only the ethical survive课文
Only the Ethical Survive
Many business executives think the culture of their organization is what they want it to be. They conduct workshops to define values and processes; they display missions and goals on posters and in manuals; they conduct orientation sessions for new hires that describe what the company stands for. I have even seen value statements printed on the backs of business cards as reminders to employees.
In reality, a company's culture is defined by what the top executives actually do. Employees model—that is, they emulatetheir boss's behavior. They do what the boss does because they get paid by the boss, recognized by the boss, and, eventually, promoted by the boss. That makes the top leader, ipso facto, ultimately responsible for the culture of his organization—including the ethical culture.
Of course, individual employees are responsible for their own behavior and are driven by th
eir own internal sets of values and principles by their own personal character and their courage to live by these values and principles. But, when sustenance, stature, and power are at stake, people will do what they have to do to succeed. All too few have the courage to put themselves and their families at risk based on principle, especially when the consequences seem small, remote, or undetectable.
