Module 7 Unit 1 微课视频
1.Lingling is preparing for her trip to LA.I\\'m making a list of things for my trip. 玲玲正在为去洛杉矶旅行做准备。我正在列一张旅行所需的清单。(1)=get 为......做准备 (2)make a 列一张......的清单
2.I like to get things ready earlier.我喜欢早一点把东西准备好。(1)like to do/doing sth. 喜欢做某事(2)get sth. ready earlier 提早准备好某物 I usually get may clothes ready earlier before I travel.
3.How can I help? 我怎么帮?
4.It sounds crazy but I don\\'t know what to take. 听起来有些荒唐,但我不知道该带些什么。(1)sound 听起来,系动词,接形容词。(2)what to take 带些什么,what是特殊疑问词,可以接动词不定式。He doesn\\'t know where to go.
5.When are you leaving and how long are you going to stay there? 你什么时候走?要在那里待多久?stay there 待在那里
6.I\\'m leaving at the end of July and I\\'m going to stay there for four weeks.我七月底走,要在那里待四周。(1)be leaving 现在进行时表示将来,要离开(2)at the 在......末尾
7.Shorts are good, or you can wear light trousers.短裤就行,或者穿薄裤子也可以。(1)shorts,trousers短裤、裤子,名词,常用复数形式,谓语动词复数。如果前面有pair修饰,看pair来决定谓语动词。The two pairs of shorts are Lucy\\'s.(2)or 或者,表示选择关系的并列复合句。并列复合句表示并列关系用and;表示转折关系用but;表示因果关系用so。She was tired, but she didn\\'t stop working.
8.Is 200 dollars enough?200美元够吗?(1)200 dollars 200美元,表示时间、距离、金钱等复数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。(2)enough 足够的;充分的,放在名词前/后,形容词副词后面
9.If you\\'ve already paid for the air tickets and for homestay, it should be OK.如果你已经付过机票钱和家庭寄宿费了,那就应该够了。pay for sth. 付......的钱;pay for sb. 替某人付钱;pay (sb.)money for sth.付钱(给某人))买某物 We paid her 20 yuan for a pen./ I paid 50 yuan for a book. pay sb. 付钱给某人 I\\'ll pay you. Don\\'t worry.
10.What else?还有别的吗?else 别的;其他的,放在特殊疑问词或者不定代词、不定副词后面。I would like something else.
11.Your bag mustn\\'t weigh too much.你的包不准超重。(1)mustn\\'t禁止......;不准......;不允许......(2)too much太多+不可数名词或者修饰动词。There is too much milk in the glass.(3)weigh 重量有......;重......,动词。weight 重量,名词。
12.You\\'d better ask the travel company about the total weight for all your bags.你最好问问旅行社关于你所有包总重量的事情。(1)had better+动词原形/not+动词原形,表示最好做/不做某事(2)the travel company 旅行社(3)ask问,动词。ask sb.sth.询问某人某事;ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人求做某事
13.Oh,by the way, don\\'t forget to take your passport.噢,顺便说一下,别忘了带你的护照。(1)by the way顺便说一下/顺便问一下(2)forget to do sth.忘记去做某事(表示事情还没有做);forget doing sth.忘记做某事(表示已经做过)I forgot reading this book last year.
14.You\\'ll have a great time.你会玩得很开心!have a great time=have a nice/wonderful/good time=enjoy oneself=have fun 玩得开心
15.Please write to me and send me some photos! 要给我写信、寄照片啊!(1)write to sb.=write a letter to sb.给某人写信(2)send发送;邮寄,动词。send sb. sth.=send sth. to sb.给某人送某物He always sends me a present.=He always sends a present to me.
16.Yes, I will!好的,我会的!will/won\\'t 可以用来表示下决心做某事 Don\\'t smoke again. Sorry, I won\\'t.
Please write to me and send some photos!
(Lingling is preparing for her trip to LA) 
Lingling: Hi, Betty. I’m making a list of things for my trip. I like to get things ready earlier. Can youhelp me ? 
Betty: Sure. How can I help ? 
Lingling: Well, it sounds crazy but I don’t know what weight可不可数to take. 
Betty: You should take notebooks, pens and a dictionary. 
Lingling: OK. What clothes should I take to LA? 
Betty: When are you leaving and how long are you going to stay there ?
Lingling: I’m leaving at the end of July and I’m going to stay there for four weeks. 
Betty: Shorts are good, or you can wear light trousers. It’ll be sunny and hot there. 
Lingling: I haven’t got any sunglasses. I’ll buy a pair there. 
Betty: That’s a good idea. But remember, many things are more expensive in America. Have you 
got any American dollars ? 
Lingling: Yes. Is 200 dollars enough ? 
Betty: If you’ve already paid for the air tickets and for homestay, it should be OK. 
Lingling: What else ? 
Betty: You bag mustn’t weigh too much. You’d better ask the travel company about the total weight for all your bags. Oh, by the way, don’t forget to take your passport. 
