以s、ch、sh结尾的:boss match wish watch speech laboratory factory
辅音字母+y结尾的:hobby diary activity lady ability century country dictionary
以f或者fe结尾的:life scarf knife leaf wife
以man结尾的:fisherman policeman postman German
特殊变化的:mouse Japanese tooth foot
2.以er结尾的职业:winner swimmer player singer dancer singer officer reader stranger speaker leader fighter
ruler writer interviewer manager climber
以tist结尾的职业:artist scientist tourist
以or结尾的职业:visitor inventor director
3.表示次数:one-once two-twice
4.以ing结尾的名词camping building shopping skating beginning meaning shaking cooking parking feeling
training raising travelling
5.以ly结尾的副词bad-badly slowly sadly clearly certainly correctly suddenly wisely carefully carelessly
finally easily closely exactly loudly recently heavily highly peacefully simply completely properly rapidly smoothly specially widely usually successfully luckily
6.以ly结尾的形容词friendly weekly lonely lively elderly lovely
7.动词变成过去分词作形容词的:break-broken lose-lost do-done surprise-surprised finish-finished
pollute-polluted worry-worried dry-dried satisfy-satisfied fix-fixed(固定的)
8.以ful结尾的形容词:care-careful help-helpful wonder-wonderful success-successful harm-harmful
9.以less结尾的形容词: care-careless help-helpless
10.某国人或某国的Canadian Australian American Indian African Asian European Russian
11.东西南北的形容词:east-eastern west-western south-southern north-northern
12.直加ion结尾的名词direct-direction invent-invention suggest-suggestion
去e加ion结尾的名词communicate-communication pollute-pollution educate-education
非常特殊变化的pron o unce-pronunciation (前面的o没有了,后面去e加的iation)
13.以sion结尾的名词discuss-discussion decide-decision
14.加前缀a变成只做表语的形容词live-alive sleep-asleep wake-awake
15.加ous变成形容词的danger-dangerous humor-humorous
16.变y结尾的形容词noise-noisy luck-lucky fun-funny sleep-sleepy wealth-wealthy
17.以y结尾的表示天气的形容词rain-rainy snow-snowy cloud-cloudy wind-windy
18.以ness结尾的名词ill-illness sad-sadness blind-blindness care-carelessness busy-business
加前缀im或者un变成反义词的:impossible impatient untidy unusual unknown uncomfortable
20.加ing变形容词的smile-smiling come-coming last-lasting miss-missing sleep-sleeping(睡着的)
21.living作形容词表示“活着的”living room living things living areas
living作名词表示谋生for a living
22.以ing结尾修饰物的形容词excite-exciting bore-boring tire-tiring
以ed结尾修饰人的形容词excite-excited bore-bored tire-tired
23.动词变名词的advise-advice serve-service speak-speech think-thought know-knowledge difficult-difficulty
discover-discovery succeed-success agree-agreement develop-development choose-choice weigh-weight please-pleasure act-action/actor/actress
24.形容词变名词的safe-safety true-truth proud-pride possible-possibility different-difference social-society
25.名词变形容词的nature-natural silence-silent centre-central value-valuable nation-national person-personal
medicine-medical Britain-British
26.动词变形容词的die-dead please-pleased
27.动词变介词的cross across
29.形容词之间的转化late-latest interest-interested-interesting
30.基数词变序数词:特殊记的:first second third fifth eighth ninth twelfth
整十变序数词的:twentieth thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth
固定短语表示“几十多岁”,用in one’s +整十的复数如in his twenties
35. 形容词/副词变比较级和最高级
需要双写的:bigger/biggest thinner/thinnest slimmer/slimmest
fatter/fattest redder/reddest hotter/hottest
1.We can’t breathe ____________(very clean or cool)air because of the haze(雾霾).
2.We often enjoy Beijing Opera at the ____________(in the area near where you live)theatre.
3.Yao Ming is ____________(known by many people)as a basketball player.
