When we buy unhealthy food (out of habit, or because there was a special offer on, or our children or spouse ask us to buy it, or the advertisers make them seem irresistible), we end up eating it. On days when all (1) (go) well and we’ve got the time and energy to prepare healthy dishes, we may be (2) (litter)tempted by junk food. But when we are in a rush or are feeling exhausted, depressed or ravenously hungry, we’ll eat “ (3) ”—our biochemistry steers us towards high-energy instant gratifiers.“Most of us have too much chaos going on in our lives (4) (focus) on every bit we eat consciously,” psychologist and mindful-eating expert Brian Wan sink said recently at the American Psychological Association’s annual meeting. “The secret is to change your environment so it works for you rather than (5) you.” His advice is to keep unhealthy foods, such as cake and potato chips, out of sight and to put healthy foods like fruits and vegetables at eye level. This way, we can eat better without even realizing we are doing (6) According to Wan sink, (7) (avoid) “hidden eating traps,” like making junk food easily accessible or eating in front of the TV, (8) help us to lose up to two pounds per mouth. I would go even further: don’t keep unhealthy food in the house at all— (9) when we are really desperate, we will
go to extremes to retrieve it from its hiding place. There is enough unhealthy food (10) (swirl) around us in offices, schools, gas stations and at social occasions. Let’s keep our homes junk-free. Many of us—flushed with New York’s resolve—are trying to break free from unhealthy behavior. A widely popular resolution is to eat less rubbish and shed a few pounds. So rather than resting your discipline and struggling to resist the siren call of the cookies “hidden” on top of your kitchen cabinet, how about simply getting rid of all the junk and daring to eat only healthy food at home?
■1.is going/goes
■4.to focus
解析:此处work against(对……不利)和前文work for(对……有利)形成对照。
解析:此处代词“it”回指前文“eat better”。
解析:此处avoiding“hidden eating traps”(避免潜在的饮食陷阱)做主语,因为我们与“avoid”之间是主动关系,所以此处用-ing形式。
解析:此处swirling(旋转)所在的-ing分词分句充当enough unhealthy food的后置修饰语。因为enough unhealthy food和swirl之间是主动关系,所以使用-ing形式。
Many drivers dream of the day when they can sit back while their car drives itself. While several companies are working hard to make (1)    a reality, self-driving cars still face many problems. Google was one of the first (2) (get) into this industry. It (3) (develop) self-driving cars since 2009, and its new
driverless car is called Firely. But the driverless car is only a “fair weather friend”, the Daily Mail commented .According to the MIT Technology Review, the current driverless cars can’t react like a human driver. They can’t drive in heavy rain or snow. Chris Urmson, director of the Google car team, said that this is because the detection technology is not yet good enough to separate certain objects from weather conditions. In the cars’ eyes, raindrops and snowflakes are the same as rocks, and cars stop for them. But if the manhole (下水道入口)ahead is left (4) (uncover), they drive over it without hesitation.
(5) all these problems, Urmson said driverless cars will happen more quickly than people think .But even at that time, driverless cars won’t be truly “driverless.”In the US, only when someone sits in the driver’s seat (6) driverless cars allowed on roads in certain states. European countries, Mexico, Chile, Brazil and Russian follow the United Nations Convention on Road Traffic. The convention used to say: “Every driver (7) at all times be able to control his vehicle or to guide his animals.” A change was agreed in May, allowing a car to drive itself (8) (此题3空)a driver is in the car and able to take the wheel at any time.
解析:it指代前文提到的they can sit back while their car drives itself这件事。
■2.to get
解析:序数词+to do sth,表示“第几位做某事的”,这句话的意思是“谷歌是第一家进入这个行业的公司”。
■3.has been developing
解析:根据后面的since 2009,可判断出从2009年就一直在发展,用现在完成进行时,故填入has been developing。
解析:despite, 介词,表示“尽管”。这句话的意思是“尽管有这些问题,Urmson说无人驾驶汽车也会来得比人们想象的快”。
解析:only引导的从句置于句首,后面要使用部分倒装,故are 提前,放在主语前面。这句话的意思是“只有司机座位上有人,无人驾驶汽车才可以在某些州上路”。
■8.as long as
解析:as long as,表示“只要”。这句话的意思是“5月份这项规定发生了一些改变,只要有司机在车上能够掌控车,无人驾驶汽车就可以自动驾驶”。
Dating from 1971 and directed by Francis Ford Coppola, The Godfather won three Oscars. (1) (last) almost three hours, the film is Shakespearean in its scope and ambition. It is the story of a New York mafia family headed by Marlon Brando as “the Godfather”. (2) Brando has the title role,it is Al Pacino playing his troubled son Michael (3) steals the show in a masterly performance. (4) (achieve) his aim of taking the audience on an emotional rollercoaster tide,the director intersperses(点缀) long scenes of family life with shorter sequences of extreme violence. Having been shot in explicit detail, this violence may shock some viewers. But anyone (5) (prepare) to put up with this will enjoy (6) unique dramatic experience. In fact, for many people The Godfather is the greatest American film made in the
解析:根据句意:尽管Brando扮演的是主要角,但Al Pacino所扮演的角贡献了精湛的表演,很明显句子前后是让步关系,所以连词可以用although也可以用though,注意首字母大写。
■4.To achieve
解析:这里的to achieve意思是为了达到……样的目的,句意为:为了达到带动观众情绪起伏的目的,所以这里填动词不定式to achieve,注意首字母大写。
Science can’t explain the power of pets, but many studies (1) (show) that the company of pets can help lower blood pressure and raise chances of recovering from a heart attack, reduce loneliness and spread all-round good cheer .Any owner will tell you (2) (此题2空)joy a pet brings. For some, an animal provides more comfort than a husband/wife. A 2002 study by Karen Allen of the State University of New York measured stress levels and blood pressure in people—half of them pet owners—while they performed 5 minutes of mental arithmetic (算术) or held a hand in ice water. Subjects completed the tasks alone, with a husband/wife, a close friend or a pet. People with pets did it best. (3) tested with their animal friends had smaller change in blood pressure and returned (4) (quickly) to baseline heart rates. With pets in the room, people also (5) (make) fewer math mistakes than when doing the tasks in front of other companions. It seems people feel more relaxed around pets, says Allen, (6) thinks it may be because pets don’t judge .A study (7) (release) last fall suggests that having a pet dog not only raises your spirits but may also have an effect on your eating habits. Researchers at Northwestern Memorial Hospital spent a year studying 36 fat people and their equally fat dogs on diet-
and-exercise programs. A separate group of 56 people without pets (8) (put) on a diet program. On average, people lost about 11 pounds, or 5% of their body weight. Their dogs did even better, (9) (lose) an average of 12 pounds, more than 15%
