System business function
5.1 角定义
5.1 Role definitions
Role Name
Supervise the HR status of the enterprise and make decisions according to HR planning;
Examine and approve the programs and plans of the top managerial personnel
General Manager for Business Division
Formulate and decompose implementation plans, as well as arrange works according to the strategic plans of the enterprise directors;
Examine and approve the daily management practice, as well as the various affairs inside and among the managerial departments.
Business Manager
HR Manager
HR Commissioner
(Classification: administration, recruitment, training and attendance checking)
Perform the tasks assigned by HR Manager, such as recruitment, training arrangement, attendance checking and other routine affairs;
Communicate, coordinate and collaborate office with employees of other departments
Related Principals
Personnel and affairs in Management project team, workshops and project lines.
General Staffs
View and maintain personal information;
Gain personal information about wages, work attendance, contract, holiday, training and performance, etc.
Request for vacation and check approval results;
Make self-assessment, training application, vacancy application and recommendation, etc.
System Administrator
Maintain the normal operation of the system, access control and basic data management, etc.
5.2 整体功能设计
Overall function design
Integration Application
Exchange Interface
Employee Self-
service Portal
Information Browsing
Decision Support
Payment Management
Budget Management
Daily Routine
Time Management
Training Management
Performance Management
Contract Management
File Management
Recruitment Management
Organizational Management
Personnel Information
Position Information
Decision Layer
Basis Layer
基础层 包含的是变动很小的静态数据,主要有两大类,一类是员工个人属性数据,如姓名、性别、学历等;另一类是企业数据,如企业组织结构、职位设置、工资级别、管理制度等。基础数据在HR系统初始化的时候要用到,是整个系统正常运转的基础。
Basis layer contains static data of small changes, including two main categories: one is the data concerning employees’ personal attributes, such as name, gender, educational background; the other is enterprise data, such as enterprise organizational structure, position setting, wage grade and management system, etc. The basic data are required in HR system initialization and regarded as the basis for the normal running of the whole system.
业务层 对应于人力资源管理具体业务流程的系统功能,这些功能将在日常管理工作中不断产生与积累新数据,如新员工数据、薪资数据、绩效考核数据、培训数据考勤休假数据等。这些数据将成为企业掌握人力资源状况、提高人力资源管理水平以及提供决策支持的主要数据来源。
Business layer corresponds to the system functions of the specific work flow of HR management. These functions constantly produce and accumulate new data in the daily management works, such as data for new staffs, payroll, performance appraisal, training, work attendance and holiday, etc. These data will become the main sources for the enterprise to master the HR status, improve HR management and provide decision support.
 决策层 建立在基础数据与大量业务数据组成的HR数据库基础之上,通过对数据的统计和分析,能快速获得所需信息,如工资状况、员工考核情况等。这不仅能提高人力资源的管理效率,而且便于企业高层从总体把握人力资源情况。
Decision layer is founded on the HR database that is formed by basic data and mass business data. By statistical analysis, the layer can acquire useful information quickly, such as status of wage and staff appraisal, etc. It can not only promote the HR management efficiency, but also help the senior level of the enterprise grasp the HR status as a whole. 
 员工自助服务门户 是员工了解企业的门户,是员工与HR管理部门沟通的窗口,HR可以充分了解员工对企业的意见与反馈,可以让员工充分参与企业的发展,了解公司的组织架构、文化、规章制度等。
Employee self-service portal is the portal for the employees to understand the enterprise and the window for the communication between employees and HR management department. HR can fully understand the opinions and feedbacks of employees on the enterprise, let employees better participate in the enterprise development and know about the organizational structure, culture, rules and regulations of the enterprise.
 数据交换接口 提供与其他系统的丰富的接口,既能数据导入,又能数据输出;既提供一般数据接口,如EXCEL格式的数据转换,又提供了基于Web服务的系统接口,如与SAP ECC6.0、Oracle EBS系统的专用接口。能够方便将现有的系统中数据实现平滑过渡,避免资源浪费,同时加快开发进程。
Data Exchange Interface (DEI) provides various interfaces connecting other systems, which can input and output data; provide general data interface, such as data exchange in EXCEL format, as well as system interface based on Web service, such as the special interface of SAP ECC6.0 and Oracle EBS. DEI can easily realize the smooth transition of the current data in the system, avoid resource waste and accelerate the development process.
