"weigh" 则是 "weight" 的动词形式,用来描述测量物体重量或评估其重量。它是一个及物动词,需要一个宾语来接收其作用。
动词 "weigh" 的用法:
"weigh" 这个动词表示称量、衡量或评估物体的重量,也可以用于比喻意义,表示考虑和评估不同的情况或选项。
"weigh" 这个词源自古英语 "weegan",意思是 "衡量、称量"。
Can you weigh this package for me? I need to know how heavy it is before I ship it.
She weighed the options carefully before making a decision.
The doctor asked the patient to weigh themselves regularly to monitor any changes in weight.
The suitcase weighed more than 20 kilograms, so it was challenging to carry.weigh的各种形式
The supermarket cashier weighed the fruits and vegetables before pricing them.
Please weigh this bag of apples to determine its exact weight.
She weighs herself every morning to track her weight loss progress.
The pros and cons of the decision were carefully weighed before making a final choice.
As a responsible journalist, he always weighs the consequences of his words before publishing.
