Chapter 1 Ancient Greece Civilization
I. Translate the following words or phrases
Cretan civilization Mycenae civilization. the Neolithic age the Trojan War Dark Age Homer's age the archaic period city-state polytheism Mediterranean Sea the Greek peninsula animism materialism ontology epistemology idealism
Plane geometry fetishism
II.Fill in the blanks
1. The Trojan War broke out at the end of________.
2. During the archaic period,thc first Olympiad was held in.
3. _______may be the first political leader famous for his reformist ideas. He punished trivial crimes with the death sentence. ______abolished slave labour as a form of indemnification of debt. _____carried out the legislative reform by abolishing the four tribes in Athens. ______was an advocate for peasants’ welfare in the mountainous areas.
4. Greek civilization came to its peak during _______reign and then began to decline.
5. In Greek myth,all the gods live on_______. The chief god is called ______. His wife _____is responsible for marriage and family. His brother,________,is the god looking after the seas. ______reigns the underworld,the kingdom of death.
6.The earliest materialist philosopher is _____,who believed that the world originated in water and predicted a total eclipse of the sun.
7. ______claims that fire is the fundamental substance in the universe,that the universe is in a state of ongoing change,struggle or flux.
8. ________believes the entire material world is composed of tiny,inseparable particles called atoms.
9.________ assumed that the key to the understanding of the world is numbers,
summed up in his assertion that“Everything is numbers”.
10.The most influential philosophers in Greece were ______,_____ and ______.
11.______ established the Academy — the first institution of higher learning the world had ever seen. His most influential and significant works are_______,the Symposium and the Law .
12.Greek literature is considered to consist of_____, ______and _______.
13.The epics in ancient Greece usually referred to two long ______poems written supposedly by______. The first of these is the_____,and the second great epic is the ______
14.Among the best-known playwrights of ancient Greece were _____,
_____,______and_____. The first three were writers of tragedy and the latter writer of comedy.
15.The best-known mathematician was _____who established the science of plane geometry. ______ discovered the ratio of radius of a circle in mathematics,and found out the relationship between the volume and surface of a sphere.
III . Please introduce something about the three greatest philosophers in Ancient Greece
1.Mycenaean civilization
2. 776BC
3. Draco; Solon; Cleisthenes; Peisistratus
4. Pericles’
5. Mount Olympus; Zeus; Hera; Poseidon; Hades
6. Thales
7. Heraclitus
8. Democritus
9.Pythagoras 10. Socrates ; Plato ; Aristotle. 11 Plato; the Republic 12. epic; lyrical poetry ;drama 13. Narrative; Homer; Iliad; Odyssey. 14. Aeschylus,Sophocles,Euripides; Aristophanes 15. Euclid; Archimedes
认识论epic 史诗唯心主义,唯心论
希腊三贤:Socrates Plato Aristotle
Plato established the Academy(阿卡德美学园)—the first institution of higher learning in the world
荷马史诗:the Iliad, Odyssey 伊利亚特;奥德赛
科学家:Archimedes 阿基米德—数学家物理学家
Euclid欧几里得—数学家平面几何Plane geometry
Cretan civilization克里特文明Mycenae civilization.迈锡尼文明the Neolithic age 新石器时代
the Trojan War特洛伊战争Dark Age 黑暗时代Homer's age 荷马时代the archaic period古风时期
city-state 城邦polytheism多神论希腊神话十二主神:Zeus Hera…materialism 唯物主义最早的唯物主义哲学家:Thales泰利斯archaic
epistemology认识论epic 史诗idealism唯心主义,唯心论
希腊三贤:Socrates Plato Aristotle
Plato established the Academy(阿卡德美学园)—the first institution of higher learning in the world
荷马史诗:the Iliad, Odyssey 伊利亚特;奥德赛
科学家:Archimedes 阿基米德—数学家物理学家
Euclid欧几里得—数学家平面几何Plane geometry