  1.We will __________ travel to Tokyo this summer holiday.(possible)
  2. There is a large _________  near my house.(bake)
  3. My cousin is good at  _________ (write) poems.
  4. Judy would like to be a  _________ when she grows uo.(report)
  5.Jack  __________ 4 kilograms when he was born..(weigh)
  6. Have you got your              (board) card yet?
7            (Japan) like to eat sushi.
8.  There is a             (swim)pool in their housing-estate.
 9. People go             (travel) by sea in the past.
10.  When is their           (arrive) time?
11.  I have got three silk _________  (scarf).
12. You should do ________ (much) exercise than before./
13.Please tell me the _________ (depart) time of this flight.
14.  Would you please find me some __________( trolley) ? I really need them.
15. I will be taller and _________ (heavy) in the future. 
16. His uncle is one of the best ________(bake) in that city.
17.  I always enjoy outdoor          (activity)  after school.
18. You should have ________(little) spicy food from now on.
19.Having sports can help us to stay_________(health).
20.  I go to see my grandma_________(one) a week.
