1.—A nice room.
—Yes, it is ________ room.
A.Tom and Jim’s    B.Tom and Jim    C.Tom’s and Jim’s
2.— What class are you in?
— I’m ________.
A.in class 3, grade 7    B.in Class 3, Grade 7    C.class 3, grade 7
3.—What are you doing here?
—Oh, my teacher asked me to write a passage about ________ in English.
—You can write ________ passage in English?
A.600 words; a 600-words    B.600-word; a 600-words
C.600 words; a 600-word    D.600 words; a 600-words
4.—Would you like something to drink, Peter?
—Yes, ________ glass of water, please.
A.a    B.an    C.the    D./
5.Which of the following is wrong?
A.He is a fifteen-year-old boy.    B.He is at the age of 15.
C.He is a boy of 15.    D.He is fifteen year old.weigh名词
6.We went to the ________ restaurant in our city yesterday. The menu had only 8 dishes and the ________ was not good at all.
A.bad, serve    B.worse, servant    C.worst, service
7.The ________ teachers have two ________ to live in.
A.woman; room    B.women; rooms    C.woman; rooms    D.women; room
8.There are still ________ in the kitchen. We don’t have to buy more drinks.
A.orange juice    B.tomatoes    C.cola    D.bottles of cola
9.Every morning he takes a ________ to his offices.
A.20 minutes walk    B.20 minute's walk    C.20 minutes' walk    D.20-minutes walk
10.My teacher gave me a ______ on how to study English well.
A.advice    B.suggestion    C.advise
11.We are going to buy two ________ for the coming party.
A.basket of apple    B.baskets of apple
C.basket of apples    D.baskets of apples
12.This is ________ bedroom. The twin sisters like it very much.
A.Anne and Jane    B.Anne’s and Jane’s    C.Anne’s and Jane    D.Anne and Jane’s
13.—It’s so hard to put together a piece of furniture like this.
—Don’t worry. Just follow the __________ and you will make it.
A.instructions    B.invitations    C.application    D.information
14.There is a picture ________ my family on the wall.
A.of    B.up    C.after    D.to
15.The key isn’t ________. It belongs to ________.
A.her; Tom’s    B.hers; Tom    C.her; Tom
16.—Do you do morning ________ every day?
—Yes. I do some ________ for half an hour every morning.
A.exercise; exercise    B.exercises; exercise    C.exercises; exercises    D.exercise; exercises
17.Lily and Sally enjoy their ________ very much.
A.school’s life    B.school lifes    C.school life    D.school lives
18.After years of war, the people in Syria are thirsty for ________.
A.relax    B.quiet    C.peace    D.safe
19.The day after Wednesday is ________.
A.Tuesday    B.Monday    C.Thursday    D.Sunday
20.Green represents ________ and nature. When we feel weak, we can wear ________ colours.
A.energy; energetic    B.energetic; energy    C.energy; energy    D.energetic; energetic
21.—_________ are these clothes?
They are my _________.
A.Who’s; parents’s    B.Whose; parents    C.Whose; parents’
22.— How far is it from your home to school?
— About ________ walk.
A.20 minutes    B.20 minute’s    C.20 minutes’    D.20 minute
23.Are these ________ parents?
A.you    B.Mona’s    C.they
24.— Is the map ________ your ________ room?
—Yes, it is.
A.on; parent’s    B.in; parent’s    C.in; parents’
25.Look at the lovely ________. My classmates made them just now.
A.snowman    B.snowmen    C.snowmans    D.snowman’s
26.The baby elephant’s ________ is about 100 kilos, but an adult elephant may ________ about 5,000 kilos.
A.weight; weigh    B.weight; weight    C.weigh; weigh    D.weigh; weight
27.—I found a jacket in the classroom. Is it yours?
—No, it’s  ________ . You can call her ________  028-6673124.
A.Mike’s; at    B.Mary’s; at    C.Lily’s; about
28.________ mother is a teacher in a junior high school.
A.Lucy and Lily    B.Lucy and Lily’s    C.Lucy’s and Lily’s    D.Lucy’s and Lily
29.The ballpoint pen was a great ________.
A.succeed    B.success    C.successful    D.successfully
30.—________ model ships are these?  —I think they are ________.
A.Whose; Mike and Ben’s    B.Who’s; Mike’s and Ben’s
C.Who’s; Mike and Ben’s    D.Whose; Mike’s and Ben’s
31.— What can you see on the table?
— Some ________ and two bottles of ________.
A.apples, milk    B.apple, milk    C.apples, milks    D.apple, milks
32.After dinner, I always eat five ________.
A.hamburgers    B.strawberries    C.salad
33.After entering high school, Andrew made friends with some other students with the same ________ and started the DIY Club together.
A.height    B.interest    C.quality    D.personality
