1.Louis Cha (金庸) passed away. As for his achievement, there is such a comment, “He ______ the Nobel Prize for Literature with his written works translated into English.”
A.could have been rewarded    B.must have been rewarded
C.should be rewarded    D.need have been rewarded
考查情态动词+have done用法。句意:金庸去世了,至于他的成就,有这样的评论:他本能获得诺贝尔文学奖用他的被翻译成了英语的著作。A. could have been rewarded本可以被授予;
B. must have been rewarded一定被授予;C. should be rewarded应该被授予;D. need have been rewarded本必要被授予。根据语境,A选项正确。
could have done可用于肯定句、疑问句和否定句。用于肯定句既可以表示过去能够做而实际未做,有惋惜、遗憾或委婉批评之意,通常译为“本来可以”“本来能”,也可以表示对过去动作的推测,常可译为“可能(已经)”。本句表达金庸本能获得诺贝尔文学奖,但却没有获得的惋惜。故A选项正确。
2.If we had taken such effective measures much earlier, the river          so seriously now.
A.is not polluted    B.would not be polluted
C.had not been polluted    D.would not have been polluted
选B 句意:如果我们早采取有力措施,现在河水就不会污染这么严重。主句表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气,用would加动词原形。
3.—Are we about to have dinner?
—Yes,it ________ in the dining room.
A.serves    B.is serving
C.is being served    D.has been serving
考查时态。因serve与it(dinner)是动宾关系,要用被动语态;由问句中的are about to(即将) have dinner和答语Yes可知,已“在”供应dinner了,故用现在进行时的被动语态。故选C。
4.Quantities of soil ________ in the area, resulting in the increasing number of natural disasters.
A.is washed away    B.have washed away
C.have washed away    D.have been washed away
【解析】考查时态和语态。句意:在这个地区大量的土壤被冲走了,结果导致自然灾害数量增加。句中soil和wash away是被动关系,此处指土壤已经被冲走并对现在造成影响,故要用现在完成时,要用现在完成时的被动语态,故选D。
5.Please wear your best clothes on Monday, as your class photos ______ then.
A.will take    B.will be taken    C.have taken    D.have been taken
weigh形容词6.103.When you visit our town next August, a modern sports center ________, for the National Games are to be held then.
A.will be constructing    B.will have been constructed
C.has been constructing    D.is being constructed
【解析】考查将来完成时态的被动语态。句意:明年八月当你访问我们城镇的时候,一个现代化的体育中心将已经被建成,因为那时全国运动会将被举行。根据时间状语next August,排除C,D两项,再根据a modern sports center和construct是被动关系,排除A项,用将来完成时态的被动语态。故选B项。
7.—I wonder why Robert hasn’t shown up at the interview yet. It’s a pity if he missed
—I’m not sure, but he _______ in a traffic jam riding here.
A.could stuck    B.should stuck
C.must have stuck    D.might have been stuck
8.-Mike, did you see Mr. Chapman in the office just now?
-Yes, he ________, and he looked a little bit nervous.
A.had interviewed    B.was interviewed
C.was being interviewed    D.is being interviewing
【解析】考查动词时态。句意:——迈克,你刚才看到Mr. Chapman在办公室吗?——是的,他正在接受采访,他看起来有点紧张。表示刚才正在进行的动作用过去进行时,句中he和动词interview是被动关系,所以此处用过去进行时的被动,故选C。
9.The headmaster in our school hopes that we will be more ambitious when we graduate than when we ________ admitted.
A.will get    B.get
C.got    D.have got
10.It was the natural disaster, rather than human errors, that ________ for the death of so many innocent people.
A.are blamed    B.was to blame    C.was blamed    D.were to blame
考查主谓一致以及be to blame的用法。句意:是自然灾害,而不是人为错误,应对这么多无辜人类的死亡负责。be to blame for…表示“应受责备,应对……负责”时,固定短语,因此排除A、C项;这里强调主语the natural disaster,是一个强调句,谓语动词应与主语保持一致,即与the natural disaster保持一致,因此用was to blame,故选B项。
11.Only by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent _______ properly in this hospi
A.can be the patients treated
B.the patients can be treated
C.can the patients be treated
D.treated can be the patients
考点 : 考查部分倒装
12.8 students and 2 teachers       at Santa Fe High School by a 17-year-student armed wi
th a shotgun and a pistol. This is one of the many gun-related tragedies that have happened in the last 2 years.
A.killed    B.were killed
C.have killed    D.have been killed
【解析】考查被动语态。句意:在圣塔菲高中,一名17岁的学生手持猎和一把手,在圣塔菲高中杀害了8名学生和2名教师。8 students and 2 teachers是句子主语,复数形式,和kill之间是被动关系,再根据in the last 2 years.可知这是最近两年发生的与有关的事故之一,可知这是在讲过去的事情,所以句子用一般过去时态的被动语态,故答案为B。
13.—Have you heard of yesterday's gas explosion?