4.Mr White is planning to ____________(go away)New York tonight.
5.He asked a question but nobody____________(say or write something as an answer).
6.I ____________(want to know something)why people think highly of Tan Dun.
7.The little cat seemed very ____________(not strong). Let’s take it to the animal centre.
8.The police ____________(look carefully for something)the house for the stolen jewelry.
9.Zhang Hua ____________(run quickly)into the kitchen and poured some water over the blanket.
10.The fire ____________(hurt someone with fire)him seriously. He should be operated on right away.
11.The little girl is so ____________(not afraid)that she saved so many people in the earthquake.
12.He lives ____________(without any other people),but he never feels ____________(not happy because of
being alone).
13.Miss Green is ____________(not often)late for work.
14.We should ____________(do sports)every day to keep ____________(strong and healthy).
15.I think the colour of my trousers ____________(go well with)my trainers.
16.The girl is so ____________(beautiful)and ____________(lovely)that many people like her.
17.On Christmas Day, children often receive plenty of ____________(present).
18.Though the mobile phone was very ____________(costing not very much money), nobody wanted it.
19.We students often ____________(talk about something)in groups in class.
20.The general manager ____________(give something to someone)me a chance although I made a silly
21.We have ____________(be best or first in a competition)the basketball game, so everyone is happy.
22.Learning ____________(not in or from your own country)____________(words used in speaking and
writing)is fun.
23.Would you like to ____________(take part in)the Dancing Club?
24.The film itself is ____________(not interesting), but the lead role performs very well.
25.The ____________(a long trip)made me very tired.
26.____________(at last; in the end), we ____________(get to; arrive at)the hotel.
27.It was an amazing day because we saw the ____________(most important)sights of the world in just one
28.What a ____________(very bad)day it was!
29.What an ____________(very bad)day it was!
30.The bottle is ____________(make something full of something else)with water.
31.I had my bicycle ____________(fix)yesterday.
32.My head teacher ____________(tell someone what you think he/she should do)me to read more books.
33.She ____________(tell someone what you think he/she should do)having lunch at the new restaurant just
34.Many VIPs will ____________(go to)the meeting.
35.Sadly, wild animals face ____________(bad or dangerous)problems. We should take action right away.
36.____________(not any)of the students likes too much homework.
37.Do you ____________(know)the meaning of this sentence?
38.Thousands of ____________(visitors)come here to pay a visit to the Great Wall.
39.Mrs Black is warm-hearted and she often ____________(give something to someone or something else)the
homeless man with some food.
40.His performance was ____________(the best)in every way.
41.Remember to put your wallet in the ____________(not in danger)place.
42.After the party, the house was ____________(quiet).
43.Please ____________(move quickly form side to side, up and down)the bottle before drinking.
44.The old couple have been ____________(having a husband or a wife)for fifty years.
45.My house is three ____________(a group of buildings with streets on all sides)away from the police station.
46.He used to work in the ____________(a place where things are made by machines).
47.Finally, she ____________(know or understand something that you didn’t know before)that she could have
success by working hard.
48.Wall Street is one of the world-famous ____________(the activity of buying and selling)centres. There are
many big companies and ____________(two or more countries taking part in)banks here.
49.It’s exciting to see the ____________(very large, big)glass ball falling through the darkness in Times Square
on New Year’ Eve.
50.Only ____________(more than two, some, a few)people went away.
51.Listening to music can help me ____________(rest after work)in my ____________(free)time.
52.Broadway has been famous for its theatres since the early twentieth ____________(a period of one hundred
53.After our ship crashed ____________(hitting something)the rocks, I swam as far as I could.
54.When Gulliver woke up, he found that his arms, legs and hair were ____________(hold things together with
ropes)to the ground.
55.She had to live in a ____________(very small or very little)room.
56.The rain ____________(keep doing sth)falling all the afternoon yesterday.
57.Luckily, we ____________(finish what you have tried to do)to get to the airport in time.
