1.    杀人案中各个人物及其动作如何表达,才不至于引起混乱,如谁是victim; lease, rent, let等动词的双向性。
2.    选择谁是victim,反映译者的立场。
3.    有人用A, B表示两个人,意思虽清楚,不符合语言习惯。
4.    itthisA man was killed by three brothers. Itall started from a dispute over rent. [it指代一个名词;this指代上述状况]
5.    区区几万元怎么说?merely a couple of wan (=10,000) yuan; a few wan kuai (10,000 yuan); a couple of ten thousand yuan.
A few dozen thousand yuan 可以,但节奏别扭。比较时可用,如:a few thousand or a few dozen thousand dollars?
Tens of thousands yuan, several tens of thousands yuan.给人以的感觉,不用
6.    Yuan为什么大写?
I went home during the National Day, when I passed by the yellow river, I saw more people driving their cars, though their appearances had not changed much, I was happy when I saw them driving their car that cost more than 200 millions.
I returned to my hometown during the National Day holiday. In the village on the Yellow River, I saw more and more people driving cars. Although their appearance has not changed much, I was excited to see them own cars that cost over 200,000 yuan (USD30,000).[1]
However, my happiness ceased when I chatted with the folks and was told that two incidents that happened. The first incident happened in the neighboring village where a person was killed in his home by two bothers from the same village, the story began with th
e rental of land, due to the rental scuffle, the tenant beat the party whom refused to accept rental offered, the tenant was quoted as saying would kill the person because of the few million dollars involved, the victim then garnered the support from his two brothers and hence the murder, four families were shattered in this incident. The second incident happened in our village. One of our village folks, after harvesting and collecting his corn requested to drive pass the field of his neighbour, the old lady of the neighboring house refused as she treasure her crops in the field, a quarrel started and the old lady said in anger that the neighbour could either drive pass his own field or driver over her dead body. The story ended with the car drove over her!
However, my excitement disappeared when I learned about two incidents during a chat on the street. The first one happened in the neighbouring village, where a man was killed in his home by three bothers from the same village. The story began with a dispute over the land rents. A local bully wanted lease land from a villager, but the owner was unwilling to ac
cept the low price offered. So the bully hired someone to beat up the owner and threatened that killing him was nothing but a couple of ten thousand yuan. The enraged victim then garnered the support from his two brothers. Hence the murder, and four shattered families. The second incident took place in my own village. One of our village folks needed to drive through the adjacent field to harvest corn. The neighbour, an old granny, refused as that would crush her crops. As the argument escalated into a quarrel, the old lady lay down on the ground[2] and challenged: “If you want to pass, drive over my body!” And so did the driver. The case was settled for a couple of ten thousand yuan.
While I was young, the village was so safe that we need not shut the doors at night. When I came back from school and there was no one home, it was very natural that aunty next-door would invite me to her place for lunch. During harvest period, we were all very busy and appeal for help, the neighbour would offer their help and stayed for simple meals and chats. Now, value of life and individual’s value had undergone a tremendous change. We al
l realized that our country is developing the urban area in full force, we hope to see change in our living environment and believe there will be tremendous change, but those incidents that happened set me thinking, should we do more in the areas of moral values to guide our village folks to cope with the change.
While I was young, the village was so safe that we need not shut the doors at night. When I came back from school and there was no one home, the aunty next door would always invite me to her place for a meal. Everything seemed so natural. During the harvest season, when we asked our neighbours for help, the return was only a simple meal accompanied by a hearty chat. Now, life and values in the village have undergone tremendous changes. We all know that our government is developing the rural areas in full force. And I am looking forward to a better life in my home town. But the incidents set me thinking: Should we do more to preserve the traditional values when times are changing?(可以把原文改得更符合逻辑;极个别情况下才需要故意保留原文的不当)
