作者:刘滨 刘增杰 刘宇 李子文 陈莉 孙中贤 王莹 张一辉 赵佳盛 张红斌 刘青
作者:刘滨 刘增杰 刘宇 李子文 陈莉 孙中贤 王莹 张一辉 赵佳盛 张红斌 刘青
摘 要:数据可视化对于从海量数据中发现规律、增强数据表现、提升交互效率具有重要作用。目前,数据可视化的概念及相关研究领域不断扩展,就数据类型而言,可视化研究逐渐聚焦于多维数据、时序数据、网络数据和层次化数据等领域。通过对中国知网(CNKI)中外文文献进行分析可知:2014年、2015年是数据可视化领域研究热度升级、理论成果大量产出的“里程碑”式年份;中国大数据领域研究热潮形成后,数据可视化是迅速发展的一个重要支撑领域;国内外数据可视化领域的研究,在时间上基本同步,而武汉大学、浙江大学、北京邮电大学、国防科技大学、电子科技大学等都是在该领域研究活跃度较高的国内高校。
基于CNKI,通过对数据可视化研究情况的分析,提出数据可视化研究过程中的注意点,指出数据可视化需要重点考虑彩的匹配,在彩与数据内容的重要度之间建立关联;可视化方案应在满足业务需求的基础上以业务逻辑为依据,合理组合与应用相关可视化技术;统一的可视化风格有助于提升人们理解数据的连贯性、一致性和效率,兼顾用户的审美要求,在风格与彩之间建立合理的匹配关系;数据可视化应以实用、合理、高效地表现关键过程、关键目标、关键结果为主要面向。此外,对可视化应用实例Echarts展开综述,包括Echarts 交互组件(markPoint和markLine标注点组件、dataZoom区域组件、图例交互组件)在可视化中的应用,以及动态数据绘制等。最后,对可视化存在的挑战以及未来研究方向进行了分析和展望,指出虚拟现实、可视化系统和数据分析是可视化未来的研究方向,其应用热点领域还包括统计可视化、新闻可视化、思维可视化、社交网络可视化和搜索日志可视化等。
中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:A
Review of data visualization research
LIU Bin1,2,LIU Zengjie1,2,LIU Yu3 ,LI Ziwen4,CHEN Li5,SUN Zhongxian1,2,WANG Ying1,2,ZHANG Yihui1,2,ZHAO Jiasheng1,2,ZHANG Hongbin6,LIU Qing1,2
(1.School of Economics and Management,Hebei University of Science and Technology,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050018,China;2.Research Center of Big Data and Social Computing,Hebei University of Science and Technology,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050018,China;3.Library,Hebei Professional College of Political Science and Law,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050061,China;4.Hebei Institute of Laser Company Limited,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050081,China;5.Air Force Early Warning Academy,Wuhan,Hubei 430019,China;6.School of Information Science and Engineering,Hebei University of Science and Techno-logy,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050018,China)
数据可视化的概念 Abstract:
Data visualization plays an important role in discovering rules from massive data,enhancing data performance and improving interaction efficiency.At present,the concept of data visualization and related research fields are expanding.In terms of data types,the current visualization research gradually focuses on the fields of multidimensional data,time series data,network data and hierarchical data.Through the analysis of Chinese and foreign literature on CNKI,
it can be seen that 2014 and 2015 are "milestone" years in which the research heat in the field of data visualization is upgraded and a large number of theoretical achievements are produced;Data visualization is an important supporting field of rapid development after the formation of the research upsurge in the field of big data in China;The research in the field of data visualization at home and abroad has basically achieved synchronization in time;Wuhan University,Zhejiang University,Beijing University of Posts and telecommunications,University of national defense science and technology and University
of Electronic Science and technology research actively in this field in China.In order to obtain good visual effects,help users reduce the difficulty of understanding,efficiently analyze data and insight value,It is usually necessary to pay attention to technical points such as color and semantics,highlighting core data,preventing data overload and preventing excessive divergence of thinking.The existing data visualization technologies are mainly divided into geometry based technology,icon based technology,dimension reduction based technology,pixel oriented technology,time series based technology,network data based technology,hierarchical visualization technology and distribution technology.Visualization methods based on geometric technology,including parallel coordinates,scatter matrix,Andrews curve,etc;The coordinate based visualization method can clearly show the relationship between variables,but limited by the screen size,it is difficult to visually display all dimensions when the data dimensions exceed three.It needs to be displayed in combination with human-computer interaction technology,which is suitable for the correlation between different dimensions,such as the correlation between students' learning behaviors;Icon based visualization method mainl
y includes star drawing method and Chernoff surface method.Geometric graphics are used as icons to depict multi-dimensional data,which intuitively reflects the visual significance of each work surface.It is suitable for work completion and incentive work progress overview,etc;The visualization method based on dimension reduction technology determines the coordinates of points according to the dimension attributes and maps them to the low-dimensional visual space on the premise of keeping the data relationship unchanged.The dimension reduction technology mainly involves principal component analysis,self-organizing mapping,isometric mapping,etc;The visualization method based on time series is a visualization method to display the relationship and influence degree between data,mainly including linear graph,stacking graph,horizon graph,etc.the corresponding data is collected with the development of time and presented by the above three visualization methods,which is suitable for representing the flow and change state of information data,such as the trend distribution of grades in different time periods and the change of theme concepts,etc;The core of the visualization method based on network data is the automatic layout algorithm,which draws the graph of network structure
through automatic layout and calculation.It mainly strongly guides the layout,circular layout and grid layout,etc.It is commonly used to represent the large-scale social network structure,which is suitable for activity analysis,citation relationship,etc;Hierarchical visualization technology mainly includes node connection,space filling and hybrid methods,etc.it represents the data of hierarchical structure by drawing nodes and bounding boxes with different shapes.It is suitable for the discovery and mining of interactive relationships among group members,such as the interaction between online collaborative employees.