English translation of the most fundamental of network quality index
【摘 要】无线网络的质量和许多因素有关,由此带来了网络优化工作的复杂性。文章提出了注重平衡性是提升网络质量评价的关键,专注于讨论使用变龙算法合理精确配置功率,控制网内干扰分布,达到网络质量峰值的方法。
[ Abstract ] the wireless network quality and many factors, resulting in the complexity of network optimization work. This paper puts emphasis on the balance is the key to improve network quality evaluation, focusing on the use of chameleon algorithm reasonable accurate configuration power, control the distribution of interference within the network, methods to achieve network quality peak.
  【关键词】C/I 变龙算法 自适应 收敛反馈
[ keyword ] C/I chameleon algorithm of adaptive convergence feedback
  1 C/I概述
1 C/I overview
  1.1 最根本的网络质量指标
The 1.1 most fundamental network quality index
The basic principles of wireless network quality is C/I ( CIR ). C/I improvement can reduce the bit error rate, frame loss rate, improve the quality of speech, MOS perception, is the underlying index of wireless network optimization; while others such as the drop rate, the success rate of switching, wireless access, KPI index is high in the performance of the C/I reaction. Therefore, the focus of network optimization is the optimization of C/I, this deviation from the target, the blind pursuit of high KPI is unrealistic.
  1.2 提高网络质量评价的关键
Key 1.2 to improve network quality evaluation
With the development of network is becoming more and more complex, various interference is also increasing, the power allocation problem in most of the network optimization engineers to solve the interference method is improved to anti-jamming power, high level and high interference, it will lead to a high level of poor quality ratio increased, the whole network quality is not high, and the uneven distribution of network quality, the terminal user perception of the difference, drop trigger rise in complaints and satisfaction. The advantage in the competition and the competition in the network, and try to keep all ga
y is equally important. Network optimization is an art of balance, the balance is the key to improve the network quality evaluation.
For example: the road test optimization. Because the road test evaluation has increasingly become the focus of the operators, so in the optimization will come very naturally to pour more resources, covering area frequency using tilt, on the road of high power C/I, promote all kinds of road test index. At first glance this practice effect is good, can consider the issue came, road test road total covering area of less than 10%, the user less than 20%, w
hile strengthening the regional C will lead to rising interference of the 90% region and the 80% user, will significantly reduce the original coverage is limited to regional C/I, impact of customer perception, from the actual complaints the ratio can be seen, the majority of indoor complaint ratio. Therefore, make no exception ( road and indoor ) of the overall network optimization strategies can better improve user perception, increase satisfaction, this is a balanced view.
  1.3 C/I和功率的关系
Relationship between 1.3 C/I and power
Method for improving C/I has two: increasing C or reducing I. Improve the user perceived can also use some new functions, improve the MOS performance under the condition of the same C/I, such as AMR, frequency hopping.
( 1 ) the main method of improving C is to enhance the power, adjust to cover adjacent area configuration, optimization;
( 2 ) reduction of I is the main method of reducing the power, adjust the coverage, frequency allocation, optimization control of external interference.
The struggle for power adjustment, increase power is increased by C and I, and increase the anti-interference ability of single cell increased global interference; reduce the power reduction of I also reduces the C.
调整功率时主要影响的是内部干扰。下面模拟了一条C/I VS Lev的曲线做个简单示意图,如图1所示:
I consists of white noise, the external disturbance ( all kinds of jamming equipment ) and internal interference ( frequency interference and crosstalk ), visible main influence in the adjustment of internal interference power. The simulation of a C/I VS Lev curves do a simple diagram, as shown in figure 1:
Among them, the horizontal axis is the average received power network; the vertical axis is the average C/I network. Figure 1 is divided into 3 zones, 1 points, is described as follows:
A area: here belongs to the low power region, determines the interference is mainly compo
sed of background noise, external disturbance, so with the power of promotion, C/I up soon.
