知识点1 Reading
1. Do you enjoy studying the stars and planets? 你喜欢研究恒星和行星吗?
【解析】enjoy vt, ,意为喜欢,享受,其后接名词或动名词作宾语。
例:They enjoy Chinese food very much.他们非常喜欢吃中国食物。
Children enjoy reading stories.小孩子喜欢读故事。
enjoy oneself意为过得愉快,玩得高兴,与have a good time同义。
例:He enjoyed himself at the party.他在晚会上玩得很开心。
2. When I was eight, I got a book about stars. 当我八岁的时候,我得到一本关于星星的书。
【解析1】此句的同义句为:I got a book about stars at the age of eight.
例:He got the first prize.他得了~* 等奖。
例:Where did you get that skirt?你从哪儿买的那条裙子?
例:Let me get my camera.我去把照相机拿来。
例:It’s getting colder.天气逐渐变冷D
get up起床        get off下车        get to know 认识        get on well with    相处融洽
get on 上车      get back 取回      get ready for 为。。。做好准备
3. That was the beginning of my lifetime hobby.那是我一生爱好的起点。
【解析】the beginning of…意为    的起点/开端
例:This was the beginning of her recording career.这是她唱片生涯的开始。
【拓展】at the beginning of意为    之初
例:At the beginning of this term we had a sports meeting.学期初,我们开了运动会。
4. I used to go outside with my mum on clear nights and look at the sky.
【解析1used to do sth.意为过去常常做某事,即现在已不存在这种习惯了。
例:I used to get up late.我过去常常晚起。
【辨析】used to do, be used to do be used to doing
used to do
He used to live in the countryside, 他过去住在乡下。
be used to do
be used for doing
A knife is used to cut things. = A knife is used for cutting things, 刀被用来切割东西。
be used to doing
He is used to living in the country now.他现在习惯住在农村。
【解析2on clear nights意为在晴朗的夜晚。表本上午、下午或晚上的单词前一般用 介词in,但具体到某一天的上午、下午或晚上应用介词on
例:on Sunday morning在星期日的早上
on a sunny afternoon of last week在上周一个阳光明媚的下午
5. It looked like black velvet witli a million diamonds on it.programme用法(天空)看起来像镶嵌了一百万颗铭石的黑天鹅绒。
【解析1】此句中的it指代的是the sky
【解析2look like ...意为看起来像……”
例:Tom looks like his father.汤姆长得像他的爸爸。
【解析3with  prep.意为带有
例:China is a country with a long history.中国是一个有悠久历史的国家。
6. Sometimes we saw stars shooting brightly across the sky.有时我们看到流星明亮地划过天空。
【解析1 sometimes = at times 意为有时
【解析2see sb. doing sth.意为看见某人正在做某事,表本看见动作正在进行。
例:I saw some boys playing basketball when I passed the playground.
【拓展】see sb. do sth.意为看见某人做某事,侧重看见动作的全过程。
例:I saw those boys play basketball all afternoon yesterday. 昨天我看见那些孩子打了一下午篮球。
例:The Amazon rainforest spreads across nine countries.亚马逊雨林横跨九个国家。
7. How beautiful they were! 它们多美丽啊!
(1) how引起的感叹句,how作状语,修饰形容词、副词或句子。其结构为:
How +形容词/副词+其余部分(主语+谓语)或Hmv +主语+谓语!
例:Hew cold it is today!今天多冷啊!
(2) what引起的感叹句,what作定语,修饰名词,名词前可有形容词或冠同。其结构为:
what + (a/an) 4-形容词+名词+陈述部分(主语+谓语)!
例:What a beautiful girl (she is) !多漂壳的女孩儿啊!
What hard work this is!这是多么困难的工作啊!
8. Studying the stars was great fun for me.研究星星是我的一大乐趣。
【解析1studying the stars为动名词短语作主语。此句的同义句为:It was great fun for me to study the stars.
【解析2fun为名词,意为娱乐,乐趣。如:the £un of work工作的乐趣
(1) 用作名词,意为滑稽,幽默
例:Julian is full of fun.朱陬恩很有趣。
(2) 用作形容词,意为供人娱乐的,有趣的
例:He is a fun boy to be with.1f也相处很有趣。
9. Once I learnt a little about them, I soon wanted to find out more and more.—旦我学到一点关于他们的知识,我很快就想出越来越多的知识。
【解析1once用作连词时,意为一旦…………”,用于引导时间状语从句,相当于as soon as。从句可位于主句的前面或后面。
例:Once you start, you will never give up. ~■旦你开始了,你就不要放弃。
1once adv.意为一次,曾经
例:I have been to Canada once.我去过一次加拿大。
I was once an actor.我曾当过演员o
at once 立刻,马上    once upon a time 从前        once again / once more 再一次
【解祈2find out意为查明
例:Please find out when the ship sails for New York.请查一查那艘船何时开往纽约。
【辨祈】look for, find find out
look for
I am looking for my pen.
I looked for my watch everywhere, but I couldn’t find it.我到处我的手表,可就
find out
At last the police found out who murdered the old woman.最后警方查明了是谁谋杀了老太太。
【解析3more and more意为越来越多比较级+ and +比较级表示越来越……”
例:She became more and more interested in music.她对首乐越来越感兴趣了。
When summer comes, the days get longer and longer.夏天到来后,白天越来越长。
10. I host a TV programme called The Sky at Night,我主持一个叫 ss夜空的电视节目。
