Part Ⅲ 单元语法——后跟动名词或不定式的动词
 考虑   建议     盼     原谅
(consider, suggest/advise, look forward to, excuse)
    承认    推迟 及    想像
(admit,  delay/put off,   fancy)
    避免    错过    继续    练
(avoid,    miss,   keep/keep on,  practise)
    否认    完成    欣赏
(deny,   finish,  enjoy/appreciate)
    禁止    想象 和    冒险
(forbid,   imagine,   risk)
    不禁    介意    准    逃亡
(can't help,  mind,   allow/permit,  escape)
    难以忍受    始    反对
(can't stand, get down to, object to)
weigh名词    想要    成功    坚持    忙
(feel like, succeed in, stick to/insist on, be busy in)
    习惯    放弃    有困难
(be used to, give up, have difficulty in)
    导致    专心    防    道歉
(lead to, , from, apologise for)
need/want/require doing
=need/want/require to be done需要被……
deserve punishing=deserve to be punished应受惩罚
be worth doing=be worthy of being done=be worthy to be done值得做……
There is no point in doing sth.做某事是没有意义的。
There is no possibility of doing sth.做某事是不可能的。
(4)动词+it+宾补+doing sth.
make, feel, find, consider, believe, think
useless/no use/no good
a waste of time/no pleasure
I think it useless/no use doing sth. 我认为做某事没有用。
[即学即练] 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Jean suggested ________ (ask) her father for his opinion.
②She admitted ________ (do) wrong.
③Nobody should delay ________ (hand) in the essay.
④Try to avoid ________ (make) mistakes while giving the description about the case.
⑤She insisted on ________ (check) everything herself.
⑥I appreciate ________ (get) such a good chance to improve my academic level.
⑦We are going to practise ________ (park).
⑧I can't help ________ (be)  angry about his rude behaviour.
⑨If you think you are sick you should not put off ________ (go) to the doctor.
⑩They objected to ________ (leave) in such a hurry.
We do not permit ________ (smoke) in the room.
Do you feel like ________ (have) a word with him and try to clear up misunderstanding?
We have much difficulty in ________ (contact) our previous friends.
I'm going to get down to ________ (study)  English this term.
We look forward to ________ (bring) in new technology.
About one­third of the books ________________________(值得一读).
________________________ (没有意义) discussing how long the disaster will last.
________________________(我感觉……是浪费时间) arguing with him about the matter.
Anyone who breaks the rule by design in the Olympic Games ________________________(应受惩罚).
decide/determine learn  want       
决心    学会    想
 expect/hope    refuse    manage    wish
 希望    拒绝    设法    愿
 pretend    offer    promise    choose    plan
 假装    主动    许诺    选    计划
 agree    ask/beg    help
 同意    请求    帮助
I have nothing to do but depend on myself.我没有办法,只好依靠自己。
He has no choice but to give in.除了让步,他别无选择。
(3)动词+it+形容词/名词+to do sth.
make, feel, find, consider, believe, think
I find it difficult to speak English fluently.我发现要能流利地说英语是很难的。
[即学即练] 单句语法填空/完成句子
①When his father stepped into his room, he pretended ________ (study).
②All the people in the world expect ________ (live) in a peaceful country.
③He still refused ________ (give) a statement to the police although he had been put into prison.
④I have offered ________ (paint) the house in exchange for a week's accommodation.
⑤He used to have nothing to do but ________________________ (整天看电视).
⑥We all ________________________ (认为这很遗憾) for Holland to lose the match.
⑦He ________________________ (把读……当成常规) English aloud every morning.
⑧We ________________________ (感觉这是我们的责任) make our country a better place.
can't help
