1. 表示反对或对抗:against可以表示反对或对抗人或事物,常用于介词短语against + 名词。例如:
- They are protesting against the new government policies. (他们正在抗议新的政府政策。)
- The team will be playing against a strong opponent tomorrow. (明天球队将对阵一支强大的对手。)
2. 表示碰撞或摩擦:against可以表示物体之间的碰撞或摩擦,常用于介词短语against + 名词。例如:
- Be careful not to lean your bike against the wall. (小心不要把自行车靠在墙上。)
- The car skidded and crashed against the tree. (汽车打滑撞上了树。)
- She accidentally bumped her head against the door. (她不小心撞到了头。)
3. 表示方法或工具:against可以表示使用其中一种方法或工具,常用于介词短语against + 名词。例如:
- I have nothing against using technology, but we need to be cautious. (我对使用技术没有意见,但我们需要小心。)
- The artist experimented with painting against the grain. (艺术家试验了逆着纹理画画的方法。)
4. 表示比较或对照:against可以用于表示比较或对照,常用于介词短语against + 名词。例如:
- He looks small against his tall brother. (和他高个子的兄弟比起来,他显得很矮。)
- The restaurant's prices seem expensive against the quality of the food. (与食物的质量相比,这家餐厅的价格看起来很贵。)
5. 表示支持或靠着:against可以表示支持或靠在物上,常用于介词短语against + 名词。例如:
- She leaned against the wall. (她靠在墙上。)
- They supported each other against the strong winds. (他们相互支持对抗强风。)
6. 对付或反击:against可以表示对付或反击,常用于动词短语fight against, defend against等。例如:
- We need to fight against poverty and inequality. (我们需要与贫困和不平等作斗争。)
- The army defended against the enemy's attack. (军队抵抗了敌人的进攻。)
- She stood her ground and defended herself against her accusers. (她坚守阵地,对抗指责她的人。)
- be up against:面临困境或挑战
- We are up against a tight deadline. (我们面临着严格的截止日期。)
The team is up against a formidable opponent in the final match. (在决赛中,队伍面对着一支强大的对手。)
- go against:违背、背离
- It goes against my principles to cheat. (欺骗违背了我的原则。)
- weigh against:权衡、考虑
- She weighed the pros and cons against each other before making her decision. (她在做出决定之前对利弊进行了权衡。)
- count against:不利于、对...不利
- His criminal record may count against him in the job application process. (他的犯罪记录可能在求职过程中对他不利。)
- pit against:与...竞争
The two athletes were pitted against each other in the final race. (两名运动员在最后一场比赛中竞争。)
