1. All the great __________ are respected(尊敬)by the world. (invent)
2. When you study a foreign language, it’s important to make a good ____. (begin)
3. In the past punishment(惩罚)was decided by the university. The student had no ___________ but to accept it. (choose)
4. After they got on the bus, they found two _______. (sit)
5. Before you start this work, you should try to realize its _________. (important)
6. March 8 is _________ Day. (woman)
7. Can you show me your ___ of coins?  (collect)
8. To my ________, I got full marks for maths last week. (surprised)
9. In this new housing estate there stand a lot of high and magnificent _____. (build)
10. Do you know who is the __________ of the English contest? (win)
11. Now more and more gardens are being built in our __________. (neighbour)
12. Both our teacher and my mother are satisfied with my ___________. (honest)
13. We are all pleased to hear that the _________ went on very well. ( operate)
14. Could you tell me who will give us a _____ on children’s education? (speak)
15. Will you please tell me how much the ___________ is? (post)
16. We have been told the ______ of the case. (true)
17. Have you made your ________ yet?  (decide)
weigh名词18. People from Italy are called ___________. (Italy)
19. Listen, everybody, we will meet at the ________ of the cinema at 4 pm. (enter)
It is reported that three __________ have been put into prison. (Canada
20. We all know that there’s no _________ thing on the moon. (live)
21. British people eat a large number of           . (potato)
22. We tried all sorts of __________, but they were all useless. (medical)
23. I happened to meet a group of __________ on my way home yesterday. (France)
24. The lost calculator has been returned to its __________. (own)
25. Be sure to let me know whenever you are in __________. ( dangerous)
26. The __ is not so good as we expected. (perform)
27. The tall _________ is one of my father’s best friends. (art)
28. Have you decided to take the headmaster’s __________? (advise)
29. The           of the restaurant is quite good. (serve)
30. I thought the _________ was quite dull at yesterday’s party. (recite)
31. The ________ of the river is still a secret. (long)
32. Quite a few ______ houses have been built for the tourists around the lake. (wood)
33. Laura’s husband works as a __________ in a bank. (message)
34. People from different ____ come together to visit the famous museum. (country)
35. About two _________ ride in the bus will take you to the seaside. (hour)
36. I would like to buy three kilos of ___. (tomato)
37. What nice __________! Let’s put them on the walls of the meeting room. (paint)
38. How often do you take your son to the __________ Palace? (child)
39. To be ____________, I think you didn’t sing as well as Jack. (honesty)
40. “What can I do for you?” the ___ asked. (library)
41. A doctor’s duty is to save people’s ______. (life)
42. In winter, British people use ________ instead of air-conditioners. (heat)
43. Hard ________ is very important to every player who wants to be successful in the match.. (train)
44. She took the two o’clock __________ to Chicago just now. (fly)
45. George Stephenson became famous in his _________. (twenty)
46. It’s great ________ to play chess on the internet. (funny)
47. I wondered whether the bag was that __________. (lady)
48. Do you know the __________ of the nearest police station?  (located)
49. I helped the old man to show my ______. (kind)
50. _____ is more important than wealth.  (healthy)
51. Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any ________ when doing your homework. (difficult)
52. It’s our responsibility to save water and ____________. (electrical)
53. English has more _____ who learn it as a second language than Chinese. (speak)
54. You have to recite words every day to keep your ________ active. (memorize)
55. _________ should obey the traffic rule. (drive)
56. My mother is a hard-working _____. (business)
57. About twenty ___________ will come to visit our school this coming Saturday. (Australia)
58. WHO means World Health ________. (organize)
59. He apologized to Mike for the __________ from his birthday party. (absent)
60. “Stop them! They are __________,” an old man shouted. (thief)
61. After a long __________, they got the solution to the problem. (discuss)
62. Paris is the capital of _____, isn’t it? (French)
63. The lady sold five _____ of bread to the little boy and wished him good luck. (loaf)
64. ___________ does a lot of harm to others as well as the smoker himself. (smoke)
