance
5. Assignment
Unit 9 Busy Agenda And Schedule
Section I Listening and Conversation
Part I.  Leading in
1. Pre-class Work:
Instructions ask students to 1). collect information about an agenda or a schedule
2). find out the expressions for the agenda or schedule as many as possible
2. Revision
  Instructionscheck the answers to the homework of the previous class
3. Warming up for the new class:
Instructions 1). students present their collections 
2). teacher’s comment and put the collections into a data bank for students’ reference (on the blackboard)
3). Making new agendas
Sample (page 153 textbook)
Instructions: while showing the agenda, students are to read and understand the English , sometimes with the help of the teacher
Data Bank
1. As everyone is here, let’s get down to business.
2. Good morning, every one. My purpose here this morning is to present the problem of ….
3. Personally, I’d be in favor of that
4. Those against, raise your hands.
5. Well, that seems to be the best solution to the problem.
6. Shall we move on to the next item on the agenda?
7. Mr. Li, may we have your comments?
8. I’m sorry to cut you off.
9. I declare the meeting adjourned.
10. In that case, I declare the meeting closed.
11. Maybe we could discuss it later.
12. Let’s call it a day.
4). Practice Dialogue 1 to make a Preliminary Evaluation of Product CP18
Instructions read and act out so that the students will be familiar with the patterns that are appropriate for making an agenda, teacher and the students work together and remember not to spend too much time on it
Part II. Putting in use
1. Dividing the students into groups of four or five
2. Offering more examples about agendas and ask the students to make dialogues.
Sample 1
N-WEST Meeting Agenda
Sunday, July 20, 2003, 9:00 am – 5:15 pm
Gold Camp Room, Sheraton Colorado Springs Hotel
2886 South circle Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Tel: (719)576-5900      Fax: (719)57607695
Sunday, July 20
9:00 – 9:15 am
N-WEST: Philosophy and Status
Dr. Roger Marks, N-WEST
9:15 – 9:30 am
Brief Attendee Introductions
Dr. Roger Marks, N-WEST
9:30 – 10:15 am
NIST Role in radio Frequency Technology
Dr. Dennis Friday, Chief, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
U.S. Department of Commerce
10:15 – 10:30 am
10:30 – 11:15 am
ITS Role in Broadband Wireless
Kenneth Allen, Chief, Institute for Telecommunications Sciences (ITS)
U.S. Department of Commerce
11:15 – 12:30 am
Forum: Broadband Wireless Standardization (20-minute presentations followed by 15 minutes of questions)
Asif Rahman, Product Manager Ericsson Inc., Wireless Broadband Access Group
Allyson B. Sharp, Director of Wireless Marketing and Business Development, Alcatel Telecom
Jag Sharma, Director of Product Marketing, Nortel, Broadband Wireless Access
12:30 – 2:00 pm
Lunch Break
2:00 – 2:45 pm
Existing Standards and their Applicability
Dr. Mohammad Shakouri, Director of Engineering Lucent Technologies, Wireless Brandband Network Division
2:45 – 3:30 pm
Interfaces and Issues Requiring Standardization
Dr. Hady R. Salloum, Director, Broadband Access Bellcore
3:30 – 3:45 pm
3:45 – 4:30 pm
Industry Organization Options
Roger Marks, N-WEST
4:30 – 5:15 pm
NIST’s Advanced Technology Program
Elissa Sobolewski, Program Manager, Advanced Technology Program, NIST
5:15 – 5:30 pm
Conclusion and Close
schedule英语怎么发音Roger Marks, N-WEST
Sample 2
TEFL Convention of Hong Kong, 2002
Conference Program
October 12, 2002
Harbor Hotel, Hong Kong, China
The English Teaching & Reserch Association of Hong Kong (ETRAHK)
Plenary Session                Venue: General Conference Room
Activities / Presentations
8:30 – 9: 30
Opening Address                        Hengsyung Jeng (Chair, CETRAHK)
Congratulatory Speech                    Representative of Ministry of Education
9:00 – 9: 50
Designing programs for open language learning: teaching roles and learning strategies
Pres: Christopher N. Candlin (Macquarie Univ., Sydney)
9:50 – 10: 20
Book Exhibition & Coffe Break
10:20 – 11: 10
Testing in Hong Kong
Pres: Gregory James (Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology)
11:10 – 12: 00
Designing a website for English language teacher education – the case of TeleNex
Pres: Amy B.M. Tsui (Univ. of Hong Kong)
12:00 – 13: 30
Book Exhibition & Coffee Break
13:30 – 16: 30
Concurrent Sessions
1. Teaching Oral English
2. Teaching Translation & Writing
3. Teaching Reading Skills
4. Teaching Vocabulary
5. Teaching Listening Skills
Conference Room 1
Conference Room 2
Conference Room 3
Conference Room 4
Conference Room 5
16:45 – 18: 00
Plenary Forum: ELT in a Global Context
Christopher N. Candling (Chair), Gregory James,
Amy B.M. Tsui, Hengsyung Jeng
General Conference Room
3. Acting out and comments 
Instructions after the act of each group, the teacher will ask the fellow students to make comments on the performance and the appropriateness of their English; and then it is the teacher’s task to summarize this part
Part III. Further Practice
1. Practicing and Furthering 
Instructions practice the dialogues on Page 154 of the Textbook in groups, and try to further them
2. Listening and completing
Instructions: listen to a dialogue and complete it by filling in the blanks on Page 156 of the Textbook (Exercise 3), also work in groups
3. Responding
Instructions practice Exercise 2 on Page 156 of the Textbook orally . Teacher plays the tape-recorder and the students try to answer the questions based on what they have heard, the whole class work together
(The script for the dialogue: )
