1. 对不起,我还没有请教阁下的尊姓大名呢。
Excuse me, I haven’t had the honor of knowing you.
2. 我们又见面了。
Small world, isn’t it?
3. 我很高兴能与您结识。
I’m delighted to make your acquaintance
4. 我很高兴能在我的家乡接待您。
I’m glad/happy/delighted to have the pleasure of meeting you in my hometown.
5. 祝您参观一切顺利!!
Wish you all the best in your tour/visit.
6. 祝您访问圆满成功!
Wish your visit a complete success.
7. 祝您旅途愉快/ 一路平安。
I wish you a pleasant journey/ Have a nice trip.
Bon voyage! /Have a safe trip home!
8. 外国专家foreign expert/ specialist; overseas expert/specialist
9. schedule英语怎么发音外宾 foreign guest/visitor; overseas guest/visitor
10. 外事办foreign affair office
11. 活动日程 itinerary/schedule
12. 初步拟订的活动日程 tentative itinerary
13. 招待会reception/entertainment party
14. 冷餐招待会 reception buffet
15. 答谢招待会 a reciprocal reception
16. 欢迎/告别词 welcome/farewell speech/address
17. 招待客人 to entertain guests
18. 招待所 guest house
19. 外事往来 dealings with foreign organizations
20. 久仰大名 I've long been looking forward to meeting you.
21. 期待已久 long-expected
22. 合作共事 to work as your colleague
23. 亲眼目睹 to witness with my own eyes
24. 亲自接待 to meet in person
25. 若有不便 to encounter any inconveniences
26. 排忧解难 to help you out
27. 与某人结识 to make the acquaintance of somebody
28. 文化交流 cultural exchange
29. 促进友谊 to promote friendship
30. 加强合作 to enhance cooperation
31. 短暂的访问 brief visit
32. 代我向某某问好 Say for me/Remember me to.
