Besidethis picturewithprofusionsof colors, a groupof sheep are lowing their heads,eating by the riverbank.Hardly none of them would spare some time to raisetheireyes to have a glance at the beautiful dusk. They are, perhaps,taking use ofeveryminute to enjoy their lastchewbefore beingdriven home. This isapicture of theYellow River bank, inwhich th eshepherddisappears,and no one knows where he is restinghimself.Only the sheep,however, asfree creatures, are
joyfullyappreciatingthe dusk. The exuberant waterplants have nutrited the sheep, makingthem grow as fat as balls.When approaching near, you wouldfind their lily-white teethand a variety of innocent facialimpr essions.
参照译文Ithinkeveryone, ineffect,has a small garden or a flower bedofhis own, namely, our inner world.Just asthereisa needfor human beingstotap into their own intelligence,so isthecase with
their inner world. What distinguishesbetween human beings and animals, apart fromthevarious aspects which areuniversallyknown, may probabl ybe inthat humanbeings havean inner world. Heartis nomorethananimportant organ whereas the inner world constitutes    a landscape, which gradually takesitsshapeunder the continuous influence fromthe outside world. So greatis the importancethat eve
ryone attaches to the physicalcondition of hisown heartor those ofhis closest and dearest ones that merely aminor disease would endu ringly weigh onhis mind.
汉译英: 变化了人与人之间旳关系。一般有注意到会议室旳门上旳通告,写着―关闭。‖然而,会议室仍然充斥着铃声。我们都是一般人,没有诸多重要旳事情。不过,我们也不愿轻易关闭。打开象征着我们与世界旳联络。反应出我们旳社交饥渴。我们常常看到,一种人走着走着,就忽然停下来了,眼睛盯着他旳,不管他在那里,无论是在道路中心或旁边有厕所。
Cellphone has altered human relations. There is
usually    a noteonthedoor of conferenceroom,whichreads "closeyour handset." However,the rings a re still resounding inthe room. We are all common people andhave fewurgencies todo.Still,wearereluctant toturn off thephone. Cell phone symboliz esour connection withthe world andreflectsour "thirstfor socialization."We are familiarwith the scene whena personstops hissteps to edit short messages with eyes glued at his phone,disregard of his lo cation, whether in road centeror besiderestroom.
参照译文:For the relationshipbetween friends, similarhabits and tempershelp to make itcloser; on the other hand, opposite ones leavedistance from each other. No matterhow familiar and intimatethefr iendsare,therelationship shouldbe treated carefully andrespect shouldbe treasuredfor friends. Otherwise,thepartnership and balance wouldbe broken; as  a result, a goodrelationship would nolongerexist. Everyone has a desire for his own personalspace,whichcouldbe easily invaded if theattitudebetweenfriends is too free. Then conflicts appear, cau sing barriers. Althoughit seems a small caseof not respecting friends,harmfulseeds may be sowed toruin the relationship. Inaword, thebest way to keeppositivefriendship is associating withtemperate mannersand without too much interference.
参照译文:Beinghastyand at leisureare twoquite distin ct lifestyles. But in thereal world, people have to frequently shuttle between these two lifestyles, sometimes not sure whetherthey are―at ease‖or―in a rush‖.Forexample, weare enjoyingour holidaysintheresort while suddenly we receive phone callsfromthe boss who tellsus there aresome troubles with our customers and work----so at this moment themodern, convenient and advanced device shows its vicious and gloomy features---andwe loseallour
