1. Before 1973, abortion was illegal in America unless the woman's health was threatened. In March of 1970, Jane Roe, a single woman, instituted this federal action against the District Attorney of the country. The original idea was that women who truly did not want a baby should not have to have it. __1__ Since pregnacy may be a blessed act when planned or wanted, __2__ forced pregnacy, like any force bodily invasion, is anathema to American values and traditions. As legalized abortion has become an everyday part of American life, a different side to it has emerged out. __3__ Where women once were aborting because they did not want a child, the reasons being given now were becoming very different. __4__ Abortion has turned into something that women are being coerced from boyfriends'/husbands' unwilling to be fathers, out of fear __5__ of the financial pressure, out of the panic from losing their jobs, out of panic from having to quit the school, or becoming __6__ homeless, or out of fear of their parents kicking them out into the street. Abortion for these reasons can lead to problems which develop when a woman is unable to get round her emotional responses __7__ from the trauma of an abortion. There
are women who abort and do so completely of her own free will. These women have no __8__ regrets, no remorse, but are happy they had this choice available. __9__ But a growing number of women are speaking up about how abortion effected them adversely. __10__
2. Several years ago, we began construction on a new church building. In the beginning, the workmen dug a big pit in the ground and then they began to pour footings. Footings are cement piers under __1__ which the entire building rests. They are crucial to the strength of the finished structure. After the foundation hole is dug, the footings must be poured quickly, before the composition of the soil is changed by the wind, air, or water. With a similar way in these brief early __2__ years, parents of young children have the challenging job of lying __3__ the foundation that will support family friendships in later years.
Physical affectation and verbal affirmation are necessary in laying __4__ a strong foundation for friendship. Hug, hug, hug. Even if you are not __5__ raised in a hugging fam
ily, hug your kids anyway. They need the warmth of physical contact and so do you need. A young child will try to __6__ manipulate and be in the charge. He will attempt to get his own way. __7__ Since the child may not be consciously trying to control, this is __8__ what he is doing. A wise parent must not permit to happen. __9__ When a child respects his parents, he will also respect the others. __10__
3. Thirty or forty years ago, when most mothers in the United States didn't have jobs, homes were busier places. Children went to school from 9 A.M to 3 P.M. and spent the most of the time in the house under their__1__ mother's watchful eyes. Children played, watched TV, and did homework, and while they weren't in the house, __2__ they were outside in the front or backyard or playing nearly with other neighborhood children. Though this situation still exists in some communities today, it is becoming rarer and rarer as more and more mothers have work inside the home. These "two-income__3__ families" create a different kind of home—one that is a place to stop temporarily in the midst of a busy schedule __4__ of activities. Because working parents often leave the house by 8 A.M and return at 5 or 6 P.M, children go to school and then a series of highly-programmed after-sch
ool activities.__5__ So when school lets out for two or three weeks at New Year's time, many parents may face with a troubling situation.__6__ Some researches show the kind of child-care problem the holidays can have for busy parents. Even in those families __7__ in which the mother is home, there is often many active __8__ neighborhood full of children playing since most of the other children are involved in activities. This result from the irony __9__ of both parents and children anxiously look forward to the end__10__ of their vacation.
4. Poverty exists because our society is an unequal one, and there are powerful political pressures to keep it that way. Any attempt to redistributing wealth and in __1__ come in the United States will inevitably be opposed by powerful middle and upper class interests. People can be relatively rich only if you are relatively poor, and as __2__ power is mainly in the hands of the rich, public policies reflect their interests than __3__ those of the poor. As Mr. Herbert Gans has pointed out, poverty is actually functional from the point of view of the non poor. Poverty ensures that dirty work gets doing. If there __4__ were no poor people to scrub floors and empty bedpans, there jobs will have to be __5__ rewarded with
high incomes before anyone would touch them. Poverty creates jobs for many of the non poor, such as police officers, welfare workers, and government bureaucrats. Poverty makes life easier for the rich by providing them with cookers, __6__ gardeners, and other workers to perform basic chores when their employers enjoy __7__ more pleasurable activities. Poverty provides a market for more inferior goods and __8__ service, such as day old bread, run down automobiles, or the advice of competent __9__ physicians and lawyers. Poverty also provides a group that can be made to absorb the costs of change. It is just that poverty is an inevitable outcome of the American economic system, in which the poor are politically powerless to influence or change. __10__
5. Pronouncing a language is a skill. Every normal person is expert in the skill of pronouncing his own language, and unequal__but1__ few people are even moderately proficient at pronouncing foreign languages. Now there are many reasons about this, __for2__ some obvious, some perhaps not so obvious. But I suggest that the fundamental reason why people in general do not speak foreign languages very () better than they do is that __3much__ they fail to grasp the true name of the problem of learning to pronounce, and c
onsequently never set about tackling it by the right way. Far too many people fail to realize __nature4__ that pronounce a foreign language is a skill; one that_pronounce_5__ needs careful training of a special kind, and one that cannot be acquired by just leaving it to take care of himself. __itself6__ I think even teachers of language, while recognizing the importance of a good accent, tend to neglect, in their practical teaching, the branch of study concerning with speaking the__concerned7__ language. So the first point I want to make is that English pronunciation must be taught; the teacher may be prepared to __should8__ devote some of the lesson time to this, and by his whole attitude to the subject he should get the student to feel that here is a matter worth of receiving his close ttention.__去掉9__ So, there should be occasions where other aspects of English, _when _10__ such as grammar or spelling, are allowed for the moment to take a secondary place.