5.3 Functional Module Design
5.3.1 组织管理
5.3.1 Organizational Management
The organizational management is used to build the organizational structure, position system and post system of enterprise HR management, create the position functional system and vocational skill standards, provide data basis for job analysis and employee capability & competence evaluation, and thus establish the foundation of modern HR management.
Establish the enterprise HR organizations at all levels, including corporate organization and functional organizations (functional departments), build relations between organizations at all levels and form HR organizational relationship as the reporting relationship inside various HR business systems.
Based on the result of enterprise work analysis, build the internal post system, position system and job system for the enterprise; in addition, according to the result of post evaluation, establish the post salary system for the enterprise. Through the relations between higher and lower posts, create the examination and approval process for the various HR business of the enterprise. Staffs can hold a post in a great many ways, such as formally, part-time and temporarily, etc.
Functional element management: Functional element indicates the most basic work assignment. Meanwhile, as the same assignment has different requirements on staffs of different posts, it is necessary to implement decentralized management to the same functional element. Functional element is the foundation to create position and post specifications.
Qualification element management: Qualification elements are the knowledge, ability and skill requirements of the enterprise on employees. The regulatory qualification element system in the enterprise is the vocational skill standard of the enterprise. Implement decentralized management to the same qualification element. Qualification element is the foundation to create position and post specifications.
5.3.2        人事管理
5.3.2 Personnel Management
Process and track the staff information from their appointment to demission. Establish personal working files, build, evaluate and update the personal capability and competence model for staffs. Create an all-round staff view of the organization and position served by staffs, each post change, all historical records of staff training, records of employee salary changes, development process of staff positions, employee performance archives, labor contracts and changes, rewards and punishment records, etc.
Staff file information is the basis for the entire HR system and most reports come from the statistics and analysis of staff files. The staff file information is complete in content, managed with a structured approach and including four major parts, such as staff files, CVs, change records and competence model.
Staff competence model: establish the personal capacity and competence model on the basis of the evaluation and assessment of staffs’ working ability in the enterprise. Make ongoing assessment and tracking according to the employee skill standards of the enterprise to maintain the historical records. Staff capacity and competence model can be used in the applicability match of posts and positions, as well as the management decision of employ recruitment, selection, deployment, training and career management, etc.
Staff appointment management is used to check personal information, register staff files, establish competence model, assign works, sign contract and carry out appointment training and other relevant operations when the employee joins the enterprise, as well as manage staffs’ probation and obtainment of permanent status.
Post staffing management: the enterprise can determine whether to enable the post staffing management as needed. Post staffing management can be used to make HR quantity planning, find out job vacancies and track recruitment results. There are many different management styles for post staffing. The system specifies the fixed number and determines the upper and lower limit as well as the scope of the staffing.
Job vacancy management: after enabling post staffing management, once there are staffs deployed or leaving office, the system can automatically find the job vacancy and carry out advance warning. Managerial personnel of related posts (functional manager or HR manager) can implement appropriate treatment as needed, such as staffing changes, recruitment application, staffing freeze and so on. The professional managers and HR managers can easily access to the real-time HR distribution of various posts in their department, as well as the current staffing number, appointment number, vacancies, recruitment numbers and other information according to the job vacancy statistics.
Labor contract management is to maintain the personal labor contract information of different types of staffs, establish a labor contract ledger and deal with the dissolution and termination of contracts. Besides, build synergic relationship with appointment management and personnel changes management. Handle different types of labor contracts, such as formal, part-time and re-engagement contract, loan or expatriation and so on. Give early warning to the labor contract prior to the date due. The early warning types can be divided into different warning period according to the duration of the labor contract. When the labor contract is dissolved, implement relevant disposition of breach of contract damages as well work handover. Besides, establish collaborative relationships with personnel changes management.
Staff match management can easily carry out post applicability match management and apply in recruitment, selection, deployment, training, position career and other management decisions. Before adopting staff competence model, it can carry out match query processing according to the relevant information in staff files.
Personal changes management includes internal staff redeployment and various forms of staff demission. Users can customize the types of the changes in detail, ranging from changes application, examination and approval, work handover to labor contract alteration and termination. The work handover model can greatly improve the efficiency of system implementation. The system can promptly submit the job vacancies caused by personal changes to relevant managerial personnel.
Labor discipline management can maintain the various rewards and punishments of staffs during the period of working in the enterprise. Users can customize the types of rewards and punishments.
