1. He sent me an e-mail, ___________ (hope) to make friends with me.
2. With two exams ___________ (worry) about, I have to work really hard this weekend.
3. Her feet __________ (sink) in the mud.
4. It was arranged that they would leave the __________ (follow) spring.
5. I live in a house with its windows __________ (face) to the south.
6. --- What do you think of the football match between Japan and Australia
--- Wonderful! In fact, it was much more exciting than _________ (expect).
7. As soon as the fans saw their football stars, they felt like ___________ (hug) them.
8. The silly woman spent all the money she had __________ (buy) her clothes.
9. They are not the people __________ (trust).
10. Women __________ (forbid) to go out without veils (面纱) in some Arabic countries.
11. Many children take the risk of __________ (punish) by the teachers to have fun in a cool river.
12. With you __________ (support) me, I’ll stick to my opinion.
13. _________ (enter) the meeting room, he found all the parents already __________ (seat) there.
14. Mother happened __________ (cook) when I came back.
15. As we joined the big crowd I found I __________ (separate) from my friends.
weigh的各种形式16. The problem __________ (refer) to at the meeting this morning has to ________ (solve)
17. Hurry up! By the time we get to the assembly hall, the meeting __________ (start).
18. He __________ (take) a bath when the telephone rang.
19. The day he was looking forward to __________ (come) finally.
20. He told me that it was 10 years since he __________ (enjoy) a good drink.
21. The crazy fans __________ (wait) patiently for two hours, and they would wait till the
movie star arrived.
22. Most patients __________ (treat) in hospital __________ (recover) from illness so far.
23. I thought Jim would say something about his school report, but he _________ (not mention) it.
24. --- Good morning. Can I have you?
--- I’d like to have this package __________ (weigh), madam.
25. --- The light in the office is still on. --- Oh, I forget __________ (turn) it off.
26. If __________ (invite), I will go to the party together with you.
27. --- What place is it?
--- Haven’t you found we __________ (be) back where we __________ (be)
28. The meeting __________ (hold) this evening is of great importance.
29. The classroom is so dirty that it requires __________ (clean) badly.
30. __________ (give) more time, the job can be done better.
31. The wolf said in a __________ (frighten) voice and the old man felt __________ (frighten).
32. Hard Times __________ (write) by Charles Dickens is said __________ (translate) into
33. The new college graduate insisted on __________ (send) where he was most needed.
34. --- What __________ (you do) at sunset tomorrow?
--- I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you. It’s secret.
35. --- Where do you think __________ (he buy) the color TV set?
--- Sorry, I have no idea.
36. His book on the English idioms seems __________ (publish) already.
37. Who would you rather have __________ (go) with you tomorrow, Tom or Smith?
38. Every minute is made full use of __________ (work) at our lessons.
39. Mrs. White became a teacher in 1990. She __________ (teach) in No.2 Middle School
for more than
twenty years.
40. So far nothing __________ (hear from) Tom. I want to know the reason why he
__________ (not write) to me.
41. The little boy, _________ (embarrass) about the examination results, __________
(stand) there without saying a word.
42. When____________ (step) into the room, we found everything ________ (cover) with dust.
43. Sally was supposed to _______________ (attend)the lecture, but she didn’t turn up finally.
44. I insisted on _________ (speak) to first, then I would go to help him.
45. I want to buy that kind of cloth because I _________ (tell) the cloth ______ (wash) well.
46. _____________ (surround) by a group of children, the thief had no choice but
___________ (give) in.
47. He is said to _________ (study) abroad. But I don’t know which country he is studying in.
48. --- It’s a long time since we met last. Haven’t you graduated from college yet?
---Yes. I ________ (study) English for four years in Nanjing University.
