1.Her son is ________ young ________ dress himself.
A.so;that    B.too;to    C.such;that    D.enough;to
2.— Although Angela was not prepared, she did really well and was soon ahead of the others.
—Great. She is always smart and lucky.
A.better than    B.worse than    C.far behind    D.poorer than
3.Lucy is good at ________ chess.
A.play    B.to play    C.playing
4.I ran after Disney characters and _________ photos.
A.could stop taking    B.couldn't stop taking    C.could stop to take    D.couldn't stop to t
5.It ________ them one hour to get to the museum by bus last Monday.
A.spent    B.took    C.spend    D.paid
6.—Let’s go to the movies this weekend.
—Sorry, but my parents and I have decided ________ to Mountain Xuebao for camping.
A.go    B.going    C.to go    D.went
7.—What’s the matter ________ your brother?
—He has a bad cold.
A.with    B.on    C.at    D.in
8.There is no doubt _________ the book The Diary of a Young Girl is ________ again and again.
A.whether; well worth reading    B.that; well worth reading
C.that; very worth to read    D.if; very worth to read
9.We _________ the whole holiday _________ in Shanghai. It was really a great holiday.
A.spent, to stay    B.took, staying    C.took, stay    D.spent, staying
10.I can’t imagine ________ without trees.
A.live    B.lived    C.living    D.to live
11.—I feel upset because I am too heavy.
—Why don’t you _________ more exercise to lose weight?
A.do    B.doing    C.to do
12.— What would you like to do to relax yourself?
— I prefer to play basketball rather than ______ films.
A.watching    B.to watch    C.watch    D.to watching
13.Which of the following is WRONG?
A.I prefer to go when everybody is there rather than go alone.
B.I prefer talking long walks to going to gyms.
C.I prefer to follow the lead of others than to make my own decisions.
D.I prefer thinking of ourselves as artists.
14.Millie is generous ________ us and she often helps us ________our English.weight的搭配
A.for; about    B.to; about    C.for; with    D.to; with
15.The bike ________worth _______ since it’ll be cheaper to buy a new one.
A.doesn’trepairing    B.doesn’tto repair    C.isn’tto repair    D.isn’trepairing
16.It’s rather cold outside. I would rather ________ at home.
A.to stay    B.staying    C.stay    D.stayed
17.Books are made ________ paper and paper is made ________ wood.
A.from; of    B.of; from    C.from; from    D.of; of
18.—It’s time _______ dinner.
—OK. Let’s _______.
A.for; go    B.for; to go    C.to; going    D.to; to go
19.— I didn’t see Molly last week.
— ________ I know, she went to Paris last week.
A.As far as    B.As long as    C.As soon as    D.As often as
20.To my ________, Jim didn’t come to work again.
A.surprise    B.surprises    C.surprised    D.surprising
21.Judy ____________ like a queen in her birthday party.
A.dressed up    B.look    C.act    D.dressed in
22.—You look so tired. What's wrong?   
—I couldn't sleep well last night, the noise outside my house almost drove me mad.
A.made me drive crazily                      B.made me awake                      C.made me crazy
23.This kind of wine ________ fruit and it ________ very well.
A.is made of; tastes    B.is made with; feels    C.is made from; sells
24.It’s good for us to have __________ fresh fruit and vegetables.
A.much    B.a few    C.plenty of    D.a little
25.Why not ________ dinner at home? It’s very expensive to eat at the restaurant.
A.having    B.to have    C.have    D.had
26.Please be quick, or we will have no time ____ have lunch.
A.to    B.in    C.on    D./
27.We will be free tomorrow, so I suggest __________ to the history museum.
A.to visit    B.visiting    C.we should visit    D.a visit
28.—_______ you able to see the sea from this window?
—Yes, it’s peaceful. Some people are swimming in the sea.
A.Do    B.Are    C.Will    D.Have
29.—What do you think of the college education?
— It is ________great value in one's life.
A.of    B.on    C.for    D.during
30.It's not easy ________ the boy ________ out this problem.
A.of; work    B.of; to work
C.for; work    D.for; to work
31.What about _________ a picnic tomorrow?
A.go to    B.going to    C.go on    D.going on
32.─Is the school close ________ the post office?
─No. It's far ________ the post office.
A.to;to    B.from;from    C.from;to    D.to;from
33.It’s necessary for us         English well.
A.to learn    B.learning    C.learn    D.learns
34.It's careless(粗心)______the same mistake again in your composition.
A.for you to make    B.for you making
C.of you to make    D.of you making
35.Look! There are two planes _____in the sky.
A.fly    B.flying    C.to fly    D.are flying
36.More and more robots will do _____ jobs _____ people.
