New zone seen as a role model for growth
International experts and media reports say China's new economic zone(新经济特区) will helprelieve the burdens(缓解压⼒) of Beijing as a metropolis(⼤都市), promote regionalcoordinated development (协同发
展)and create a new growth pole for China, setting an example for developing economies.
China announced on Saturday that it would establish the Xiongan New Area in North China's Hebei province, as part of measures to advance the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region(京津冀区域). Bambang Suryono, an Indonesian scholar and president of the Jakarta-based Na
nyang ASEAN Foundation, said Beijing, a megalopolis with a history as capital of more than 800 years, is facing such "urban ills" (城市病)as traffic jams that plague (瘟疫,此处做动词使⽤:困扰)big cities.
Setting up the Xiongan New Area to build a creative and livable (宜居)city will help ease Beijing's urban
burdens(疏解北京城市负担), Suryono said.
The establishment of the Xiongan New Area is "the latest step in China's efforts to cure severe ‘urban ills', such as traffic congestion(交通拥堵) and air pollution in Beijing by curbing (遏制)the capital's population growth and moving certain nonessential facilities(⾮必须产业), including manufacturing(制造业) and logistics(物流), to nearby regions," says a report from Press Trust of India.
Authorities intend to transform the region into a new growth pole, it said.
Ronnie Lins, CEO of Center China Brazil: Research & Business, said that avoiding over-development of mega cities is a common issue facing all developing countries.
The Chinese government is exploring new development models for big cities, diversifying(多元化) t
heir functions and easing their burdens, which will solve environmental issues, promote development of surrounding areas and provide references for other developing countries, Lins said.
Zhu Zhiqun, a political science professor at Bucknell University in Pennsylvania in the United States, said the establishment of the Xiongan New Area is an important measure that will greatly influence China's future development. Zhu also said he believed Xiongan will make the integrated development (⼀体化发展)of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region come true and promote the rapid and comprehensive development of North China.
China's current development should focus on quality, Zhu said, adding that Xiongan aims to see green, creative, high-quality and high-end (⾼净值)development, which will become a role model for other regions in the country. Huang Bin, a researcher at Thailand's Kasikorn Research Center, said setting up the Xiongan New Area is an important and strategic plan of the Chinese leadership.
The new economic zone and Beijing and the port city of Tianjin, with their diversified andcomplementary (互补
的)functions, form a "triangle" (三⾓地带)that will open a new space for the development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and North China and will explore a completely new model for China's urba
n development, Huang said. The Xiongan New Area, along with other new economic areas, special economic zones and free trade zones in China, "will greatly contribute to the balanced development of the economy"(将为经济平衡发展做出巨⼤贡献), South
"will greatly contribute to the balanced development of the economy"(将为经济平衡发展做出巨⼤贡献), South Korea's Asia Today said in a report on its website.
The report said the zone will also create "the necessary power" to promote the China-led Belt and Road Initiative, which aims to build a trade and infrastructure (基础设施)network connecting Asia with Europe and Africa along the ancient Silk Road routes.
Suryono, the Indonesian scholar, said establishing the Xiongan New Area forms an important part of China's strategy to further its reform and deal with the problems that have emerged(出现) during the rapid development of the nation's economy.setting是什么意思中文翻译
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