Unit 1 How can we become good learners?
Section A
work with sb. 和...合作/一起工作
listen to tapes 听磁带
ask sb. for help  向某人寻求帮助
study for a test  备考
study by doing sth.  通过...方法学习
have a conversation with sb.  和某人谈话
read aloud 大声朗读
practice pronunciation  练习发音
learn a lot  学到很多
speaking skills 口语表达能力
spoken English 英语口语
finish doing sth. 结束做某事
give a report 作报告
have a report 听报告
at first  一开始
first of all  首先,第一
be patient  耐心
be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心
be patient of sth. 忍耐某事
the secret to  ...的秘诀
learn to do sth.  学习做某事
so ... that  太...以至于...
most of the time  大部分时间
be afraid of sth. 害怕某物
be afraid to do 因害怕而不敢做
because of sth.  由于;因为
poor pronunciation 糟糕的发音
watch a movie
watch an English movie
fall in love with 强调动作性
be in love with  强调状态性
begin to do = begin doing 开始做某事
at the beginning of 在...的开始
body language  肢体语言
help sb. do sth. = help sb. to do sth.= help sb. with sth.  帮助某人做某事
as well  也
a piece of cake 小菜一碟
It serves you right. 你活该
want sth.  想要某物
want to do sth.  想要做某事
want sb. to do sth.  想要某人做某事
look up sth. in a dictionary  查字典
have a better understanding of
the meaning of    ...的意思
repeat out aloud  大声重复
take notes  做笔记
do exercises 做练习
read a newspaper/ read newspapers
keep a diary in English  用英语写日记
Section B
make mistakes/ make a mistake 犯错误
increase to 1,000 增加到
increase by 10%  增加了
at a speed of = at the speed of  以 ... 的速度
be born with  天生具有
the ability to do    ......的能力
depend on  取决于;若接动词,用V-ing
learning habits    学习习惯
have ... in common 有共同点
be interested in sth./ doing sth.  对...感兴趣
pay attention to 注意;若接动词,用V-ing
connect ... with  把 ...与... 联系起来
be connected with sth.  与...相连
get bored  变得无聊
be good at 在...方面做得好;擅长于
be good for  对...有好处
be good to 对...友善
Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。
find out 出
try doing sth. 尝试做某事
try to do sth.  尽力做某事
be stressed out  感到紧张,有压力
remember to do 记得要做某事,表还未做
remember doing 记得做过
on one’s own  独自地,独立地
of one’s own  某人自己的
instead of sth./ doing sth.  替代;而不是
one by one
word by word
bit by bit
over and over again
a little = a bit 
not a little = very much  很,非常
not a bit = not ... at all  一点儿也不,毫不
1.something/ anything/ nothing + adj.
2.exciting  --  excited
  interesting  --  interested
  surprising  --  surprised
  amazing  --  amazed
  relaxing  --  relaxed
  embarrassing  --  embarrassed
  boring  --  bored
  ing 时,主语通常是物
1. ...... by + V-ing 
2. What about (doing) sth?  = ?
  建议句型:...... 怎么样?
3. It is + adj. + for sb. to do sth.
  It is not + adj. + for sb. to do sth. weight的搭配
kind, nice, clever, foolish等形容人的性格  品质时,用of 不用 for
It is kind of you to say so.
4. The more you read, the faster you will be.
  The + 比较级 ..., the + 比较级 ... .
  越 ... ,越 ... 。
5. find it + adj. to do sth.
6. so ... that ... 句型
  太 ... 以至于 ...
Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!
Section A
be crowded with  被 ... 挤满
put on weight  增加体重;发胖
put on five pounds  体重增加了五磅
lose weight 减肥
in two weeks  在两周之后
be similar to 与 ... 相似
throw sth. to sb.  扔给某人
throw sth. at sb.  抛向某人
for centuries  数个世纪以来
in the shape of 呈 ... 的形状
the story of  ...... 的故事
shoot down  击落;射下
take/ have the medicine  吃药
refuse to do  拒绝做某事
lay out 摆开,布置
admire sb. for doing sth. 
share sth. with sb.  与某人分享某物
as a result  结果
as a result of = because of  因为,由于
become more and more popular
spend time/money on sth.
spend time/money in doing sth.
Section B
dress up as 打扮成
dress up in + color  颜用in
treat sb. to sth.  请某人吃...
treat ... as ...把 ... 当作...
play a trick on sb.  捉弄某人
the importance of  ......的重要性
be mean to sb.  对...刻薄
care about 关心
hate to do; hate doing 讨厌;用法同like
used to do 过去常常
warn sb. to do sth. 警告某人做某事
warn sb. not to do sth. 警告某人不要做某事
warn sb. of/against sth. = warn sb. of/against doing sth. 告诫某人当心/提防某事
end up with  以 ...... 结束
end up + 介词短语
end up doing sth. 以...结束
remind sb. of sth./sb. 
remind sb. to do sth.
decide to do = make a decision to do
promise sb. sth.  允诺某人某事
promise to do sth./ promise sb. to do sth.
treat sb. with sth.  用/以......对待某人
the beginning of sth.  ......的开始
at the beginning of 反义  at the end of
