1.The police wondered_____.
A.whose handbag it is    B.whose handbag it was
C.whose handbag is it    D.whose handbag was itprogramme用法
2.—Peter, do you want to know something about Barcode(条形码)?
—Yes, I am wondering ________.
A.how old is the great invention    B.who came up with this code
C.that it can be used in the library    D.what information does a Barcode include.
3.—Can you tell me ________ this term?
—On September 21st.
A.when will the school trip be    B.when the school trip will be
C.where will the school trip be    D.where the school trip will be
4.—Could you please tell me ________ ?
—Of course. I suggest Water City Restaurant.
A.when can we get some food quickly    B.when we can get some food quickly
C.where can we get some food quickly    D.where we can get some food quickly
5.—About the Chinese Dream, could you please tell us ________, Mr. Wang?
—By pulling together.
A.how can we make it come true    B.how we can make it come true
C.when can we make it come true    D.when we can make it come true
6.—I’ve just received a Wechat message—“ttyl”. Do you know ________?
—It stands for “talk to you later”.
A.how does it mean    B.how it means
C.what does it mean    D.what it means
7.—Could you tell me __________?
—I’m not sure. Let’s go and ask our teacher.
A.that I can spend my holiday
B.how can I do better in my lessons
C.whom can I make friends with
D.which senior high I can choose
8.Tom was not listening carefully, so he failed to hear________.
A.what did the teacher say
B.what the teacher said
C.who does the teacher say to
D.who the teacher will say to
9.—Miss Liu, can you tell me ________?
—We get together to enjoy the moon and eat moon cakes.
A.why do you like the Chinese New Year best
B.how do you celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival
C.how Chinese people celebrate the Chinese New Year
D.what Chinese people do on the Mid-Autumn Festival
10.—Could you tell me ________ during the winter vacation?
—I studied online and helped with the housework.
A.what did you do
B.what you did
C.where did they go
D.where you went
11.—Daming, do you know ________?
—The strange shapes of its tall rocks.
A.how large Zhangjiajie is    B.what is Zhangjiajie famous for
C.how large is Zhangjiajie    D.what Zhangjiajie is famous for
12.—Could you tell me________ ?
—By searching the Internet.
A.how you got the information    B.when you got the information
C.how did you get the information    D.when did you get the information
13.—Do you mind telling me              ?
—Of course not. Remember “Keep Moving”.
A.how can I lose weight    B.where can I lose weight
C.how I can lose weight    D.where I can lose weight
14.—Excuse me, could you tell me ________?
—Better walk there. It’s only about ten minutes’ walk.
A.how far Tianle Lake is    B.which is the way to Tianle Lake
C.how I can get to Tianle Lake    D.how can I get to Tianle Lake
15.—Jack will have a birthday party tomorrow. Do you know ________?
—I’m not sure. Let’s call Cathy and she may know something about it.
A.how can I get there    B.what gift he prefers
C.why didn’t he invite me    D.where the party was held
16.—I’d like to know ________ for the party.
—I have no idea.
A.why did she buy so little food    B.what she has prepared
C.whether will she dance    D.when is she leaving
17.— I’m sorry, but what did he say just now?
— He asked you ________.
A.who has been to the USA in your class
B.when did China become a member of the WTO
C.what was wrong with your computer
D.that China had wonderfully held the Olympic Games
18.I wouldn’t care about ________, but would be interested in ________.
A.who invented paocai ;how does every family make the traditional food
B.who did paocai invent;how every family makes the traditional food
C.who invented paocai;how every family makes the traditional food
D.who did invent paocai;how does every family make the traditional food
19.— Do you know ________ during the Sui and Tang Dynasties?
— Yes. A trade in books resulted and more people learnt to read.
A.who invented printing    B.why were paper introduced
C.where paper were made    D.how printing influenced people
20.—Can you guess ________?
—Maybe Guangdong. She always makes soup for meals.
A.why does she come here
B.why she comes here
C.where does she come from
