1、I don’t ever want to have the effect on a person that this person had on me, where I was just blown away by disappointment. It took a few years to get over it.这个句子中重点解析的是“ever”的意思。
ever,在否认句中起加强语气的作用,not ever从未。
2、One thing I do is work with Make-A-wish. If an ill child’s one wish to see a celebrity and he picks me, then I make time to see him. But I have to be very careful with these kids, because if you get too attached, you’re just setting yourself up for loss.这个句子中重点解析的是“because if you get too attached, you’re just setting yourself up for loss.”的意思。
because if you get too attached, you’re just setting yourself up for loss.因为如果你太依恋,你会感到不舍。
set oneself up for loss是引起自己处于受损失或失去的状态。
setting是什么意思中文翻译3、Thank you for giving me the inspiration to stick around, at age 50, you have to feel you’re contributing to something.这个句子中重点解析的是“you have to feel you’re contributing to something.”
“you have to fell you’re contributing to something”
4、We stayed at the Ritz-Carlton and just had a blast. Or I’ll give everybody a ride in the Ultra light-it’s a flying kite.这个句子中重点解析的是“ride”在这里怎么翻译。
5、"One day I’ll have my own barbecue." In other words, every generation gets to improve on the dreams of the last generation.翻译为:“有朝一日,我将拥有自己的烤肉”(比喻:实
6、But it came with a price because when he was drinking, we had jobs and money. When he quit, we traded
alcoholism for being dirt-poor.这个句子中重点解析的是“we traded alcoholism for being dirt-poor.”这句话的真正含义。
we traded alcoholism for being dirt-poor:其中的trade sth. for sth.以……和……交易,以酗酒和穷困潦倒交易。
7、It got so bad that he either quit or got fired.这个句子中重点解析的是“so……that”在此句中的意义。
翻译为:一般so……that是如此……以至于……的意思,这里上下句不是因果关系: 变得糟糕的是,他既没有辞职也没有被辞退。后半句that he either quit or got fired是so bad的补充状语从句,补充说明so bad的细节,不要太拘泥语法构造,更应该注重的是:1.英语语序特征,2.英语国家的人的逻辑思维特征。
1、 She soon called my attention to the fact that she couldn’t work full time and keep house, too.注意的词语:call attention to(唤起注意)、keep house(当家)
2、 I guess I just took it for granted that a wife was supposed to take care of her kids and husband.注意的词语:take it for granted(视为当然)、be supposed to(应该、被期望)
3、You’ve got to get to know them.注意的词语:have got to do(必须做……)、get to(在这里作“开始”的
4、But maybe I’d better take that back and give her a hand.注意的词语:take back:(在这里作“取消”的意思)、give sb. a hand(抽出空或腾出手帮助某人)
5、 They put me in mind for Italian food.注意的词语:
put in mind(使记起、提醒)
6、I’ve put aside some money that I earned by doing some extra mechanical work.注意的词语:put aside(储存、备用)
7、 I was putting a machine together today.注意的词语:put together(把……加起来、装配)
8、 I am putting forth a lot of effect to make this tablecloth.注意的词语:put forth(生出、作出)
9、 Do you want me to put my needlework away?注意的词
语:put away:(在这里作“放弃、处理掉”的意思)
10、I was going by the store near your house…
注意的词语:go by(顺便走访)
11、Your black purse and shoes go nicely with that dress.注意的词语:go with(伴随、与……相配)
12、He always goes beyond my expectations.注意的词语:
go beyond(超出)
13、The kids can’t go along with you.注意的词语:go along with(一起去、附和)
14、Your offer goes to prove that you’re a wonderful mother-in-law.注意的词语:offer(在这里作为“提意”的意思)。
15、I could really go for a good edy.注意的词语:go
16、we can barely make ends meet.注意的词语:ends meet
17、Every thing I say goes in one ear and out the other.注意的词语:Goes in one ear and out the other(一个耳朵进,一个耳朵出。指听不进去的意思)
18、I’ve been keeping track of our phone bills.注意的词语:keep track of(明了、一目了然的意思)
19、I’ll have to call them and have them straighten it out.注意的词语:straighten out(改正、更正)
On the day the World Trade Center fell, the Empire
state Building once again became the tallest building in New York City. In the months that followed, six of its mercial tenants ran off. They did not want to be in the tallest anything, anywhere, anymore. At a time when U.S. Vice president Dick Cheney was still being shuttled around to undisclosed locations, skyscrapers suddenly seemed like the most disclosed locations. For a while, it looked as though the tall building, at least in the U.S., might be one more casualty of war.
Three years later, despite fears of terrorist attacks, big is beautiful again. On July 4, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg presided at the World Trade Center site. New skyscraper projects are under way once more elsewhere
in the city and around the U.S. Meanwhile, outside the states, where the taste for tall buildings never r
eally faded, the skyscraper has also been poking its head up in very different ways, and not just for reasons having to do