5.3.3        薪酬管理
5.3.3 Payment Management
The function of compensation and benefit management is committed to help users establish the competitive compensation system uniting health care and incentives and ranging from post evaluation, internal and external compensation market research of the enterprise as well as the project settings for specific purpose of development, to the selection of salary structure and compensation policies, enterprise salary level and structure analysis, HR cost analysis, flexible payroll accounting, statistical release, report query and so on.
Support the design process of compensation system and carry out fair internal compensation analysis on the basis of the internal compensation satisfaction surveys; combined with the compensation data of external market, guide the establishment of a new compensation system and improve competitiveness of the enterprise in compensation market.
Realize a variety of complex payroll processing program and the automatic summarization and calculation of relevant compensation data, such as attendance wages, overtime pay and other pay items.
Support the payroll treatment of different individual tax income system and the endowment insurance system in diversified regions.
The management functions of establishing personal salary account, endowment insurance account and house accumulation fund account.
Realize motivating staff welfare management. Through the HR interactive platform, employees can choose welfare projects by themselves.
Support labor component analysis to individual employees and employee groups and provide basis for the decision making of formulating annual salary policy.
Support the function of flexible salary report.
5.3.4        时间管理
5.3.4 Time Management
Time management is designed to help users create a real-time controllable staff working time management system, including staff attendance, overtime management, staff shift and stagger holiday system, staff leave, business travel and other management systems. By time analysis, help users implement real-time monitoring over the changes and development trends of employee working, so as to make real-time decision-making control.
Realize the centralized processing of staff attendance management, shift management, overtime management, various holiday management, business travel management and other affair processes; promote the processing efficiency of basic affairs.
By the automatic processing of HR platform, implement real-time statistics to the various working time data of employees. By analysis on the staff attendance and overtime, improve the staff work management.
Attendance management supports a variety of complicated attendance programs and many shifts of attendance. Meantime, it can connect with the external attendance system and provide functions of data attendance and data inputs.
Shift management can realize many kinds of shift programs, such as the automatic shifting of three-shift work system with four groups of workers and two-shift work system with three groups of workers; support staffs’ adjustment application for the shift program.
5.3.5        预算管理
5.3.5 Budget Management
The criteria to measure the performance of various HR affairs in HR budget, including HR demand forecast, HR flow forecast, HR planning objective setting and tracking, HR work report and HR business assessment, etc.
HR demand forecast is to forecast the HR quantity and quality required by various departments in the aspect of business development according to the business development planning of the enterprise.
Staff demission forecast is to forecast the HR quantity and quality required in each cycle due to various staff demission according to the HR demission and turnover (including vacancies caused by post transfers) objectives fixed by the enterprise.
 HR planning compilation is to determine HR planning, including HR quantity and quality objectives, recruitment targets (e.g. internal recruitment fulfills 30% of the manpower demand, while external recruitment completes up to 70% of the manpower demand), training purposes (e.g. the targeted training expense accounts for 10% of the total HR cost, complete the staff promotion rate by training), payment objectives (such as the pay level and structure of the enterprise) and so on.
HR planning adjustment means to make certain changes to the past HR planning on the basis of data in HR report of each financial year and the current operating performance of the enterprise as well the operation planning of next year.
HR planning tracking and HR report data collection are to track the changes of each HR planning objectives through the HR work report of each financial year; make statistics of available data of each HR affair and form HR work report according to the basic data formed by each business unit.
HR report amendment and approval are to amend data against the possible deviation in the data collection of HR report, as well as revise the result of HR statistics; submit the amended HR work report for examination and approval.
5.3.6        培训管理
5.3.6 Training Management
Training management is committed to help the enterprise establish diversified demand-based HR training and development system, including the acquisition of training demand, preparation of training plans, development of training courses and whole tracking and evaluation of training activities and trainees; build a concerted, rapid and efficient enterprise HR development platform.
Training resource management is to conduct management to the various resources used in training activities, such as training lecturers, courses, programs, training centers, facilities, places and so on; maintain the relevant information of training resources, such as expenses, time, quantity and capacity and carry out capability assessment.
Training demand collection means that HR Department can collect training demand from various functional organizations and branch companies. Functional departments return the training demands of their departments according to demand notification. In addition, the functional organizations can also use training demand application to submit their staff training demands as needed.
Training plan management means that HR Department returns the summarization status according to the training demand acquisition, compiles the training demand plans (also including training activity plans) of each planning cycle and confirms them through examination and approval process.
