Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.
(Section A) 
1.Little Jack lost his favorite toy car and it made him          (happy).
2. So far, the Browns have been          ( live)in China for about ten years.
3. My mother always makes me          (clean)my room myself.
4. Many young people are crazy about playing with Tik Tok(抖音)          (late).
5. I like listening to quiet music. It can make me feel          (relax).
6. In some countries, you're not supposed to make noise while          (eat).
7. All the children like Mr. White because he often makes them           (laugh).
8. The old photos made me          (think) of the good old days.
9. We all like this movie very much, because it's          (real) interesting.
10. Can you tell me what          (do) next?
11. Children had fun          (play) in Disneyland on Children's Day.
12. She is always          (sleep) at noon.
13.           (wait) for her such a long time made me mad.
14. Mary and Kathy are good friends and they hope their          (friend) will last forever.
15. The          (hard) you work, the more progress you will get.
16. I haven't been to his house, so I don't know how           (get)there.
17. The           (bored) movie makes me tired. I went to leave.
18. It' s said that the first credit card was invented by a           (bank)named John Biggins.
19. Don't be           (worry) about David. He is not a child any more.
20. From now on, I'll try           (study) harder so that I can get good grades.
21. Alice has great talent in music and she dreams to be a           (sing) in the future.
22. My mother is always worried about           (arrive) late for work, so she gets up very early every morning.
23. The bad news made the little girl           (comfort).
24. Loud music may be nice at first, but soon it makes people weigh的各种形式          (want) to leave.
25. It's a           (rain) day. You'd better take your umbrella with you.
26. The news report on TV made his parents           (worry) about him.
27. Why do you keep me          (wait)so long?
28. Light music makes us            (feel) comfortable
29. We were made            (wait) here until twelve o'clock in the evening
30. If you want to make yourself            (understand), you'd better speak clearly
31. The good news made me             (surprise)
32. We must make computers            (serve)us better
33. His mother praised him, and it made him more              (care)so he made the bed very           (care).
34. What made you so             (relax )?
35. My watch doesn't work. I'll have it             (repair).
36. Listening to soft music          (make) him feel relaxed.
37. He realized that he was           (worry) for no reason.
38. The           (much)you practice, the greater progress you'll make.
39. I couldn't sleep because the bed was so               (comfortable).
40. Jimmy's father was ill and didn’t feel like           (eat) anything.
1. unhappy  2. living  3. clean  4. lately  5. relaxed  6. eating  7.laugh  8. think
9. really  10. to do  11. playing  12. sleeping  13. Waiting  14. friendship  15. harder  16. to get
17. boring  18. banker 19. worried  20. to study  21. singer  22. arriving  23. uncomfortable  24.want
25. rainy  26. worry/worried  27. waiting 28. feel  29. to wait  30. understood  31. surprised  32. serve
33. careful, carefully  34. relaxed  35. repaired 36. makes 37. worried  38. more  39. uncomfortable 40. eating
Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.
(Section B)
1. I feel           (luck) to have a chance to communicate with the expert.
2. What his father said made him think             (careful).
3. Their team was so close to           (win) that game.
4. They were all               (disappoint) to hear the news.
5. My parents always             (courage) me to be a teacher in the future.
6. The youth are the             (wealthy) of society.
7. Peter's feelings were             (write) all over his face.
8. Can you make yourself               (understand) when you are traveling in foreign countries?
9. It rained            (sudden) on my way to school this morning.
10. Three days have           (pass), and they haven't finished their work yet.
