weight的搭配1. concern n 忧虑,担心(不可数);关心(不可数);担心的事,关心的事(可数)
His concern about/ for / over the matter grew with each passing day.他对此事的担忧与日俱增。
Thanks for your concern.谢谢你的关心。
If you feel one of your teammates isn’t pulling their weight, then raise your concerns in a professional way with your team coach.如果你觉得你的一个队友没有尽到自己的责任,那么用专业的方式向你的团队教练提出你担忧的事。(外研版新教材高中第三册)
2. concern vt 关于,与...有关;使担心
Please pay attention to the notice because it concerns all of us.请注意这个通知,因为它与我们所有人都有关。
His mother’s illness greatly concerns him.他母亲的病使他非常担心。
As a good teacher, he always concerns himself with his students.作为一个好老师,他总是关心他的学生。
3. concerned adj担忧的,关心的(worried about sth; caring about sth)
be concerned about / for 对...担心
I’m concerned about / for his health.我担心他的健康。
As tourism develops, people are becoming increasingly more concerned about the environment.
We are concerned that many people in poor areas do not have enough to eat.我们担心贫困地区的许多穷人吃不饱饭。(外研版新教材高中第二册)
4. concerned adj 关切的,关注的(thinking sth is important)
be concerned with 对...关注
More and more people are concerned with the protection of environment.越来越多的人关注环境保护。
