Global Variable Address Modifier (@address)
You can assign global variables to specific addresses with the global variable address modifier. These variables are called 'absolute variables'. They are useful for accessing memory mapped I/O ports and have the following syntax:
Declaration = <TypeSpec> <Declarator>[@<Address>|@"<Section>"]
[= <Initializer>];
<TypeSpec> is the type specifier, e.g., int, char
<Declarator> is the identifier of the global object, e.g., i, glob
<Address> is the absolute address of the object, e.g., 0xff04, 0x00+8
<Initializer> is the value to which the global variable is initialized.
A segment is created for each global object specified with an absolute address. This address must not b
e inside any address range in the SECTIONS entries of the link parameter file. Otherwise, there would be a linker error (overlapping segments). If the specified address has a size greater than that used for addressing the default data page, pointers pointing to this global variable must be "__far". An alternate way to assign global variables to specific addresses is (Listing 8.8).
Listing 8.8 Assigning global variables to specific addresses
#pragma DATA_SEG [__SHORT_SEG] <segment_name>
setting the PLACEMENT section in the linker parameter file. An older method of accomplishing this is shown in Listing 8.9.
Listing 8.9 Another means of assigning global variables to specific addresses
<segment_name> INTO READ_ONLY <Address> ;
Listing 8.10 is a correct and incorrect example of using the global variable address modifier and Listing 8.11 is a possible PRM file that corresponds with example Listing.
Listing 8.10 Using the global variable address modifier
int glob @0x0500 = 10; // OK, global variable "glob" is
// at 0x0500, initialized with 10
void g() @0x40c0; // error (the object is a function)
void f() {
int i @0x40cc; // error (the object is a local variable)
您可以使⽤全局变量地址修饰符将全局变量分配给特定地址。这些变量称为“绝对变量”。它们对于访问内存映射的I / O端⼝很有⽤,并具有以下语法:
声明= <TypeSpec> <;声明符> [@ <;地址> | @“ <;部分>”]
[= <Initializer>];
<Address>是对象的绝对地址,例如0xff04、0x00 + 8
将为每个⽤绝对地址指定的全局对象创建⼀个段。该地址不得在链接参数⽂件的SECTIONS条⽬中的任何地址范围内。否则,将出现链接器错误(重叠段)。如果指定的地址的⼤⼩⼤于⽤于寻址默认数据页的⼤⼩,则指向此全局变量的指针必须为“ __far”。将全局变量分配给特定地址的另⼀种⽅法是(清单8.8)。
#pragma DATA_SEG [__SHORT_SEG] <;段名称>
<;段名称> INTO READ_ONLY <;地址>;
int glob @ 0x0500 = 10; //确定,全局变量“ glob”为
⽆效g()@ 0x40c0; //错误(对象是⼀个函数)
int我@ 0x40cc; //错误(对象是局部变量)
static volatile unsigned char INDF @0x00;
static volatile unsigned char TMR0 @0x01;
这⾥将0x00地址处赋予INDF,⽽INDF对应多少位呢,unsigned char限定INDF表⽰8位,这样就对0x00物理地址下的8位寄存器命名了⼀个变量,之后操作此地址下寄存器只需要操作此变量即可,不需要在记忆寄存器的地址是什么,只需要记住它对应的变量名即可,毕竟记名字要⽐⼀系列数字要好的多;
#define INDF (static volatile unsigned char *)0x00;
将0x00强制类型转换为unsigned char 的指针类型 并对它赋予另外⼀个名字INDF
