being done
having done
having been done
1. being done所表示的动作正在进行且表示被动意义,它在句中主要用作定语。如:
The problem being discussed at the meeting is very important.
2. 动词-ing形式的完成式主要用作状语,强调动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前。主动式表示主动意义,其逻辑主语是句子的主语;被动式表示被动意义,其逻辑宾语是句子的主语。如:
1) Having finished his homework, he went out to play with the other children.
2) Having been kept in prison for so many years, he was not used to the outside world.
二、注意下面这些固定搭配,它们在句中通常用作状语。如:judging from…(……判断)considering…(考虑到……)speaking of…(说到……)supposing…(假如……)等。如:
1) Judging from his accent, he must be from Canada.
2) Supposing he can’t come, who will do the work?
三、动词-ing形式作状语时, ing形式与主句之间不能再使用任何连词连接。如:
Standing on the hill, and you will see much farther. ()
Standing on the hill, you will see much farther. ()
Being hot, we all went swimming at the seaside. ()
As it was hot, we all went swimming at the seaside. ()
Not having received his reply, I decided to call him again.
. 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
  1. Tony lent me the money,     that I’d do as much for him. (全国卷Ⅱ,2012)
    A. hoping        B. to hope
    C. hoped        D. having hoped
  2. He got up late and hurried to his office,     the breakfast untouched. (天津,2012)
    A. left          B. to leave
    C. leaving        D. having left
  3. The lecture,     at 7:00 pm last night, was followed by an observation of the moon with telescopes. (湖南,2012)
    A. starting          B. being started
    C. to start          D. to be started
  4.    many times, he finally understood it.
    A. Told        B. Telling
    C. Having been told  D. Having told
  5.    to reach them on the phone, we sent an e-mail instead. 
    A. Fail        B. Failed
    C. To fail        D. Having failed 
  6.    at my classmates’ faces, I read the same excitement in their eyes.
    A. Looking          B. Look
    C. To look            D. Looked
  7. The lady walked around the shops,     an eye out for bargains. 
    A. keep      B. kept
    C. keeping      D. to keep
  8.     the city center, we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height.               
    A. Approaching    B. Approached
    C. To approach      D. To be approached 
. 根据括号内的提示,用动词-ing形式完成下列句子。
  1.        (穿过) the park, we saw a fine flower show. (walk)
  2.weigh的各种形式        (重达近50公斤), the stone was moved by him. (weigh
  3. She worked late into the night,       (准备一份演讲稿) for the president. (prepare) 
  4.         (……一起生活)the man for 3 years, we all know him very well. (live)
  5.         (不知道) his telephone number, she had some difficulty getting in touch with Bill. (know)
  6. Don’t sit there         (什么都不做). Come and give me a hand. (do)
  7. We all went for a picnic,         (留下他一个人)at home. (leave)
  8.        (已经遭受) serious pollution, it may be too late to clean up the river. (suffer)
. 下列句中各有一处错误,请出并改正。
  1. Seeing the film before, he decided to stay at home tonight.
  2. Having knocked down by a car, he spent a week in the hospital.
  3. Having not done the experiment right, I tried again and succeeded.
  4. Being led by the old villager, we had no trouble finding that cave.
  5. Having finished the homework, and he went on to help his mother.
. 1-5 ACACD      6-8 ACA
.1. Walking through      2. Weighing almost 50 kilograms
    3. preparing a speech      4. Having lived with
    5. Not knowing          6. doing nothing
    7. leaving him alone      8. Having suffered
.1. Seeing改为Having seen
    2. Having后加been 
    3. Having not改为Not having 
    4. Being led改为Led
    5. 去掉and
