(一)  1) I don’t run as __________ (fast) as Robot. He runs fastest in our class. 2) Tom is taller than any other _________ (student) in his class. 3) He practices ________ (play) the piano very day. 4) I don’t agree _________ (go) there with them.  5) He _________________ (brush) his teeth at this time yesterday. 6) They ________________ (plant) a number of trees since 2008. 7) I look forward to _____________(see) you again next time.  8) I want to give you some _________ (advise) on how to give up smoking.
Keys: fast, student, playing, to go, was brushing, have planted, seeing, advice
(  二  )  1 There are about two _________ (million) people coming here every year.  2 Mark, you should do your homework __________(you).  3 Children, please help _____________ (you) to some bananas. They are nice to eat.  4 When I was watering the flowers yesterday evening, my mother ________(cook) dinner in the kitchen.  5 I helped the lost boy _________ (find) his home and I was really happy.  6 -- Can you hear Mark __________ (play) the piano next door every day?  -- Yes, he has made great progress.  7 Guilin is one of
__________________(famous) tourist destinations in the world.  8 It’s not far from here. It’s only about ten ____________ (minute) walk.   
Keys: million, yourself, yourselves, was cooking, find/to find, play,  the most famous, minutes’
( 三 )  1 The ____________ (excit) news made us very ______________ (excite).  2 He used to be very short, but now he is even ________ (tall) than Tom!  3 He ____________ (play) computer games when suddenly there was a big noise outside.  4 Tony and Mary, please make _________ (you) at home.  全国注册建筑师、建造师考试备考资料 历年真题 考试心得 模拟试题  5 I tried my best to help the girl ___________(improve) her maths.  6 I really look forward to ______________( meet) you again.  7 The students _____________ (teach) how to do the experiment in the class at this moment.  8 Stop __________(talk)! I can’t hear the actors.  Keys: exciting, excited, taller, was playing, yourselves, improve/ to improve,  meeting,  are being taught
(四 )  1 The ____________ (excit) news made us very ______________ (excite). 2 He u
sed to be very short, but now he is even ________ (tall) than Tom! 3 He ____________ (play) computer games when suddenly there was a big noise outside.  4 Tony and Mary, please make _________ (you) at home.  5 I tried my best to help the girl ___________(improve) her maths. 6 I really look forward to ______________( meet) you again.  7 The students _____________ (teach) how to do the experiment in the class at this moment.  8 Stop __________(talk)! I can’t hear the actors. 
Keys: exciting, excited, taller, was playing, yourselves, improve/ to improve,  meeting,  are being taught 
(五)    1 It’s __________ (teacher) Day today and I want to give my English teacher some flowers.    2 _____________ (busy) he is, ___________(happy) he feels.    3 Peter can’t carry the box, because it’s too heavy for __________(he).    4 The film was really a big ____________. (successful)    5 There are many palacs of ___________ (interesting) in Beijing, such as the Great wall and the Summer Palace.    6 When Bill phoned me last night, I ______________ (have) a shower in the bathroom.    7 I’ll give back the book to To
weigh的各种形式m as soon as I __________(see) him.    8 I have no idea when he __________(come) to see me, maybe tomorrow. 
Keys: Teachers’, The busier, the happier, him, success, interest, was having, see,  will come   
(六)  1) We felt very ________ (relax) after the bus trip. It was great fun. 2) She showed great ___________ (interested) in collecting stamps. 3) Look! The kite is flying ___________ (high) in the sky.  4) He ___________ (learn) over six hundred English words since last year. 5) I have no idea what _________ (do) next.  6) This house is even _________ (large) than that one. I really like it.  7) More and more flowers _______________ (plant) since 2008 Olympic Games.  8) What ____________ (you, do) when I knocked on your door? 
Keys: relaxed, interest, high, has learned, to do, larger, have been planted,  were you doing 
(七)  1 I hope __________ (find) a good job in a foreign company after I graduate from school.  2 He found it hard _______________ (catch up with) his classmates.  3 Father asks me _____________(not play) computer games before finishing my homework.  4 All the children like Mr. White very much because he often makes them __________( laugh).  5 Let him_________(have) a rest. I think he must be tired after the long walk.  6 We have two rooms __________ (live) in, but I can’t decide which one ___________ (choose).  7 –Bobs speaks Chinese quite well.    --Yes, so he does. He practices ____________( speak) Chinese every day.  8 Before 2018 we will finish __________ (build) the schools.  9 She says she doesn’t feel like _____________ (go) out with you.  10 The boy ___________(stand) in the teachers’ office was found smoking yesterday. 
Keys: to find, to catch up with, not to play, laugh, have, to live, to choose,  speaking, buliding, going, standing
51. Even a child knows September is the ______ month of a year.(nine)答案:ninth
52. Our notebook computer ______ 5 pounds and costs about $2,000.(weigh)答案:wei
53. Yesterday I ______ a new dress at the Macy’s for my mum.(buy)答案:bought
54. I didn’t want to be treated ______ from anyone else.(different)答案:differently
55. She was ______ in the kitchen when the light went out.(serve)答案:serving/served
A. 用所词的适当形式填空。
1. A large number of _____ (foreign) visit Guizhou province these years.
2. Thank goodness! The letter I looking forward to _____ (reach) me at last.
3. Hainan Island is a ______ (wonder) place to spend summer.
4. The dinner room must _____ (clean) three times a day.
