名言(Well-known saying)
1., count the leaves in front of the door, listen to the rain outside the window, the sound of wading and the sound of this, you are wet by the rain, whether or not the heart is still?.
2. standing in the winter cold, the snow all over the sky is wrapped with the drifting profusely and disorderly cold city. Priceless sincere friendship thinking away, I could not help bursting into tears.
3. you walking in the rain, you never open an umbrella; you have your own sky, it never rains.
4., at that time, no matter what angle you read, you are perfect, and the part you lack has been filled with my imagination brush.
5., looking back on the past, days are full of colorful lights, memories of the barrier, once the voice of the heartbeat has gradually gone.
6., the past is dust laden dream in memory, and you are my only vivid memory. The water on the green leaves is the teardrop of yearning.
7. believe that the beautiful life, is a word elegy anoverflowing heart interpersonal loneliness, already made into ice, and you, is this season's most beautiful notes.
8., wine like thoughts, a drink on the drunk, drunk, with all the enthusiasm to read the sad moonlight. So, drunk in the month, drunk night, and I also drunk.
9. who is drunk with me, bright moon, anxious in the setting sun?.
10. into the Milky Way, peaceful and moon with light long days; not into the wilderness, smiling breeze force dyed green earth. In this way, it is good to treat life, do not lose time.
11. her sad and beautiful face is a poem I've never been tired of reading all my life.
12. love is a kind of care, no matter where step trace, the heart is where the hair is shawl hair.
13. life is not lack of night - patter, alone in the night. In such a rainy night, there are tears in the sky, candles in tears. Teemhigh sound, Zhulei visible, only the person face streaming down, is a little silent invisible tears.
14., the same cloud of thoughts floated over and over again, and finally landed on my palm. As beautiful as the neon Chardonnay, sad. I can see you clearly. You can see me clearly. We have different dreams on the same horizon. My dreams are as white as flowers, and your dreams are as rosy as the sunset.
15. childhood that one day chasing laughing, like flowing freely flowing style of writing in my life journey.
16. once in the sun fantasy traveling and wandering.
17., do not let the pace of wandering others, crush your good
dreams tomorrow, the world has no scattered banquet. Maybe this world is really only hazy is true.
18. missing is a kind of happiness sadness, is a kind of sweet melancholy, is a kind of sweet pain. Missing is the long precipitation for yesterday and the yearning for the future. It is also because of the missing, there is joy after being apart a long time, unexpected surprise encounter, only the relatives and friends gather to celebrate the.
19., I often think that memory is the most fuzzy things, in the passage of time, it will be a round of light. And a dull turn of everyday life in the middle school is fading away. Clearly, only a few back, too strong to break glued to the memory.
20. in the world and life in the stream, he will like the last winter leaves falling from the trees down, alone aimlessly in the wave in a setting sun in the West wind.
21. an autumn night, when the sky alone bent moon gently told me how to depict the most beautiful scenery in the heart, I will not complain why life always have too much regret, no longer lamented the end of life is always smoke.
22. a person walking in the city in the evening, loneliness was setting into drag fluttering flags, swagger around Muyun. Walking in the crowd in a hurry to depart, suddenly found himself lost. In the streets of a foreign land, I suddenly so strongly desire that you can walk casually, holding my hand, accompany me, take a dark road.
23. in this world, some of the road is to go to the face of a person, alone to trek.
24., whose fingers slipped over the millennium time, who repeatedly in the questioning, may have forgotten me, waiting for you to use up all my sadness, and your eyes, but I do not understand the desolate
25. life, white clouds, floating away. How many vicissitudes and tears; and the sweat shed, precipitation is how many events and memories.
26., monotonous and stifling air choking my young mind, winding my wings flying.
27. my young days are lonely lonely, let me up to now have cold heart, only dull shadow and I watched haze, song wind, smell the flowers.
28. in a resplendent with variegated coloration hope soap bubbles in waste time, waste of youth.
29. a solitary moon a lone tree, this is a charming far beyond reach.
30. sleepless nights, every day tears, tears flooded the sun and moon, confused the universe, but also can not retrieve the lost years, and return to the original net.
31., I think I will build a fishing pole, fishing for the side of the story.
Loneliness is a helpless choice, loneliness is because it has not found the right companions, loneliness is the liberation of loneliness. The process of loneliness is a process of seeking true love.
settingsun33. plain but not mediocre, ordinary and calm, in solitude, without being alone thinking, the pursuit of the creation, look far ahead from a high plane, deep.
34. love the busy fall after the end of. (like Anne's baby.)
35., like the kind of precipitation after years of calm and melancholy.
36. what I can do now is to celebrate my passing years with a clumsy piece of writing. (used in the previous text, used many times this sentence, ha ha)
37., they are blue, the music is melodious, the mood is transparent, the soul is flying.
38. in the trajectory of others saw ourselves once so earnest, so devout, but very sad footsteps, think of a way to travel so numerous hills and streams over, I just want to cry. (Guo Jingming's sweat!)
39., the years of the flood, swept away youth, swept away the years, and the rest is only a deeply engraved by the years of
