1.I hope you _____________ (regard) me as your best friend forever.
2.My cousin went to India two years ago. He ________ (work) there for three months and then went to Japan.
3.Millie and Ann ____________ (know) each other since three years ago.
4.Soon after the earthquake, some people ________ (save) on April 20, 2013.
5.Can you tell me where those children __________________ (play) hide-and-seek this time yesterday?
动词填空 (用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空。每小题1分, 共计10分)
1._____(not talk) when you are at a meeting.
2.Comedies make me _____(laugh) .
3.Nick would like _____(invite) all of his friends to his house.
4.Look! Meiduo _____(wait) for her classmates now.
5.Paul _____(carry) some fruit to his grandparents last night.
6.Tomorrow is Mother’s Day. Zhada _____(cook) for his mother.
7.Mom _____(watch) TV when I knocked at the door.
8.--- _____ you _____(hear) of the news before?
--- Yes, I have. I watch Morning News every day.
9.The teacher will finish his class as soon as the bell _____(ring).
10.The students came out to play sports at once when it stopped _____(rain).
动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。
1.--- Could you tell me how your daughter usually goes to school?
--- Yes. If it is fine, she ________ (ride) to school.
2.Please stop talking, guys. I can’t hear what the youth worker ________(explain).
3.Have you heard that the famous astronaut ________(invite) to give a talk on life in space next Sunday?
4.More effort should be put into ________ ( improve) our English skills.
5.The three boy students Miss White paid special attention to ________ (make) great progress at last.
6.A large number of people ________ (reply) to what the cruel murderer did since the news was covered on TV.
7.It was reported that the plane to London ________ (fly) back to Paris by the time of 2:30 yesterday afternoon because of the rainstorm.
8.He wasn’t sure if he ________ (vote) for the new manager the following week.
1. —Will you ever leave her alone?
— Only if she ________ (ask) me to.
weigh的各种形式2.How boring it is ________ (read) such a useless report!
3.—Do you know why he is so happy?
—It seems that he         (offer) a better job at IBM.
4.Just now , I was told that the superstar __________(visit) our school soon.
5.The little boy promised his teacher         (not be) late again.
6.The door is broken, you’d better have it ________(repair) next month.
7.There are some boys ___________ (play) basketball on the playground.
8.Did you realize how much stress you         (face) at that moment?
1.Trust me. I     (keep) it between you and me, I promise. Talk now.
2.I'm so sorry that I      (not understand) you, but I do now.
3.Sally loves chocolate. -That        (explain) why it's hard for her to lose weight.
4.If you have any trouble        (use) the website,just click on this icon for help.
5.—Why didn't you answer my call?
—I       (take) a shower. But I called you back as soon as I got out.
6.A big parade was held on Red Square      (remember) the dead in World War II.
7.Cleverness is a gift; kindness is a choice. Gifts are easy - they       (give) after all. Choices can be hard.
8.—Is the little baby in this photo me, Dad?
—It is. And now you          (grow) into a young man. Where does the time go, huh?
1.You needn’t prepare for the report for him as he _______(write) it himself.It’s right in his pocket.
2.---Why not go to the cinema with us?
---Tom hasn’t e yet, I ______________(wait) for him.
3.The soldier was seen ______________(rush) to the little girl and carry her to safety.
4.The man the puter pany gave up _________(accept) by a famous IT pany in the end.
5.Our geography teacher told us everything ________(weigh) more on the earth than on the moon.
6.---When can we play badminton at the court?
---Not until it ______________(repair) next week.
7.---What did the doctor suggest?
---___________(take) exercise for an hour every day.
8.I wonder when our sports meeting ________ (hold).Can it be next week?
1.–Three years _____________( pass) since Mike came to China.
2.We hope the problem _____________( deal ) with as soon as possible.
3.Do you find it exciting ___________( ski ) alone in the mountain?
