1.—Were you required___________ home during the outbreak of COVID-19?
—Yes. Luckily, the Internet made it possible for many of us________ from home.
A.to stay; to work    B.staying; to work    C.to stay; work    D.staying; work
2.________ with life in the city, life in the countryside is much slower and more peaceful.
A.To compare    B.Comparing    C.Compared    D.Compare
3.— Baby, would you mind ________ me cook the fish?
— Of course not. I can’t wait ________ it!
A.help; taste    B.helping; taste    C.help; to taste    D.helping; to taste
4.People are advised to avoid ________ their eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
A.touch    B.touched    C.touching    D.to touch
5.— Jack, why have you decided ________ Chinese folk music as a course.
— To learn more about Chinese culture.
A.take    B.taken    C.to take    D.taking
6.Dad always tells me not ________ just for tests. Or, I’ll lose interest in learning.
A.study    B.studies    C.studying    D.to study
7.Spending the holiday in nearby places has become a trend this year as local governments encourage people ________ too far.
A.travelling    B.not travelling    C.travel    D.not to travel
8.Parents always warn their children ________ the scissors because they are dangerous.
A.to not use    B.not use    C.not to use    D.not using
9.The bad weather will last for a week. So I advise you ________ off the sports meeting.
A.to put    B.to be put    C.put    D.putting
10.People who run towards their dreams prefer _______ the failure rather than _______ their dream.
A.experiencing; to give up    B.to experience; give up
C.experiencing; giving up    D.to experience; to give up
11.The way we thought of ________ the environment proved to be very useful.
A.to protect    B.protecting    C.protected    D.protects
12.The computer requires ________. I think I need ________ to ask Mr. Zhang for help.
A.fixing, to go    B.to fix, going    C.fixing, going    D.to fix, to go
13.The sadness over her father's death made it difficult for her ________ schoolwork.
A.finish    B.to finish    C.finishing    D.to finishing
14.—Did everyone attend the concert last night?
—No, Emily preferred ________ TV at home to ________ the concert.
A.to watch; attend    B.to watch; attending    C.watching; attend    D.watching; attending
15.Paul made a nice cage _______the little sick bird till it could fly.
A.keep    B.kept    C.keeping    D.to keep
16.programme用法I prefer              in the peaceful countryside to living in the big city, because that makes me ________.
A.lived ; relaxed    B.to live ; relaxing    C.living ; relaxed    D.live ; relax
17.Our headmaster isn’t in. I can’t find him anywhere. Did you notice him ______ the office?
A.to enter    B.entered    C.to leave    D.leave
18.---Max is a funny boy. His jokes always make us ________a lot.
A.to laugh    B.laughing    C.laugh    D.laughs
19.She couldn’t wait ________ her mother the good news.
A.to tell    B.telling    C.to talk    D.talking
20.–Your robot has caught a virus and it no longer works properly.
–Wow, ______ mess it has made! I really don’t know _______ to do with it.
A.what, how    B.how, how    C.what a, what    D.how, what
21.Our parents won't allow us _____ in the river alone.
B.to swim
22.(2016•盐城市)We must do everything we can ______waste water from running into rivers .
A.prevent    B.prevented    C.preventing    D.to prevent
23.—Do you often hear Lucy ________in her room?
—Yes, listen! Now we can hear her ________ in her room.
A.sing; sing    B.singing; singing    C.singing; sing    D.sing; singing
24.He tried to make himself ________ by his students, but he failed.
A.understand    B.understood
C.understands    D.understanding
25.There is something wrong with my DVD player. I’ll have it ________.
A.fixing    B.to fix    C.fixes    D.fixed
26.—My eyesight is getting worse these days. I'd like to have my eyes________.
—Perhaps you should consider ________the time on the computer.
A.checked; reducing    B.to check; reducing
C.checked; to reduce    D.checking; to reduce
27.The music ________ by Mozart is well known ________ people all over the world.
A.writes; as    B.written; for    C.written; as    D.written; to
28.Smart phones ________ by Huawei are getting more and more popular around the world.
A.made    B.are made    C.to make    D.making
29.Mrs. White showed her student some old maps  ________from the library.
A.to borrow    B.to be borrowed    C.borrowed    D.borrowing
30.---Why hasn’t the doctor stopped ________ lunch?
---Because he is too busy ________ a dying patient in the operation room.
