Ⅰ不定式    具有名词、形容词和副词的性质
to do
to be done
to be doing
to have done
to have been done
一 作主语
1.  To see is to believe.   
2.  It’s difficult (for us) to learn English.
3.  It’s foolish of her to believe him.= She is foolish to believe him.
二 作表语
  1.  His aim is to win the first prize. 
  2.  All we can do is (to) wait.
        One’s dream / aim / ambition / wish / The first step / What I want to do is to…
三 作宾语
  1.  He demanded to be told the truth.
  2.  He pretended to be doing his homework / to have fallen asleep when Mother came in.
      (decide / fail / manage / refuse / pretend / choose / agree / hope/ plan / promise / make up one’s mind + to do
3.  I don’t know what to do.
    decide / find out / know / learn / consider etc + 疑问词 + to do
  4.  Anyone can become a better scholar if he wants to.
  5.  ---Are you on holiday?    ---No, but I’d like to be.
四 作宾补或主补
  1. I’ll have him say something at the meeting. 
    have sb do = get sb to do
    feel; hear / listen to; let / have / make; see / watch / look at / notice / observe sb do
    但被动语态要+ to, let 例外
    Listen to me read the text. 
    He is often listened to to sing the song. 
    He was let go by the police.
  2.    He ordered his men to fire.
wish / advise / persuade / allow / permit / want / tell / ask / expect / order / require / request  sb to do
  suggest / hope / agree / demand / arrange sb to do undefined
3. He is said to be doing the work of next year.
  It’s said that he is doing the work of next year.
  sb + seem / appear / happen / be said / be reported / be known /
be found / be believed + to do / to be doing / to have ( been) done
  It + seem / appear / happen / be said … / be believe that….
六 作定语
  1. I have a lot of work to do / no pen to write with.
  2. the first to come / to be awarded the Nobel Prize 
  3. the last person to do such a thing  最不愿意做的人
  4. the house to be built next year 
    比较: the house being built now / build last year
七 作状语 (目的、原因、结果或条件)
    目的  to / in order to / so as to
    结果  enough to / too…to / so…as to / such…as to / only to
  1.  The bus stopped to pick up passengers. 
  2.  He set out early in order to / so as to catch the first bus.
      = In order to / To catch the first bus he set out early.
  3.  I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.
  4.  I hurried to school only to be told it was a holiday.
      only to do sth 表示出于预料之外的结果
    She kept silent about the accident so as not to lose his job.
    The book seems to have been translated into English.   
但是: The book is difficult to understand.
    I have a letter to write / a lot of work to do.   
    He is to blame for the accident.
Ⅱ 动名词  具有名词的性质
being done
having done
having been done
一 作主语
  1.  Seeing is believing. = To see is to believe.
  2.  It’s no use / no good / useless doing sth.  It’s no use crying over spilt milk.
  3.  Being forced to leave the classroom made him feel embarrassed.
二 作表语
  1.  My job is teaching English. 
      比较: One’s dream / aim / ambition / The first step is to do sth.
        动名词作表语, 可与主语交换位置, 句子成立; 现在分词则不能。
三 作宾语 (动宾 / 介宾 / it 作形式宾语)
  1.  I appreciate hearing from you again. 
  2.  He doesn’t feel like eating anything. 
四 作定语
1.  a writing desk   
2.  a swimming pool  动名词作定语表示被修饰名词的用途
比较: a sleeping boy = a boy who is sleeping  现在分词作定语表示被修饰名词的动作
Ⅲ 现在分词和过去分词    具有形容词和副词的性质
一 作表语 
The news is exciting.  We are excited. 
二 作宾补或主补
感官动词和实意动词see / hear / watch / look at / notice / feel
四 作定语
1.falling leaves / fallen leaves 2.a friend living in London 3.the book written by Lu Xun
五 作状语
1. Be careful while crossing the street. 
  Having been shown the lab, they were taken to see the library.
  Hearing the news, they jumped with joy. (时间)
2. Being repaired, the swimming pool doesn’t open today.
Not having received her letter, she wrote another.
  Encouraged by his teacher, he decided to follow a music career. (原因)
3. Given enough time, we could do it much better. 
  Turning left, you will find the shop. (条件)
4. They stood there waiting for a bus. 
