Unit 5Save the endangered animals
1. endangered  adj.  濒危的    an endangered animal
  danger    n.  危险    in (great) danger  处于(巨大的)危险中                               
  dangerous  adj.  危险的
  eg. We should try our best to protect the ____________ (danger) animals.
  Snakes are ____________. Don’t touch them or you will be in _______.  (danger)
2. file n.档案; 电脑上的文件夹      fact file 纪实档案,档案录
  eg. You must record and keep a file of all expenses. 你必须对所有的花费进行记录并存档。
3. giant panda n. 大熊猫
  eg. The government is encouraging farmers to leave the giant panda reserves. 政府鼓励农民离开大雄高保护区。
4. obligation n. 义务;责任
  eg. Children have the obligation to take care of their old parents.子女有照顾年迈父母的义务。
5. wild    adj.  野生的    wild animals/ flowers  野生动物/野花
          N.自然环境;野生状态        in the wild    在野外
  eg.It is hard to survive in the wild.  在野外生存是很困难的。
6.bamboo n. 竹;竹子  bamboos(复数)
  bamboo leaves 竹叶    bamboo forest 竹林    bamboo shoots 竹笋
7.adult n. 成年动物;成年人      adj.成年的
  eg. The fish return to the river as adults in order to breed.这种鱼长成后回到河中产卵。
    Children and adults should have equal rights. 儿童和成年人应该享有平等的权利。
    I have spent most of my adult life in London. 我成年后的大部分时间都在伦敦度过。
8. weight n. 重量;体重    weigh v. 有......的重量;称......的重量
  eg. What is your height ad weight?你的身高和体重多少?
      Turkeys can reach weights of up to 50 pounds.火鸡可重达50磅。
      She weighs 60 kilograms.=She is 60 kilos in weight.
      lose weight      减肥    put on weight  增肥
9. kilogram  n. 公斤    (pl. kilograms)
10. population  n.人口,数量 
  eg.The population of this city is six million.这个城市的人口是600万.
    Chinas population is much larger than that of Australia.中国的人口比澳大利亚的人口多得多.
    population  必须用big, large / small修饰  不可以用many ,much修饰
What is the population of Germany?=How many people are there in Germany?德国的人口是多少?
11.behaviour n. (动植物的)活动方式;行为,举止  behave v. 表现
  eg. Those scientists are learning about the behaviours of dolphins. 那些科学家正在研究海豚的习性。
      Ted should be responsible for his own behaviour. 特德要对他自己的行为负责。
      Teachers often tell their students to mind their behavior. 老师经常提醒同学们注意自己的行为.
      They behaved very badly towards their guests. 他们对和人很不礼貌。
      He behaves like a true gentleman. 他的行为像个真正的绅士。
12.birth v. 出生;诞生      birthday n. 生日  birth date 出生日期  birthplace出生地  birth rate 出生率
  at birth 出生时    give birth to 生出,生产    birthmark 胎记
  eg. The birth of his grandchildren gave him great pleasure. 孙子孙女的出生给他带来了极大的快乐。
      A giant panda is tiny at birth.
      The cat gave birth to five kittens.
13.patch n. 斑;斑点
  eg. The black dog has a white patch on its back. 这条黑狗的背上有一块白斑。
14.shoulder n. 肩;肩膀
  eg. Mother put her arm round the boys shoulder. 母亲揽着这个男孩的肩膀。
15. central  adj. 中心的,中央的    centre n. 中心,中央    the centre of London  伦敦市的中心
  eg. He lives in central London.他住在伦敦中部.
16. Asia n.亚洲    Asian adj. 亚洲的  n. 亚洲人
  eg. China is in Asia and it is an Asian country.
17.face  n. 脸  v. 面对      face to face 面对面        *face the music 接受惩罚
  eg. There are tears on her face.
    The giant pandas are facing dangers.
18.menu n. 菜单
  eg. Whats on the menu tonight? 今晚有什么菜?
19.fur n. (动物的)毛皮
  eg. The animal is hunted for its fur. 狩猎这种动物是为了获取其毛皮。
20.cruel adj. 残忍的;残酷的    cruelty n. 残忍; 虐待;残暴的行为
  eg. Dont be cruel to animals!不要虐待动物!
    Her eyes are cruel and hard. 她目光冷酷。

fact file 档案
the giant panda 大熊猫
in the wild 在野外
at birth 出生时
a kind of 一种
all kinds of=all sorts of 各种各样的
the rest of 其余的
Central and Western China 中西部地区
South-East Asia 东南亚
South China tigers 华南虎
the bamboo forests 竹林
as much as 像......那样多
on one’s own=by oneself 独立地,独自地
stay healthy=keep healthy  保持健康
up to 达到
cut down 砍到,消减
come close 接近
wave at(to) 向(某人)挥手示意
in group 成组
around the world=all over the world=all through the world全世界
the red-crowned crane 丹顶鹤
a 一个叫......的女孩
become good at 变得擅长weigh的各种形式
a nature reserve 一个自然保护区
take care of =look after 照顾,照看
day and night日日夜夜
go missing [美国口语]不在,缺席
