现代大学英语精读(第2版)3:U1A You College Years翻译
Your College Years
Bob Hartman
Have you ever considered the changes that are taking place and will take place in your life as a college student? Has it ever occurred to you that your professors and other school personnel have certain goals for your growth and maturity during your college years? Has it ever dawned on you that certain developmental changes will occur in your life as you move from adolescence to young adulthood? Though college students seldom think about them, key changes will probably happen to them during their college years.
During this time, students are going through an identity crisis and are endeavoring to find out who they are and what their strengths and weaknesses are. They have, of course, plenty of both. It is important to know how people perceive themselves as well as how other people perceive them. According to Piers and Landau, in an article discussing the theories of Erik H. Erikson in International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences (1979), identity is determined by genetic endowment (what is inherited from parents), shaped by environment, and influenced by chance events. People are influenced by their environment and, in turn, influence their environment. How people see themselves in both roles is unquestionably a part of their identity.
While students are going through an identity crisis, they are becoming independent from their parents yet are probably still very dependent on them. This independence/dependence struggle is very much a part of the later adolescence stage.
In fact, it may be heightened by their choice to pursue a college education. Immediately after graduating from high school, some graduates choose to enter the work world. As a result of this choice, they may become financially independent from their parents. But college students have chosen to grow and learn new skills that take years to develop, so they probably need at least some degree of dependence on their parents.
In his April 1984 article "Psychological Separation of Late Adolescents from Their Parents" in the Journal of Counseling Psychology, J. A. Hoffman observed that there are four distinct aspects to psychological separation from one's parents. First, there is functional independence, which involves the capability of individuals to take care of practical and personal affairs, such as handling finances, choosing their own wardrobes, and determining their daily agenda. Second, there is attitudinal independence, which means that individuals learn to see and accept the difference between their own attitudes, values, and beliefs and those of their parents. The third process of psychological separation is emotional independence. Hoffman defines this process as "freedom from an excessive need for approval, closeness, togetherness, and emotional support in relation to the mother and father." For example, college students would feel free to select the major that they want to pursue without feeling they must have parental approval. Fourth is freedom from "excessive guilt, anxiety, mistrust, responsibility, inhibition, resentment, and anger in relation to the mother and father."
College students need to stand back and see where they are in the independence/dependence struggle.
Probably one of the most stressful matters for young college students is establishing their sexual identity, which includes relating to the opposite sex and projecting their future roles as men or women. Each must define her or his sexual identity in a feminine or masculine role. These are exciting times yet frustrating times. Probably nothing can make students feel lower or higher emotionally than the way they are relating to whomever they are having a romantic relationship with.