1、不定冠词有a和an 两种形式。a用在以辅音音素开头的名词前,an用在以元音音素开头的词前。
In a university, a European and a one-eyed man walked along a one-way road with a useful t
ool.This is a usual thing.在一所大学里,一个欧洲人和一个一只眼的人拿着一件有用的工具沿着一条单行道走着。这是一件平常之事。
An hour ago, an honest man accepted an unusual gift and went to finish an honorable task.一小时前,一个诚实的人接受了一件非同寻常的礼物,去完成一项光荣的任务。
The "Chinese Dream" is a dream to improve people's well-being and a dream of harmony, peace and development.“中国梦”是一个改善民生的梦,是一个和谐、和平和发展的梦。
When the Ashleys tried to make her return, Mumbet consulted a lawyer, Theodore Sedgewick.当 Ashleys一家试图让她回来时,Mumbet咨询了一个叫西奥多•塞奇威克的律师。
Excuse me, is there a Mr Tailor living in the neighborhood? There is a parcel for him.
Sorry, but there is no such person here.
—— 劳驾,这个居民点住着一位名叫Tailor的先生吗?这里有他的包裹。
—— 对不起,这儿没有这么一个人。
5、不定冠词用在序数词前不表示排序,而表示 “再一,又一”。
She didn’t like the colour of the two bags and asked for a third one.她不喜欢这两个包的颜,又要了一个。
The medicine is to be taken three times a day.这药每天吃三次。
7、具有动作意义的名词在与 have, take, make 等构成短语表示一种短暂性的动作时,前面要加不定冠词。如:take a look 看一看;have a try 试一试。
You had better go to the factory and have a look.你最好到厂里去看一看。
8、不定冠词常用在一些固定搭配中。如:a waste of 浪费……;all of a sudden 突然地;as a rule 通常。
It hit me all of a sudden that I had forgotten her birthday.我突然想起,我把她的生日给忘了。
1.Suddenly football fell just in front of me but almost hit me.
2.As the kid, I loved to watch cartoons, but no matter how many times I asked to watch them, my parents would not let me.
[解析]考查冠词。这里表示“作为一个孩子”,a 用在表示泛指的单数名词前,the表示特指。故把the改为a。
3.As          result, people will eat more food to try to make up for something missing.
[解析]考查冠词。固定短语as a result表示“结果”。句意:结果,人们将吃更多的食物去弥补损失的东西。故填a。
4.But unlike her school friends, 16-year-old Sarah is not spending half-term  resting (rest).Instead, she is earning £6500 a day as    62  model in New York.
[解析]考查冠词。model是可数名词,前面没有限定词,而此处泛指 "一个",故填a。
5.______ prize for the winner of the competition is ______ two-week holiday in Paris.
A.The; 不填     
B.A; 不填
C.A; the           
D.The; a
关于a和an的一般区别,大家可能比较清楚,也不易搞错,但是对于数字和字母前应该用 a 还是 an,则是许多学英语的人容易忽略的大事。
They have an 8-year-old daughter.他们有一个8岁大的女儿。
[讲解]数字8在英语中读音与eight同,读音以元音开头,故其前用an,不用a。类似地,我们要说an 11-year-old child,不能说a 11-year-old boy。
Our daughter sent us an SOS for some more money.我们的女儿给我们发来了再要点钱的求救信号。(字母s的读音为[es],它的第一个音为元音,故其前要用an。)
表示“星期”的名词(如Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday等)一般不与冠词连用,但有时为了表示“特指”可以带定冠词;若表示不确定的“某一个”,其前可用不定冠词。
--- When can I have my birthday party?
--- 我的生日庆祝会在哪天举行?
--- On the Saturday nearest to it.
--- 就在离你生日最近的那个星期六吧。
Christmas Day falls on a Monday this year.今年的圣诞节是星期一。
You won’t catch me working on a Sunday! 你绝对见不到我在星期日工作!
He never opens up shop on a Sunday.星期日他的商店从不营业。
We had a card from her on the Friday after she got back.在她回去后的那个星期五我们收到了她的明信片。
一般说来,表示一日三餐的 breakfast, lunch, supper前不用冠词。
Breakfast is served until 早餐一直供应到上午9点。
Can you manage lunch on Tuesday? 你星期二能来吃午饭吗?
The supper is well cooked.晚饭做得很好。
Thank you for the breakfast.谢谢你的这顿早餐。
另外,若 breakfast, lunch, supper 受到描绘性定语的修饰,则其前通常要用不定冠词。
We make a good breakfast before leaving.我们动身前好好吃顿早饭。
I’ve got out of the habit of having a cooked breakfast.我已不再保持早餐吃热食的习惯。
After a quick breakfast, he hurried to the station.匆匆忙忙吃完早餐,他就赶到车站去了。
We were well primed (prepared) for the journey with a large breakfast.为了去旅行, 我们早餐都吃得饱饱的。
_____ talk is expected to last all day, so bring _____ packed lunch.
A.A; a         
B.The; 不填
C.The; a     
D.A; 不填
[解析]C。第一空填定冠词,表特指;第二空填不不定冠词,因为名词lunch前带有描给性修饰语,a packed lunch在此指“打包的午餐”。
1.Peter won’t drive us to the station.He has _____ to take us all.
