英语中在名词前面经常会出现a,,an,和the这三个词,来帮助名词说明所表示的人或物。这三个词叫冠词。冠词是一种虚词,不能单独使用。在英语中a, an 为不懂冠词;the 为定冠词;名词前不用冠词的情况称为零冠词。
1. 不定冠词的用法
(1)不定冠词有a, an 两种形式,当紧跟冠词的第一个音素为辅音音素时用a;当紧跟冠词的第一个音素为元音音素时用an。
____ university; ____ hour; _____ honest boy; ______ European country; ____ X-ray; ______ 800- word-long composition; _____ one -eyed dog
2. 不定冠词a,an 放在可数名词单数前面表示泛指,说明名词的名称或种类,具有“一个;一种……”的意思
a friend; a pen; a book
一两天:a day or two; one or two days
每周一次:once a week
3. 放在序数词前面表示“又一;再一”; 放在形容词的最高级前面,表示very。
eg. I 've failed it, and I want to try it for a second time.
  This is a most interesting book.
4. 用于专有名词的前面,表示某人或某家的一个成员,某种人物或某人的作品。
eg.  A Linda is calling you on the phone.
    I want to be a Jordon.
    I saw a .Leonardo da Vinci in the museum.
5. 放在某些表示“身份、职位、国籍”的名词前,表示主语属于某个身份、国籍和职位。
eg. I am a teacher.
He is an American.
6. 用在某些抽象名词的前面,表示抽象名词的具体化。
ag. an honour; a pleasure; a beauty; a pity; a surprise…
7. 有些不可数名词, 如knowledge, collection, understanding 等后面如果有of 短语时,该不可数名词前面要加不定冠词。
eg. He has ____ good knowledge of English.
My uncle has ____ large collection of ancient vases.
8. 不定冠词的常用搭配
in a way ________________ at a distance______________ all of a sudden ___________
as  a rule ______________ put an end to ______________ as a result ______________
as a whole ______________ come to an end _____________ at a loss ________________
make a fire ______________take an interest in ____________ make a fortune ____________
lend a hand ____________ keep an eye on ____________ have a  try ______________
as a matter of fact___________ have a cold ___________ have a gift for ______________
have a good/happy time ____________ have a word with _____________ have a holiday ____
have a population of ____________ have/take a rest/ break _________ get a lift /ride _________
go on a diet ____________ make a living ______________ after a while ____________
in a hurry ______________ in a sense _____________ once in a while ______________
at a blow ___________ for a while ______________ once upon a time _____________
with a score of __________ a matter of ___________ a waste of ________________
in a moment __________ what a pity! _______________
1. Christmas is _____ special holiday when _____ whole family are supposed to get together.
2. I know _____ John Lennon, but not ____ one you know.
3. They are twins, so they are of ______ age.
4. I don't want to have words with you. I prefer to have ____ word with you.
5. China has ____ rather large population than Canada.
2. 定冠词的用法
eg. Would you mind turn down the TV?
eg. The sun is shining brightly.
  ______ universe 宇宙  _____ world 世界 
  ______ blue sky蓝天  ______ new moon一弯新月
eg. This is the best film I have ever seen.
He was the last to come to classroom today.
eg.  The Smiths are on holiday.
eg.  ______ Tang Dynasty  ______ Spring and Autumn Period      in ____ 1980s
by the hour/day/ week/ month/ year/ dozen/ yard/ ton/ kilo/ thousand 
注意:size/ weight/ time 前面跟by 连用,则中间不加定冠词。
eg. Most workers get paid by _____ month.
      The meat is sold by _____ weight.
1. The diet is measured in ________ calories, while the food is sold by ______ pound.
2. ----- It's said John will be in a job paying over $60,000 _____ year.
------- Right, he will also get paid by _____ week.
eg. The telephone was invented by Bell.
(8)西洋乐器的前面用定冠词,(中国乐器名词前不用冠词  play erhu)
  eg. play the piano; play the guita
The West Lake; theYangtze River; the Grand Canal
(10)“动词+sb. +介词+the+身体某一部位”结构中一定要使用定冠词。
eg. hit sb on _____ head; grasp sb. by _____ arm;
be red in _____ face ; be blind in _____ eyes
(11)定冠词the 的固定结构
make the best/ most of ________  in the daytime _______  in the end __________
in the morning/afternoon/evening_______________    in the habit of ___________
not in the leas(=not at all)_____________ in the way ________ in the distance _______
on the whole ________ on the left/right ________ on the one hand…on the other hand_________
