How to learn Chinese初三英语作文
How to learn Chinese初三英语作文(通用20篇)
在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。你知道作文怎样才能写的`好吗?以下是小编整理的How to learn Chinese初三英语作文,欢迎阅读与收藏。
How to learn Chinese初三英语作文 篇1
Thanks for your letter. I’m very funny to receive your letter.
I started to learn chinese when I was a baby. I think it’s very difficult at that time. But I speak chinese well when I grow up. I will give you some advice. You could study chinese by reading aloud. And you could listen to music to learn chinese. You can watch chinese movies to improve your chinese.
I hope you will improve your chinese soon.
How to learn Chinese初三英语作文 篇2
China is a large and attracted country. Located in the east of Asia, the whole country takes up an ares of 9600000 square kilometres with a population lf slighly about 1.3 billion.
There are 56 nations in China and the population of Han nation has a biggest part of it. The national flag of China is popularly called the Five stars Red Flag. The red is means that the flag be made of the hero's blood.It is a symbol of unity of all its people.
China is rich in natural resources, especially in forests and water recsoures, wich not only provides energy but also bring great concenience to people's life.
How to learn Chinese初三英语作文 篇3
As we all know, China is an ancient country with a history of more than 5000 years. China is also an ancient cultural country with a profound cultural heritage. Therefore, this country is full of cultural atmosphere, edifying the Chinese people.
More than 100 years ago, China was still a very backward country, and there were many rich resources in this big country, so at that time, many countries invaded China to seize resources, the sleeping lion also woke up in a nightmare, the Chinese people fought against foreign invasion bravely, and finally the sleeping lion woke up, and stood in the forefront of the world with a high and powerful posture This lion is not hegemonism, but pacifism. China has also realized the importance of reform and opening up, let the world connect China and let China go to the world. Only opening up can make China go as far as possible.
Now many foreigners come to China for development. They are all attracted by China‘s diversity. For this reason, many Chinese still insist on learning Chinese, which indicates China’s strength, success and correct development path of socialism.
Looking back on how miserable it used to be for China to be invaded, and how bad it was to be invaded by others. This is also a word summed up through the edification of history: if we fall behind, we will be beaten. So we teenagers should study hard and march forward bravely for the future of China.
How to learn Chinese初三英语作文 篇4
Once I heard my mother singing and thought it was very pleasant. I asked her, "Mom. What song are you singing? " "My mother said:" I sing a Chinese song, the title is "I love you China". We are in Italy now, but we are still Chinese. We can't forget our motherland. "
Listen to my mother's words, I think, I also want to learn from my mother, to love our own country.
How to learn Chinese初三英语作文 篇5
My eye is a China invincible wolf, is a never understood the fear of a lion. It has a long cultural history of 5000 years, has long stretches of the Yangtze River, the Great Wall, Pentium majestic majestic
66 years ago, our war of resistance against Japan ended, and in the near future there was war in Korea, and we went to help again. In the history of our China was a bully, but we again stand firm and inflexible. In the destruction of the Old Summer Palace in the British a
unequalnd French troops robbed us of countless treasures, also killed a maid, the eunuch. We sell it to us at the price of tens of millions of dollars at the auction. As the old China corruption we signed numerous Treaties: "Nanjing treaty", "Treaty of aigun", "Sino Russian Treaty of Beijing", "Sino Russian Treaty of Tianjin", "Beijing treaty", "Treaty of Tianjin" These unequal treaties made us suffer, lost billions of silver, millions of gold, and cut Hongkong, Heilongjiang, and the Xingan ridge.
It was good that China had a , leading the army to drive the aggressors out of China.
A history book was opened, and a five thousand years old male lion was finally revived in the war, and he killed the enemy with the hatred and anger of the whole Chinese people. This is China in my eyes.
How to learn Chinese初三英语作文 篇6
There are many races in this world, and there are all kinds of countries. For example, a few powerful Americans, Japan, These are all powerful countries with great strength.
Rise up! People who do not want to be slaves! Our flesh and blood, let us build our new the Great Wall! The Chinese people to the most dangerous time, everyone was forced to issue a final roar. Get up! Get up! We million people united as one man brave the enemy's fire! Forward!Forward!In!
This is our national anthem, and it was written by our country when it was bullied by the country.