All the training plans approved and training demand in training application will be summarized to the enterprise training demand database.
Training activity management can be started up according to the preset activities in the training plan or by hand. In training activities, it can maintain the course, trainee and training schedule planning and provide the functions of trainee registration and course selection.
It can also aim at the assessment outcome, training agreement and training certificates in relation to training activity management, track the training expenses and time and evaluate the training effect.
Trainee management allows trainees to apply for attending training activities, makes registration of enrollment for approved trainees and records their attendance in training activities, whether they have signed training agreement, training assessment outcome and training certificate obtained, etc.
5.3.7            绩效管理
5.3.7 Performance Management
Performance management is committed to help users build reasonable performance evaluation system, follow up and manage the performance process of staffs as well as finally measure the performance result through proper performance evaluation procedure; make objective and fair evaluation to the staff works and coordinate enterprise employees to carry out works around the strategic objectives of the enterprise.
Performance plan management is to specify the range of staffs, time cycle, concrete measures (such as synthetic evaluation method, key performance index and balanced scorecard) and procedure of evaluation: 360 degree sequential assessment method and assessment questionnaire used for evaluation, etc.
Performance objective decomposition is based on the idea of MBO (Management by Objectives), decomposes the enterprise strategic objective into the performance objectives of organizations at all levels, and then decomposes the performance objectives of organizations into the performance objectives of individual staffs. In addition, work out objective work plan against the performance objective of individual staffs. After the performance objective is fixed, make corresponding changes of the performance objectives according to the results of performance communication between the staff and the director in the performance cycle, such as modifying index contents, adding or deleting index, etc.
Performance evaluation management refers to that, the assessor sets performance results for each person assessed and finally determines their performance evaluation result according to the performance evaluation process set in the performance process.
Performance communication management means that, in each stage of performance cycles, staffs can communicate with their directors on the problems arising from various aspects of performance management, in an aim to help staffs better work and realize their performance objectives and thus ensure the real completion of the organizational performance objectives.
Performance compliant management means that, in each stage of performance cycle, staffs can lodge a complaint once they hold different views or feel unfair about their personal objective settings or assessment process and outcome. The personal performance result can be rectified according to the compliant outcome.
Performance result application is to take the personal performance result of staffs as the basis for performance-related pay (PRP)and convert their performance results to the calculation coefficient of PRP. Integrated with the salary system, calculate the PRP of staffs in relevant performance cycle. Meanwhile, the personal performance result of staffs can be used as the basis for their career development and training development.
5.3.8            招聘管理
5.3.8 Recruitment Management
Recruitment process management is committed to assist enterprises of establishing perspective recruitment management system, which ranges from acquisition of recruitment demands, compilation of recruitment plans to the organization of recruitment activities, whole-process tracking and management of job candidates and the all-round assessment of recruitment effects; provide users a concerted, rapid and efficient recruitment platform.
Recruitment channel management is to maintain the various recruitment channels used in the enterprise recruitment, such as job fairs, specialist agencies, colleges & universities, etc. Regularly update the contact information of recruitment channels and assess their recruitment effect through recruitment.
Recruitment demand acquisition means that the HR Department collects the recruitment demand from relevant functional departments and branch companies according to the HR work system of the enterprise. The various functional departments return the post recruitment demands of their departments according to the demand acquisition notification. In addition, they can use recruitment demand application to submit post recruitment demands as needed.
Recruitment plan management means that, HR Department returns the summarization status according to the recruitment demand acquisition, compiles the recruitment demand plans (also including recruitment activity plans) of each planning cycle and confirms them through examination and approval process. In the recruitment plan, we can predefine recruitment activities. All the recruitment proved approved and post demands in the recruitment application will be summarized to the recruitment demand database of the enterprise.
Recruitment activity management can be enabled according to the preset activities in the recruitment plan or by hand. In training activities, it can carry out recruitment requirement and responsibility maintenance to the recruitment posts and lead in the post responsibilities and recruitment qualifications from job description.
It can carry out different types of recruitment (such as campus recruitment, internal recruitment, social recruitment, etc.) and post recruitment information through different channels.
Job candidate management is to maintain the resume, background and application information of the job candidates and screen their information by match management. Track the job candidates in the whole process of recruitment and make flexible conversion to them among talent databases.