58.British people usually start a ____________(a small talk or dialogue)by talking about the weather.
59.When you talk with a woman, remember to ____________(try not to do something)subjects like age or
60.Strong light may cause ____________(the condition of being unable to see)or serious loss of vision.
weigh形容词61.____________(a person who is ill, especially in hospital)are usually taken care of by nurses in the hospital..
62.The young man was too poor to ____________(have enough money to pay for something)a piece of bread.
63.We should ____________(put things into different groups)different things into different groups and then
64.My parents don’t ____________(let someone do something)me to go out alone at night.
65.Don’t throw the rubbish everywhere, or you’ll be ____________(make someone pay money because he or
she has done something wrong)by the police.
66.More and more people start to use some new types of energy because they ____________(cause a result)
little pollution.
67.It is said that colours can ____________(make someone change; affect)our moods.
68.My bicycle is broken. It ____________(need)repairing.
69.I had no ____________(the right to decide which thing you want)but to accept the result.
70.I can’t ____________(form a picture in your mind of someone or something)what life will be like in the
71.I often ____________(be not sure if something is true)what the man says because he is dishonest..
72.My parents and teachers are always ____________(make sure that rules are obeyed)with me.
73.Thanks for your ____________(very useful or important)ideas.
74.October 1 is ____________(of a whole country)Day.
75.Last term Jack ____________(achieve something that you have been trying to do)in passing the final exam
with his teacher’s help.
76.Through hard work, Spud Webb proved that size and body doesn’t ____________(be important).
77.My father ____________(advise)me not to stay up.
78.I hope you can offer me some ____________(advice)on how to improve my English.
79.Spud ____________(stay)there for a year before the NBA took notice of him.
80.Who has influences your life most in your ____________(everyday)life? My father.
81.I can’t decide ____________(if)to go there again.
82.I could ____________(almost not)believe my eyes.
83.Amy is ____________(not here)today because of her illness.
84.No one can ____________(work out)the maths problem because it is too difficult.
85.I can read books ____________(every time)I want to.
86.Tan Dun can make music with ____________(not special)things.
87.Millie has a ____________(talent)for drawing.
88.He was able to ____________(make something work in the way you want)the speed of water to make
different sounds from water.
89.I often watch TV to know the ____________(latest)sports news.
90.The presidents ____________(give something to someone, especially at an important event)the famous
runner with a golden medal last year.
91.Though the man is very ____________(rich; have a lot of money),he never donates money to th
e poor.
92.Zhao Wei played the ____________(the main character)role in that film.
93.Don’t make many ____________(people who hate you or speak and act against you)when you are young, or
it must be bad for your growth.
94.The Basketball match is covered ____________(send out while the event is happening)on TV.
95.The man was in prison because he was ____________(do something against the law)of robbery.
96.I ____________(think or believe something is possible; guess)Jenny will win the game.
97.The Great Wall is ____________(thought)as one of the Seven ____________()in the world.
98.Taiwan ____________(be in a place)in the southeast of China.
99.Armstrong was the first man to walk on the Moon’s ____________(the outside or top part of some
thing). 100.Before Zhu Zhiwen became a popular singer, he used to be an ____________(not famous)farmer.
101.Milk should be ____________(keep something somewhere)in the fridge in summer.
102.If you answer the last question ____________(in a correct way; correctly), you will win the guessing game. 103.In general robots will ____________(provide what is needed)people’s needs in the future.
104.People have to move to another planet because of the ____________(happening in a short period of time)increase in population.
105.The ____________(the total number of people in a country)of China is over 1.3 billion now.
106.The food smells ____________(delicious; having a nice taste).
107.Unluckily, most of the ____________(a person who rides in a car, bus, train, etc. but does not drive it)died of the traffic accident.
108.Let's ____________(decide in what way things are similar or different)this photo with that one, and find out the difference between them.
109.These unusual boots are ____________(for one purpose)designed for astronauts.
110.Xiao Ming is always the first to ____________(finish)his homework in his class.
