reboot system now 重启
usb-ms toggle 移动存储
backup/restore 恢复备份
flash zip from sdcard
wipe 清除
HW-Key navigation (volume keys + CALL-ANSWER) option 硬件导航 选项(音量键+应答键)
Extended menu :
Reboot system now :: reboot your phone 重启手机
USB-MS Toggle :: enable/disable USB mass storage (use when the phone is connected to your PC) 启动和禁止USB数据连接,读写SD卡。(使用时需要把手机连接到电脑上)
Backup/Restore (recovery partition not included!) 系统备份和恢复
Nand backup :: Make a Nand backup 完整备份系统
settings中文意思Nand + ext backup :: Make a Nand + ext backup 备份系统和Ext分区
Nand restore :: Restore a Nand backup 还原一个备份
BART backup :: Make a BART backup (Nand + ext) BART备份(系统和Ext分区)
BART restore :: Restore latest BART backup 还原最近的BART备份
Flash zip from sdcard :: Flash a zip update file from your sdcard 进入SD卡选择一个zip刷机文件
Wipe 擦除
Wipe data/factory reset :: Wipe /data and /cache 擦除内存和缓存数据
Wipe Dalvik-cache :: Wipe Dalvik-cache both on /data and ext 擦除缓存和Ext数据
Wipe SD:ext partition : Wipe the ext partition on your sdcard 擦除Ext分区
Wipe battery stats : Wipe the battery stats in /data 擦除电池数据
Wipe rotate settings : Wipe the sensor settings in /data 擦除传感器数据
Partition sdcard 为SD卡分区
Partition SD :: Interactive SD partitioning 自动为SD卡分区
Repair SD:ext :: Repair the ext partition 修复Ext分区
SD:ext2 to ext3 :: Convert ext2 to ext3 转换Ext2为Ext3
SD:ext3 to ext4 :: Convert ext3 to ext4 转换Ext3为Ext4 (SD 6Class以下不建议使用)
Other 其他
Fix apk uid mismatches :: Does extacly that 修复APK程序
Move apps+dalv to SD :: Moves all apps and Dalvik-cache to sdcard (This will NOT enable apps2sd!)
Move recovery.log to SD :: Moves the recovery log file to your sdcard. (Use when you want more detailed recovery log information) 移动刷机日志文件到SD卡(需要详细的刷机数据使用)
Scripts available via adb : 通过adb命令可用脚本
Nandroid v2.2.1 : enter "" to start. 输入“”命令开始
BART v1.0.1 (Backup and Restore Tool) : enter "utility" to start. 输入“utility”命令开始 V1.1 : enter "switchrom" or "u" to start.输入“switchrom”或“u”命令开始
sdparted v0.6 : enter "sdparted" to start.输入“sdparted”命令开始