Screening process management is to arrange the screening schedule of job candidates in each stage of recruitment screening and determine the outcome of job candidates in each screening process, thereby, finally fix the qualified candidates.
Recruitment activity evaluation is to evaluate the items related to the recruitment activity, such as recruitment expenses, efficiency of recruitment channel, recruitment effect of each demanding posts, the overall effect of the recruitment and experience learned.
5.3.9              员工自助服务
5.3.9 Employee Self-services
Information query is used by the current operator to look up his basic information, including: basic information, contact information, capability evaluation, education and training programs, working experience, personal files, family information, health condition, traveling abroad and departure records.
My task can acquire some coordination tasks of HR management, such as the recruitment and training demand acquisition of department managers, assessment tasks of assessors and the employment screening tasks of recruitment team members, etc.
My email can send work emails to the personnel inside outside the enterprise, including training notice, candidate screening notice, etc.
Message and notice can timely obtain training information, recruitment information, personal work objectives and assignment messages of the enterprise.
Early warning and event handling can timely handle the expiring labor contract, birthday of employees and other customized events occurring in employees’ work and life, so as to embody the humanization of enterprise HR management.
Knowledge search and quick links are used by users to get work knowledge and business information required from the internal knowledge database and external knowledge network of the enterprise; provide free learning and working platform for employees.
5.3.10 系统管理
5.3.10 System Management数据字典 Data Dictionary
In software systems, we often use certain simple defined basic information, such as industry classification, unit character, time unit etc. We mass these basic data for unified maintenance and management, which are the functions of data dictionary.流程管理 Process Management
Process management is the basis for work flow application. For all the existing process types, one or several approval process can be established for the needs of different business. One approval process is made up of one or several approval links. The links of the approval process can be amended, added, inserted and deleted after establishment.
The approval link includes: link name, processing mode (examination & approval and application), participated roles (choosing system roles available to the link), copy to (when the process comes to the link, send the approved document to designated personnel in the mode of things to be done), usage window, editor window, function selection (allow application, necessary link and allow amendment).
By combined use of the approval links, we can establish powerful approval process applicable to the need of enterprises. Then combined with specific business form, application and examination & approval can be carried on.模块管理 Module Management
We provide plug-in management to each functional module. Only by introducing the designed module by module management, can the module be accessed by users. In addition, module management can combine the role of users to carry out access control; after the module management adds module, menus will be generated upon whether the users logging in have access and users without access cannot see certain menus.用户管理 User Management
Conduct management to the account, role and group of the applied system as well as the corresponding relationship among them and distribute access.
Role name management: including role name, sequence number, brief introduction, department marks (the selection indicates that the role is correlated only with its department and used for process approval), process marks (the selection indicates that the role can join and be used for process approval). After a role is added, we can give the role access to the added module.
Role access management can set up detailed access to roles. When granting access, we shall choose roles firstly and select module (maybe one or several modules or all the modules) next, then choose the data type of operation (the data can be user data, department data, role inheritance, the Department, Enterprise or Group), or choose data of other data owners, at last, set up operation access (read, edit, delete and print).
User data sharing:
a. Browse access sharing: the set employees can browse data input by “staffs of access sharing”
b. Data access transfer: convert part of the system data input by the set staffs to data input by “staffs of data transferring”
Effective date must be set for the above two kinds of circumstances; at the expiration, data sharing comes into effect.
System account management: the management of the account for logging in the system can choose the role of the system account; when there are several roles, we can set up the default login role and amend the login account and password.
User group management can divide some system users into a group for management.操作日志 Operating Log
Once system users log in any module, the system will record the operation to the operating log; the administrator can inquire about these operating logs according to the combined condition of login name, operating module and operating time.
5.3.11 统计报表
5.3.11 Statistical Report
Furnish accurate data and graphical report for enterprise HR and administrative management; provide strong support for the planning and decision-making of enterprise HR management.人事管理类报表 Report of Personnel Management
Detail list of personnel basic information
Social insurance registration form
(Collect all the reports used by the enterprise)行政管理类报表 Report of Administrative Management
Monthly work attendance summary statement
Working hour statistical table of departments
(Collect all the reports used by the enterprise)薪酬福利类报表 Report of Compensation and Benefit
Detail list of salary
Historical list of social insurance payment
(Collect all the reports used by the enterprise)其他综合类报表 Other Comprehensive Reports
Job qualification appraisal form of staffs
Manpower cost summary statement
(Collect all the reports used by the enterprise)
