第二组 数量与比较句型
1. 表示“倍数”的句型
(3)“倍数+the size/weight/height/width/length/age+of”表示“......是......大小/重量/高度/宽度/长度/年龄的几倍”。
2. 数词+单位词+形容词(=基数词+单位词+in+名词)
  The river is over fifty kilometres long.(=The river is over fifty kimometres in length.)这条河长50多千米。
weight可不可数3. as+形容词/副词原级+单数可数名词+as和......一样......
  He is as clever a boy as you want to see.他就是你想见的那个聪明的男孩。
4. the+比较级,the+比较级  越......,就越......
  The closer you are,the more you’ll see.你离得越近,看得就越多。
5. 比较级+and+比较级/more   越来越......
  I watched the plane go higher and higher until I lost sight of it.我看着飞机飞得越来越高,一会儿就看不见了。
6. more than+数词/名词 /形容词/从句  超过....../不只是/很,非常/并非,不是
  He is more than my teacher.He is my close friend.他不仅仅是我得老师,他还是我亲密的朋友。
7. 与其说是......,不如说是......
  It is more a poem than a picture.与其说这是一幅画,不如说是一首诗。
8.   不如/像......;比......更少
  It’s less funny than a penguin.它不像企鹅那样有趣。
9. no+比较级+  和......一样都不......
  To tell you the truth,I have no more than 10 yuan in my pocket.说实话,我兜里还不到10块钱。
10. not+比较级+  不如......
  Jack is not more diligent than John.杰克不如约翰勤奋。
11. Which/Who+谓语+比较级,AorB?A和B之中,哪一个/谁更......?
  Who sings better,Lucy or Lily?谁唱得更好,露西还是莉莉?
12. 比较级+than+any other+名词单数  比其他任何......都......
  My father is busier than any other worker in his workshop.我爸爸比车间里得任何工人都要
13. ......最高级+名词(+that)+sb. have/has ever+过去分词
  Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.海伦是我见过的最美的女孩。
14. ......the same+名词+as....../......the same+名词+that ...... 与......一样......
  This is the same train that I rode on yesterday.这就是我昨天坐过的那辆火车。
15. ......as many/much as+数字+名词复数/不可数名词  多大......;尽可能多......
  As many as 100 people were killed in the air crash.这次空难中多大100人丧生。
16. sb. Prefers doing/to do 某人喜欢做/更愿意做......
  I’d prefer to reserve my judgement until I find all the evidence.我想保留我的判断,直到我到所有的证据。
17. would rather do 宁愿......而不......
  I would rather sleep than go out.我宁愿睡觉也不出去。
