原文 | 1. Qingwen 杨译 | 1. Qingwen 霍译 |
霁月难逢, | A clear moon is rarely met with, | Seldom the moon shines in a cloudless sky, |
彩云易散。 | Bright clouds are easily scuttered; | And days of brightness all too soon pass by. |
心比天高, | Her heart is loftier than the sky, | A noble and aspiring mind |
身为下贱。 | But her person is of low degree. | In a base-born frame confined, |
风流灵巧招人怨。 | Her charm and wit give rise to jealousy, | Your charm and wit did only hatred gain, |
寿夭多因诽谤生, | Her early death is caused by calumny, | And in the end you were by slanders slain, |
多情公子空牵念。 | In vain her loving master’s grief must be. | Your gentle lord’s solicitude in vain. |
原文 | 2. Xiren 杨译 | 2. Xiren 霍译 |
枉自温柔和顺, | Nothing avail her gentleness and compliance, | What price your kindness and compliance, |
空云似桂如兰; | Osmanthus and orchid with her fragrance vie; | Of sweetest flower the rich perfume? |
堪羡优伶有福, | But this prize is borne off by an actor, | You chose the player fortune favoured, |
谁知公子无缘。 | And luck passes the young master by. | Unmindful of your master’s doom. |
原文 | 3. Xiangling 杨译 | 3. Xiangling 霍译 |
根并荷花一茎香, | Sweet is she as the lotus in flower, | Your stem grew from a noble lotus root, |
平生遭际实堪伤; | Yet none so sorely oppressed; | Yet your life passed, poor flower, in low repute. |
自从两地生孤木, | After the growth of a lonely tree in two soils | The day two earths shall bear a single tree, |
致使香魂返故乡。 | Her sweet soul will be dispatched to its final rest. | Your soul must fly home to its own country. |
原文 | 4. Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai 杨译 | 4. Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai 霍译 |
可叹停机德, | Alas for her wifely virtue, | One was a pattern of female virtue, |
堪怜咏絮才! | Her wit to sing of willow-down, poor maid! | One a wit who made other wits seem slow. |
玉带林中挂, | Buried in snow the broken golden hairpin | The jade belt in the greenwood hangs, |
金簪雪里埋。 | And hanging in the wood the belt of jade. | The gold pin is buried beneath the snow. |
原文 | 5. Jia Yuanchun 杨译 | 5. Jia Yuanchun 霍译 |
二十年来辨是非, | For twenty years she arbitrates | You shall, when twenty years in life’s hard school are done, |
榴花开处照宫闱; | Where pomegranates blaze by palace gates. | In pomegranate-time to palace halls ascend. |
三春争及初春景, | How can the late spring equal the spring’s start? | Though three springs never could with your first spring compare, |
虎兔相逢大梦归。 | When Hare and Tiger meet, | When hare meets tiger your great dream shall end. |
From this Great Dream of life she must depart. | ||
原文 | 6. Jia Tanchun 杨译 | 6. Jia Tanchun 霍译 |
才自清明志自高, | So talented and high-minded, | Blessed with a shrewd mind and a noble heart, |
生于末世运偏消; | She is born too late for luck to come her way. | Yet born in time of twilight and decay, |
清明涕泣江边望, | Through tears she watches the stream | In spring through tears at river’s bank you gaze, |
千里东风一梦遥。 | On the Clear and Bright Day; | Borne by the wind a thousand miles away. |
A thousand li the east wind blows, | ||
But her home in her dreams is far away. | ||
【正册判词之三·才自精明志自高】此首是Jia Tanchun判词,画面象征探春远嫁,犹如断线风筝飘摇而去,再难返回家乡。
原文 | 7. Shi Xiangyun 杨译 | 7. Shi Xiangyun 霍译 |
富贵又何为? | Nought avail her rank and riches, | What shall avail you rank and riches, |
襁褓之间父母违; | While yet in swaddling clothes an orphan lone; | Orphaned while yet in swaddling bands you lay? |
展眼吊斜辉, | In a flash she mourns the setting sun, | Soon you must mourn your bright sun’s early setting. |
湘江水逝楚云飞。 | The river Xiang runs dry, the clouds over Chu have flown. | The Xiang flows and the Chu clouds sail away. |
【正册判词之四·富贵又何为】这首判词写的是Shi Xiangyun。前二句说史湘云在襁褓(背
原文 | 8. Miaoyu 杨译 | 8. Miaoyu 霍译 |
欲洁何曾洁, | Chastity is her wish, | For all your would-be spotlessness |
云空未必空; | Seclusion her desire; | And vaunted otherworldliness, |
可怜金玉质, | Alas, though fine as gold or jade | You that look down on common flesh and blood, |
终陷淖泥中。 | She sinks at last in the mire. | Yourself impure, shall end up in the mud. |
【正册判词之五·欲洁何曾洁】这首判词写的是Miao Yu。前二句写她的性格及她内心深处的矛盾。后二句“可怜金玉质,终陷淖泥中”与画面同义,作者肯定妙玉的品质有如金玉一般
原文 | 9. Jia Yingchun 杨译 | 9. Jia Yingchun 霍译 |
子系中山狼, | For husband she will have a mountain wolf, | Paired with a brute like the wolf in the old fable, |
得志更猖狂; | His object gained he ruthlessly berates her; | Who on his saviour turned when he was able, |
金闺花柳质, | Fair bloom, sweet willow in a golden bower, | To cruelty not used, your gentle heart |
一载赴黄粱。 | Too soon a rude awakening awaits her. | Shall, in a twelvemonth only, break apart. |
【正册判词之六·子系中山狼】这首判词写的是Jia Yingchun的悲惨遭遇。画面象征她将嫁
原文 | 10. Jia Xichun 杨译 | 10. Jia Xichun 霍译 |
勘破三春景不长, | She sees through the transience of spring, | When you see through the spring scene’s transient state, |
缁衣顿改昔年妆; | Dark Buddhist robes replace her garments fine; | A nun’s black habit shall replace your own. |
可怜绣户侯门女, | Pity this child of a wealthy noble house | Alas, that daughter of so great a house |
独卧青灯古佛旁。 | Who now sleeps alone by the dimly lit old shrine. | By _uddha’s altar lamp should sleep alone! |