Unit 8 I’ve had this bike for three years.
I. 单项选择。
1—Have you locked the windows ______?
  —YesI have _______ locked them
    Aalreadyalready    Byetyet    Cyetalready    Dalreadyyet
2—I have bought a nice dress
  —Where _______ you _______ it?
    Ahavebought    Bweigh形容词.didbuy    Cwillbuy    Ddobuy
3Wang Lin says the purpose of staying in the United States is _______ more chances _______ English from Americans
    Ato getto learn    Bgettingto learn    Cgettingin    Dto getgetting
4My friendDarrenis coming to visit us. I’m looking forward _______ him
    Ameet    Bmeeting    Cto meet    Dto meeting
5—The radio is too noisy and there is nothing interesting on itWhy don’t you _______?
    —All rightI’ll do that
    Aturn it on    Bturn it off    Cturn it back    Dturn it up
6—When did you start your math homework?
    —One hour agobut I _______ it yet
    Adidn’t finish    Bfinished
    Chave finished    Dhaven’t finished
7_______ wasn’t easy to win the match
    AIt    BThat    CThis    DOne
8—How long have you ______ the book?
  —For three days
    Aborrowed    Bkept    Clent    Dbought
9She is one of _______ singersI like her very much
    Afamous    Bthe most famous    Cmore famous    Dmost famous
10I think the question is _______ difficult to answer
    Amost    Bmany    Ca lot    Da bit
11Mary is an ______ girlShe lives with her grandmother
    A8-years-old    B8-year-old    C8-years old    D8 years old
12He used to _______ up earlyand now he gets used to _______ up early
    Agetgetting    Bgetget    Cgettingget    Dgettinggetting
13According ______ Mr. Wangwe’ll go on a trip this weekend
    Ain    Bto    Cat    Dfor
14The basketball ______ I bought yesterday cost me 80 yuan
    Awhen    Bthat    Cwho    Dwhat
15Look! She’s standing ______ the ten children
    Aamong    Bbetween    Cof    Dfrom
II. 完形填空。
    In a small town in Francethere was a farmer who lived aloneEvery dayhe   1  a pound of butter to his neighbourwho was a bakerOne day the baker decided   2  the butter to see if he was getting a poundAfter he weighed(称……的重量) ithe found that he wasn’tThe baker then took   3  farmer to the judge(法官)
    The judge asked the farmer if he had any way to weigh the butterThe farmer answered,“I am so   4  that I do not have enough money to buy anything to weigh it  5  I do have a kind of scale(天平). The judge asked,“Then how do you weigh the butter?The farmer answered,“Before the baker started buying butter from   6  I had bought bread from himSo every time when I bring home the bread from the bakerI put it on the scale and give him the butter of the same weight.
    We   7  what we give to others in lifeWhenever you take actionask yourself this   8  .“Am I honest?
    Honesty or dishonesty can become a   9  Some dishonest people can lie(说谎) without a red faceOthers lie so much that they do not even   10  what the truth is any moreBut who is it bad for? As a matter of factthose who lie will hurt themselves by their own dishonest behaviour(行为,举止)
1A. gave            Bfed            Cthrew            Dsold
2Aweigh            Bweighing        Cto weigh        Dweighed
3A./            Ba            C. an            Dthe
4Arich            Bpoor            C. honest            Dquiet
5Aand            Bso            Cbut            Dor
6AI                Bmy            Cme            Dmine
7Aget back      Blook back        Cgive back        Dturn back
8Aanswer        Bquestion        Chelp            Didea
9Adifference        Bhabit            Cmistake        Ddifficulty
10Astudy            Bmean            Cimagine        Dknow
III. 阅读理解。
Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 151452 in ItalyHe is best known as an artist todayOne of his famous paintings is called Mona LisaHoweverLeonardo had many other natural abilitiesHe was also a great inventorMany of his inventions have become important in modern day life
    Although Leonardo hated warhe invented many different machines used for warHis most special invention was the machine gunwhich was produced and used in war many years later
    By watching the way birds flyLeonardo tried to find out the secret of flyingAmong his sketches(素描) we can see several objectsWe consider them as modern flying machines
    Leonardo spent many hours thinking about how to make good use of timeHe developed ideas for labor-saving machines like cutting machines
    Leonardo was a strange manHe didn’t eat any meatwhich was unusual in those tim
esHe never published(发表) his ideas and scientific discoveriesHe usually used mirror writingwhich looks like writing in a mirrorstarting from the right side of the page and moving to the left
