人教版八年级英语-13 八下核心词汇句型预习三
1.想象做某事 _________________________
2.一种强烈的满足感 _________________________
3.做某事有困难 _________________________
4.对……满意 _________________________
5.打扫干净 _________________________
6.使变得高兴,振奋起来 _________________________
7.分发,散发 _________________________
8.想出,提出 _________________________
9.推迟 _________________________
10.照顾 _________________________
11.赠送 _________________________
12.起作用,有影响 _________________________
I hope you can take care of our new boy and _________ _________ _________ _________ if he needs it.
People _____  _____ many trees so elephants are losing their homes.
The books ___________________ to those poor children.
The teacher tells us ___________________what we can do today till tomorrow.
He blew out all the candles in one go, hoping that the wish he had made would ____________ ____________.
____________of VR technology, people can ____________ places of interest both at hom
e and abroad instead of going there in person.
19.Close your eyes and _________ you are walking in a forest.(imagination)
20.I had my old bicycle_____(fix) up in order to give it away to charity.
21.________ (avoid) the risk of losing everything, you’d better not put all eggs in one basket.
22.He had his car ________ (repair) on his way to the party, so he was late that day.
23.Let’s ___________ (play) football after school.
24.—Could you tell me what the sign means?
—Keep distance in public places to avoid________ (catch) a virus.
25.Social workers in our community are patient enough _______ (explain) how to register Huaishangtong (注册淮上通).
26.Mr Wu advised us ________ (not be) dishonest because that would make us lose friends.
27.Good books are like good friends. Our teachers expect us ______ (read) more good books.
28.Don’t forget ________ (read) new words aloud every day.
A kangaroo is a tall, strong animal. It has large feet, a long tail, thick brown fur (毛) and pointy ears. The kangaroo is regarded as a ___29___ of Australia. Also, kangaroos have been used ___30___ mascots (吉祥物) for sports teams.
Kangaroo is the name for an adult. It can grow up to two meters ___31___, and weigh 90 kilograms. Joey is the name for a baby kangaroo. However, ___32___ a joey is born, it isn’t like a kangaroo. It is red, and it has no fur. It looks like a peanut (花生).
A new born joey cannot see. It is blind. ___33___ it has no problem finding a way to its mother’s pouch (育儿袋). It just moves slowly up and goes into the mother’s pouch. The mother’s pouch becomes its ___34___ home.
A joey ___35___ in its mother’s pouch. It drinks its mother’s milk and becomes bigger and bigger. Its fur starts to grow. Red fur is for a boy, while grey fur is for a girl. After a few months, a joey’s back legs start to grow. The legs start to grow longer and ___36___. Now it’s time for a joey to come out of the pouch. It jumps and runs around in the field. And then it comes back to its mother’s pouch to sleep.
A joey has to stay in its mother’s pouch ___37___ about a year, and be fed by the mother until reaching 18 months. When it becomes bigger than the pouch, it ____38____ its first home.
Goodbye and good luck, Joey!
29.A.heart    B.symbol    C.place    D.map
30.A.by    B.up    C.as    D.in
31.A.tall    B.deep    C.wide    D.far
32.A.where    B.what    C.why    D.when
33.A.Then    B.Even    C.But    D.So
34.A.first    B.third    C.fifth    D.seventh
35.A.grows out    B.grows up    C.grows down    D.grows to
36.A.weaker    B.lighter    C.softer    D.stronger
37.A.in    B.after    C.for    D.at
38.A.leaves    B.makes    C.returns    D.stays
